Left the base?
A trace of anger flashed in Zhou Mengya's eyes, and she pointed the blade in her hand at Shengze, "Why didn't you say it before?"

If he explained, she wouldn't stupidly ask Song Jinyun to run errands, but would avenge Brother Shengze on the spot!

Hatred almost covered Zhou Mengya's eyes, and anger burned her remaining sanity.

Pei Ke sat up straight, "Zhou Mengya, calm down!"

"Calm down? How do you want me to calm down? Do you know that Brother Shengze has turned into a zombie?! And I am riding for the enemy like a fool, and he! He clearly knows but refuses to tell me!"

Zhou Mengya angrily scolded Huo Yuan. She hated Huo Yuan, and she hated Song Jinyun even more. Why should they treat her like a fool?
Huo Yuan stood up, his eyes were calm, and his voice was low and slow, "I have no evidence to prove it, and if you and Song Jinyun are on good terms, will you believe it?"

Zhou Mengya collapsed and shed tears, but she had to admit that Huo Yuan was right. Not only was she good friends with Song Jinyun, the other reason was that Song Jinyun had saved her and Sheng Ze.

But she was in urgent need of an outlet to vent. She swung the knife in her hand at Huo Yuan without hesitation, "It's all because of you!"

Both of them had thunder powers, but Zhou Mengyaguang knew how to use them but had no skills. He was suppressed by Huo Yuan within three times.

"Calm down and think about how to find Song Jinyun."

Part of the infirmary was destroyed, and a patrol was called in. Both of them were punished and locked up in a dark room for three days.

After coming out, Zhou Mengya calmed down and stayed in the training room to train every day besides going out on missions.

Two months later, Pei Ke's injury was almost healed. Looking at Zhou Mengya, who was sweating profusely, he said, "I thought she would find news about Song Jinyun."

Huo Yuan didn't respond, "You've been lying down for a long enough time. It's enough to practice for the first time."

Half a year later, good news came from the base. Researchers led by Mingyue had developed a medicine for the zombie virus!
The base quickly sent the news to other bases. In less than an hour, the Third Base gathered leaders from all major bases.

The huge conference room was full of people, and Mr. An couldn't hide his joy when he came in. "I think everyone knows that the third base has developed the potion. We can tell you with certainty that it is true!"

Mingyue walked up and opened the safe in front of everyone. What was inside was a green liquid contained in a round tube. "Although the potion can destroy zombies, it will also make people with superpowers lose their superpowers."

As soon as the news came out, other people looked at each other in confusion. Half of them thought it was a good thing, and half thought it was inappropriate. Did the person with the superpower do something wrong? Why did he lose his superpower?

As the argument intensified, Mingyue closed the box and sat lazily on the chair.

An Lao did not expect such a scene. He patted the table and said, "This potion is a good thing for all mankind! Too many people have been sacrificed. What are you waiting for?"

Someone suggested, "Can't this potion improve it? For example, it can retain the ability to deal with superpowers."

"That makes sense. The end of the world is not protected by superpowers. Isn't it a little unkind for us to take away their abilities like this?"

"How many people with superpowers are there? How many ordinary people are there? You only think about people with superpowers, but what about ordinary people? They also just want to live peacefully!"

"That's it, look at this world. How long has it been since you smelled the fragrance of flowers? Do you still remember the color of the sky? How long has it been since you drank clear and sweet drinking water? This potion should be put in immediately!"

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