The two people in the conference room were arguing with each other, neither of them convinced of the other's point of view.

Mr. An angrily slapped the table a few times, "That's enough!"

The conference room fell silent.

Although Old An is old, he is also a man who has served in the military. When his momentum is released, it is not something that ordinary people can resist. Old An looks at Mingyue who has nothing to do with his voice calmly, "Girl Mingyue, tell me."

"Who is she? Why should she say it?"

Mingyue seemed not to have heard these words, lowering her eyes and playing with her slender fingers in a bored manner.

An Lao said, "She is the one who researched the antidote. Do you think she is qualified?"

The man shut up, but the suspicion in his eyes did not dissipate.

The conference room became quiet again. Mr. An sighed and expressed his opinion, "The potion must be put in. The second wave of zombies broke out a month ago. Don't you know the abilities of level three zombies? It's better to deal with it as soon as possible. Responsible for humanity!”

"Girl Mingyue, do you think this potion should be released? After all, you researched it."

Everyone focused their attention on Ming Yue. Ming Yue held her head with one hand and leaned on the chair as if she had no bones. There was a smile on her lips, "Don't you just want the zombies to disappear, but you don't want the superpower to disappear."

"It's not bad for humans to have superpowers. Our idea is understandable."

Mingyue looked at the speaker and nodded with interest, "That's right."

The man looked happy with recognition and raised his chin, "So, we ask for improvements to the potion. It would be great to get the best of both worlds."

"I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you so anxious?" Mingyue knocked on the table, her peach blossom eyes slightly curved, "I discovered something interesting half a year ago, and I'm here to invite you to take a look at it too."

As soon as Mingyue finished speaking, the door of the conference room opened, and three people with supernatural powers walked in, followed by Mr. Yan and others.

Mr. Yan personally placed the research materials in front of the leaders, and then stood behind Mingyue.

The document was just a few thin pieces of paper. Some people were shocked after reading it, "How is this possible? The abilities of superpowers are half the evolution of zombies?"

"It's simply unbelievable. People with superpowers experience high fever or severe cold before they finally evolve their own superpowers. These are evolved by humans to deal with zombies. You actually say that they are also zombies!"

"Zombies have no thoughts and no humanity. People with superpowers don't do this."

Mingyue raised her hand and lowered her voice, "Haven't you ever thought about how the first zombie appeared? Did they experience high fever or severe cold?"

"The infection routes we are all familiar with include scratching, biting, and zombie blood. But what about before zombies appeared? Why aren't animals and plants infected?"

No one answered the questions raised by Mingyue. Some people continued to look down at the information, while others whispered to each other to discuss the authenticity of the matter.

Mingyue glanced at the people present, with a smile on her red lips, "I just want you to witness it today."

Yan Laoyi raised his hand, and the others asked the three superpowers to sit on the chairs in the middle, and someone injected them with medicine.

The whole process took less than 3 minutes, and everyone watched the changes of the three people quietly. They saw that the three people were all red, as if they were suffering from a high fever.

A quarter of an hour later, one of them spit out a mouthful of black blood, and then the other two also spit out a mouthful of black blood. Mr. Yan ordered people to carry the person down.

"Look, there are worms in this black blood!"

Everyone followed the sound and saw that the three pools of black blood were crawling with invisible insects. They were extremely disgusting and exuded an unpleasant smell.

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