Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 280: Farming and Business Completed

Three years later, He Nian moved his family to the capital, and his business began to develop in the capital.

Gong Yu personally came to greet him at the city gate. After He Nian learned about it, he abandoned his car and ran away, going directly to the Ming Mansion.

Mingyue had enough time to ask: "Don't you like him?"

"That's not the case..." He Nian muttered, with a blush on her face. She didn't hide her thoughts when her little thoughts were exposed, and said frankly, "I have been assassinated several times because of him over the years, although, although …”

"Although what?" Mingyue asked.

He Nian lowered his head and played with his fingers in embarrassment, "Although he also saved me."

It wasn't because she was involved in the assassination, but because she was so popular in making money that the surrounding restaurants couldn't compete with her, so they could only spread rumors that she was a woman opening a restaurant, so it must be dirty inside.

As a result, she resisted forcefully and created a wave of publicity, which made the restaurant business even more popular. After that, she was made jealous by envious people, and she almost died.

It was Gong Yu who saved her. At that time, he was fighting fiercely with the third prince. Unexpectedly, he paid attention to her news and rushed over all the way, just in time to save her.

Moreover, this person is gentle and polite, respects her wishes, and never imposes his own wishes on her. She...she likes it, right?
The more she thought about it, the redder her face turned, and she coyly acted like a little daughter, "Oh, don't think about it now, I'm going to work on things in the restaurant!"

Mingyue joked and let He Nian go. She was too lazy to take care of Ming's embroidery and spinning, leaving everything to Gong Yu. She was only responsible for getting money every month.

In the fifth year of traveling and having fun, Mingyue received the news that He Nian and Gong Yu were getting married, so she drove a carriage for two days and finally arrived in the capital.

The old emperor of the Yue Kingdom retired, and several princes fought fiercely. In the end, they could only watch Gong Yu ascend the throne. The enthronement ceremony was held together with the emperor's wedding banquet. The grandness was breathtaking.

Mingyue stared at everyone's surprised eyes and sat down elegantly. Haoheng finished the banquet and left the capital before anyone could find out where this person was.

The following year, news of Mingyue's death reached the palace. He Nian, carrying a big belly, wanted to leave the palace despite the obstruction. When he saw Mingyue's body, he moved his fetus on the spot.

He Nian woke up and learned that he had given birth to a pair of twins. There was no joy on his face. He forced himself to hold a funeral for Mingyue. Gong Yu had no choice but to ask the imperial doctor to follow him.

He understood that Mingyue meant something different to He Nian, and he just wanted to be by her side silently.The funeral was held for three days. After He Nian watched Mingyue's coffin being buried, he finally couldn't hold on anymore. Gong Yu quickly hugged He Nian the second before he fainted.

"Little sister!"

He Ruyi quickly gave He Nian an injection and said, "Your Majesty, the Queen's body is not suitable for further treatment and she must rest in bed."

"I can."

He Nian's voice was light, his lips were colorless, but his eyes were looking at Gong Yu stubbornly.

Gong Yu hugged He Nian tightly and said with an almost trembling voice, "Okay."

He Ruyi sighed deeply, stuffed a piece of ginseng into He Nian's mouth, "Sister, I'll let you last for an hour at most."


He Ruyi injected a few more needles, and a trace of blood appeared on He Nian's pale face. After the funeral, Gong Yu hugged He Nian and ran back to the palace. Almost all the doctors from the Imperial Hospital were on standby.

He Nian fell down for almost half a month before he woke up. For a while, he saw the bloodshot eyes under Gong Yu's eyes and a bruise on his chin, "Gong Yu, you have become ugly."

"Then you can't get rid of me!"

Gong Yu fiercely declared his sovereignty.

He Nian burst into tears and laughed, but his hand touched Gong Yu's haggard face with distress.

Her husband is gone, but the task he left behind has not yet been completed. She will spend the rest of her life completing the task.

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