Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 281: Time and Space Bureau 9 words

Chapter 281: Nine words about the time and space bureau
Space and time Bureau——

"Master Jiu, you can't go in without a warrant."

The robot guard's face was cold, and its eyes flashed with red light, carrying a clear warning.

Jiuyan waved away the guard's blade and said, "Get away."

"You can't go in without a warrant."

The guard intercepted again, the red light in his eyes shining even more dazzlingly.

"Let him in."

The stiff scene of one person and one machine disappeared as the voices inside disappeared. Jiuyan strode in, "Director, I have something to report."

"Are you talking about the host bound to model 778?"

The director was the first to speak out. He raised his eyelids, his deep eyes concealing the wisdom accumulated over the years. He was not surprised at all by Jiu Yan's arrival.

Jiuyan frowned and nodded, and put the information he found in the director's hand at the same time, "The 778 model system was forced to sleep, why can he still bind to the host?"

The director crossed his hands on the table. He pondered for a long time before saying: "The 778 model system is the top secret of the Space and Time Bureau. I'm sorry that I can't answer it, but what I can tell you is that it can only bind one person."

Jiuyan was puzzled, thinking of the arrogant and unruly person in the plane, why could such a person arouse the pressure of heaven?
"If nothing happens, please continue to complete your job. I will personally supervise the 778 system."

The director began to issue eviction orders.

Jiuyan's eyes flashed with struggle, "Yes!"

It's in his nature to follow orders, but he won't give up on the investigation.

As soon as Jiuyan left, the director rubbed his eyebrows. 778 woke up from his deep sleep. The bureau paid attention immediately. Unexpectedly, 778 would choose her this time.

"Observe the 778 model system closely." The director paused for a few seconds in a calm voice, then continued with determination, "If there is an accident, destroy it on the spot."

After the email was successfully sent, the director's brows did not relax. He thought of the catastrophe of crossing the sky. Three thousand big worlds, nine thousand small worlds and hundreds of millions of derivative worlds were all affected by the crossing of the sky.However, if it hadn't been for the former director of the Space and Time Bureau who was greedy for Mingyue's ability, he tried to strip Mingyue's power and was counterattacked, but this would not have happened.

This time, no one will interfere, and hopefully there won’t be another crossing of the sky.

[Name: Mingyue
Soul Strength: Undetectable

Points: 30000]

[Congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host! ]
"Stop talking nonsense, next one."

778 嘤嘤嘤, the host is still so irritable, [Okay, Master Host. ]
As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw a sullen man wearing a purple turban with a large amount of skin exposed and asked softly, "Master Mingyue, which of these disciples do you like most?"

Mingyue silently took out a pack of plum blossom cakes and stuffed it into her mouth, and glanced lazily at the huge stone platform. It seemed that there were people with special materials that could be played in real time for trials.


Zhuji looked in the direction of Mingyue's finger, and saw that he was a man with ordinary qualifications, but with perseverance he slowly climbed to the middle of the steps.

"With such qualifications, even if she climbs up, she won't be able to become an inner disciple, right?"

Zhuji is a man, but he has a female face, and his raised eyebrows are as seductive as a seductive vixen. "I'm more optimistic about the one in front of me, so don't compete with me."


Mingyue ate the plum blossom cake indifferently, taking in the plot in her mind.

This is a useless heroine Jing Yao who just relied on her five miscellaneous spiritual roots to become the No. 1 immortal cultivator in the ancient continent.

However, the female supporting role Su Xueer unexpectedly gained the ability to suspend time. Jing Yao's training volume, and Su Xueer's single spiritual root training volume is even higher.

In particular, Su Xueer's use time is temporarily suspended, and others are still. When it resumes, her cultivation level seems to soar like a rocket in the eyes of others.

(End of this chapter)

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