Chapter 36: Dirty Actress (12)

"I really owe you, wait."

Shang Shaofu pinched Shang Wan's fleshy cheek, stood up and left.

"Hey, I know the second brother is the best!"

Shang Wan stuck out the tip of his tongue playfully, no matter what, it would be fine as long as the merchant did not fail.

Jiang Shengyan rushed to the hospital immediately after receiving the news. He opened the ward door and looked at Shang Wan, who was playing games with a serious look on his face. He breathed a sigh of relief, "Why are you suddenly sick? Is it serious?"

"It's not serious, just a little cold. My brother insisted on coming to the hospital and I had to come."

"As long as it's not serious." Jiang Shengyan rubbed Shang Wan's little head, "Have you eaten yet?"

"Second brother went to buy me food. Have you eaten?"

"There are too many things going on in the company and I forget to eat."

Jiang Shengyan lowered his eyes, his eyes were filled with gray, and he looked decadent and frustrated.

Shang Wan no longer wanted to play, and his heart stung uncontrollably. He couldn't help but reach out and touch Jiang Shengyan. In the novel, the male protagonist was always high-spirited and confident of victory.

She has never seen the male protagonist so decadent. It seems that he has really encountered something difficult this time.

"Don't be sad, I'll go back and talk to my elder brother."

After all, they are still married, and both companies are cooperating, so they have to help, right?
At worst, we can wait until later to break off the engagement.

"Thank you Awan."

Jiang Shengyan stared at Shang Wan affectionately. Shang Wan took his hand back and avoided it with panicked eyes, "Then you go and eat. I'll finish the water."

"It's okay, I'm here with you."

"I knew you would say that and deliberately make my sister feel sorry for you, right? I won't give you this chance."

Carrying a bunch of things, Master Shang forced Jiang Shengyan away. He turned to Shang Wan on the bed and said softly: "The seafood porridge contains your favorite crab."

"Thank you, brother!" Shang Wan opened the lid, and the aroma of seafood porridge instantly filled the air.

Shang Shaofu snorted coldly and threw two steamed buns at Jiang Shengyan, "Eat it."

"Thank you bro."

Jiang Shengyan didn't dislike it at all.

Young Master Shang gritted his teeth and glared at Jiang Shengyan. If he hadn't seen his sister next to him, would this brat have the right to call him brother?

"Come out for a while."

"Okay." Jiang Shengyan put down the steamed buns, "It's okay, I have a word with my brother."

Looking at Shang Wan's worried eyes, Shang Shaofu smiled politely, not at all sour. Wasn't it just a stinky man who abducted his sister?
The two of them left the ward one after another. Shang Shaofu had a cold face and asked, "What's the situation with Ming?"

Their family has heard about the deeds of Jiang and Ming to some extent. If it weren't for their sister, their family would not care about Jiang's life or death.

"Wen Qianyi knows, right? Awan has always been worried that I would be related to this person. In order to reassure Awan, I hid him. I didn't expect that he would fall into Mingyue's eyes."

Young Master Shang frowned slightly, his eyes dark and deep, "I understand, I will deal with it."

"Thank you bro."

Jiang Shengyan always felt that God was against him, as an ant could still enter Mingyue's eyes.

Really annoying.

The two talked for a while and then entered the ward. Mingyue bit the chicken leg and looked at Wen Qianyi calmly, "Are you leaving?"

Wen Qianyi felt very complicated. She always thought she had offended the people at the banquet, but she didn't expect that she had offended her boss.

Moreover, she still doesn't know when she has offended the other party and needs Jiang and Shang to suppress her together.

 Thank you very much for watching. It’s on the shelves. Well, I won’t be sensational. quq
(End of this chapter)

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