Chapter 37: Dirty Actress (13)

Wen Qianyi looked at Ming Yue speechless, opened his mouth to speak but hesitated, and finally asked the doubt in his heart, "Why does Mingdao want to help me?"

It seems that Mengdao is very aware of the suppression of these two companies, but why?

Just because she is a transparent little girl, facing these two companies, is it possible that she really likes her?
Wen Qianyi glanced at Mingyue secretly and directly denied it. How could she like someone who looked at her with eyes as calm as the Dead Sea?

"Because of the mission."


Mingyue's face was full of melancholy. She really didn't want to care about it, but she couldn't help it because the little hot chick had given him too much.

778 cried and bit the handkerchief: T^T
All the money I saved is gone! ! !
"I'm hungry. Let's make more meat dishes tonight."

"Okay, let's have hot pot. I'll buy more meat. Can Mingdao eat spicy food?"


Interrupted by Mingyue, Wen Qianyi's mind was full of what dishes to buy for the hot pot in the evening. There must be vegetarian dishes, and five pork, lamb and beef rolls each.

I bought three bags of various skewers, plus the indispensable tripe, before calling it a day and going home.

"Mingdao, will you be in trouble?"

After all, they were two companies. Wen Qianyi clenched her chopsticks and became even more worried. She felt that there was a big mountain in front of her. She thought she had climbed to the top, but there was another one.

There was a bit of resentment in my heart. She didn't do anything. Why should she be treated like this?

Mingyue rinsed the beef roll and glanced at Wen Qianyi doubtfully, "Is this trouble?"

"Isn't it troublesome? Jiang and Shang are both established in the entertainment industry and control almost half of the entertainment industry's resources. Although Mingdao is powerful, isn't Mingda a pharmaceutical company?"

Wen Qianyi fell into deep anxiety and despair, looking at Ming Yue with a pale face, "Director Ming, if you don't waste your energy on me, I'd better quit the entertainment industry."

“I have a lot of money but I’m afraid I won’t be able to get resources?”

"I just don't want Mingdao to suffer any loss..."

Mingyue finished one bowl of meat and then another, "If you quit the entertainment industry, it will be the biggest loss to our company. After all, the acquired company is not as good-looking as you, right?"

As long as the heroine develops, is her company still worried about lack of money?Wen Qianyi:......

Why is this so weird?

Wen Qianyi took a deep breath, tears welling up in his eyes, and looked at Ming Yue gratefully, "I know Ming Dao, I will definitely live up to Ming Yue's expectations!"

Others are praising her so much, and she is losing face in being so ignorant.

Moreover, once she knows who is dealing with her, she will definitely fight back when she becomes stronger!
With goals in mind, he became motivated. Wen Qianyi put his eyes on the table and said anxiously, "Why did you eat all the meat, Mingdao, leave some for me~"

"What's wrong with you, an actress, being so vegetarian?"

"It doesn't matter, I won't gain weight!"

"If you don't believe it, don't grab it, put it down, I'm the boss."

Wen Qianyi:......

You are strong and you are right!
The venue was arranged for three full days, and Wen Qianyi also became familiar with the script and followed Mingyue to the scene.

"You go to put on your makeup and try on clothes first, and then take your makeup photos later."

"it is good."

This was her first drama. Wen Qianyi's palms became sweaty nervously as she followed the stylist away.

Wang Cheng patted the script, "If you break the contract, you break the contract. Do you have the spirit of cooperation? Now that filming has started, you break the contract? Hello? Hello!"

"what happened?"

Mingyue bit the lollipop and patted the irritable Wang Cheng.

When Wang Cheng saw it was Mingyue, he sighed helplessly, "The male star playing the leading role is not coming, so the liquidated damages will be paid directly."

"Then let's find another one." Mingyue didn't care at all, pointing to an extra performer sitting in the corner, "Call him over."

(End of this chapter)

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