Chapter 57: Dirty Actress (33)

Shang Qian suddenly realized that the white-eyed wolf could also panic. He thought that the white-eyed wolf could not wait to escape from the shackles of the merchant.

In fact, he was very clear-minded. He knew that the glory in his body came from the merchants. Shang Qian's resentment towards Shang Wan suddenly calmed down, "There will be no bodyguards to look after you in the future, so you can take care of yourself."

"Brother! Brother, don't leave! Brother--"

The fear of being abandoned made Shang Wan desperately want to stay. How could it end like this?
Why are people in this world so cold-blooded?There is no human touch at all.

Shang Qian left without looking back, rushed to Ming's house without stopping, and went to the conference room again. Shang Qian was still in a daze.

Mingyue entered the conference room holding a burger bigger than her head. A strange sense of dissonance made Shang Qian's face look as if he had swallowed a fly.

This woman looks as if she is mentally retarded. How can she mess up the Jiang family and the Shang family like shit?
Mingyue smiled, "Silly B."

Shang Qian was shocked and aggrieved, "Why are you scolding me?"

Mingyue's smile disappeared, "Your eyes tell me that you cursed very dirty."

Shang Qian broke into a cold sweat and could not bear the slightest contempt, "I'm sorry, Mr. Ming, I was the one who offended you because I acted daringly about Shang Wan. However, our merchant has decided to announce to the public that Shang Wan is not a Shang family and will never care about these things again." .”

It was all because Shang Wan kept saying something about being afraid of Wen Qianyi, and they would not think of revenge against an extra.

But this group of actors is really lucky. They stood under the bright moon and jumped into a phoenix. People inside and outside the circle jokingly called Wen Qianyi a desperate man.

"What does the dissolution of the relationship between the merchant and Shang Wan have to do with me?"

Mingyue didn't care at all about Shang Wan's fate of being abandoned, so Shang Qian naturally had no conditions for negotiation.

"But, without Shang Wan's words, we would not have targeted Wen Qianyi. Now that Shang Wan has been abandoned, it doesn't matter if you want to punish her."

Shang Qian was anxious and pushed Shang Wan out to use as an arrow target. Shang couldn't afford the trouble.

Mingyue shook her head, "You are overthinking. The conditions mentioned last time were reduced by 20 billion. As a friendly reminder, the longer the delay, the lower the purchase price will be."

80 billion? !

Just one month later, 20 billion has evaporated? !
Shang Qian's face was pale and his lips were completely colorless. He couldn't make up his mind at this moment, "I'm sorry to bother Mr. Ming."

"You only have three days to think about it."

Shang Qian's body swayed as he walked out, and his calm and intimidating aura completely dissipated.

[Ding—The mission is completed, do you want to leave the mission world? ]

[Okay dear~]

Shang Qian went everywhere begging his grandfather to sue his grandmother, but no one in his family paid attention. They all just watched the show happily, or pretended to be embarrassed and declined.

The family gathered around the villa, feeling very angry and frustrated. Finally, Shang Qian said, "Why don't we sell the company and let's go abroad."

Shang's mother clenched her hands, "Then... what should Awan do?"

Hearing this name, everyone's eyes flashed with disgust. Shang's father said coldly, "Isn't she Aijiang Fengyan? Let him do whatever he wants. It's okay to sell the company and go abroad."

The person in charge had spoken, and no one else had any opinions. Shang's mother hesitated to speak, and in the end she said nothing.

The third time he visited the Ming family, Shang Qian felt both complicated and relaxed this time. When he saw Ming Yue, he said directly, "I am willing to sell the company to you, but 80 billion is too low."

"70 billion."

(End of this chapter)

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