Chapter 58: Dirty Actress (34)

Shang Qian's facial features were distorted, and he couldn't help but reply, "Isn't it too much to reduce one billion in one sentence?"

"Oh, so what? You can't defeat me." Mingyue crossed her legs, full of scorn.

Shang Qian took a deep look at Mingyue. Sure enough, he was still very unhappy. That's all. Shang could not be brought back to life in his hands. "Okay, 70 billion is 70 billion!"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Shang Qian felt like an invisible mountain had been removed from his body, and his whole body felt refreshed.

Mingyue nodded, "Go find Secretary Lin, the contract is ready."

Shang Qian:......

It's really heartbreaking to be so straightforward, isn't it?

"Mingyue, has anyone said that you are really rude?"

Mingyue, "There's so much nonsense."

Shang Qian shrugged. The company had been sold at such a low price, so he couldn't be allowed to say anything.

Ming's actions were very fast. Shang's company declared bankruptcy, and then it was revealed that it was Ming's company.

Shang Wan was raising her baby in Jiang Shengyan's villa. She was confused when she saw the news on the Internet. Why did the business suddenly disappear?What about mom and dad?
Shang Wan knew that Jiang Shengyan was very busy, so he didn't want to disturb him. He drove a car to the merchant's villa, only to see a couple leaning together sweetly, and instructing the staff to add things to the villa.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my house?"

The newlyweds were confused about Shang Wan's arrival. They bought this villa with real money. What do you mean it belongs to this woman?

"Who are you? We bought this villa, and the previous owner has left."


Shang Wan wanted to open his mouth to drive the group of people out, but his voice was so speechless that he couldn't speak. The wary eyes of the other party made Shang Wan understand that what the other party said was true.

She thought about her elder brother's angry words and just waited. She didn't expect that the other party was so heartless and would rather sell the company than stay away from her.

But what about mom and dad, why did they abandon her? Isn't she their child?

Pain, despair, and resentment entangled Shang Wan. His stomach hurt as if someone had stirred it with a steel fork, and he fainted immediately.The newlyweds were so frightened that they thought they were in trouble, so they called emergency services and the police. All in all, they were very unlucky.

I just moved to a new house and this happened to me.

When Shang Wan woke up, the tip of his nose was filled with the smell of disinfectant water and the sound of various people talking. It was so noisy that Shang Wan had to wake up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw two people lying next to him. The small ward was almost full of people.

Such an environment made Shang Wan frown. Why wasn't it a single ward?

And there wasn't even a caregiver around her. Shang Wan struggled to get up, found the cell phone next to her, and dialed Jiang Shengyan's number.

Just thinking about living in such a ward and breathing the same air as this group of people makes Shang Wan feel uncomfortable and itchy all over.

Fortunately, the call was quickly connected, and Jiang Shengyan's tired voice came from the other side, "What's wrong, Ah Wan?"

Shang Wan was irritable and said in a cold tone, "I'm in the hospital now. Come pick me up."

"What happened? Just wait for me to come right away."

Shang Wan, "Yeah."

While waiting for Jiang Shengyan to come to the hospital, Shang Wan pulled the quilt and lay down. She disliked the dirty quilt, so she simply got out of bed and found a stool to wipe a few pieces of paper on before sitting down.

Everyone in the ward looked at you and rolled their eyes. Why do you dislike your hospitalization so much?
However, no one cares about her. It’s better to have less contact with such a turtle-haired little girl.

"My granddaughter also watched this TV series and said that a female star named Wen in it is good at acting."

"Who says it's not the case? My daughter-in-law grabs my son every day and is obsessed with him. I want to see how good-looking he is."

"How many episodes have you watched? Are they good?"

"I've been following 38 episodes..."

(End of this chapter)

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