Chapter 59: Dirty Actress (35)

"That's enough, you guys keep arguing. Are you tired of it?"

Shang Wan's unprovoked outburst shocked everyone.

Who are they? They haven't slept yet, yet they aren't allowed to talk?
"Little girl, what do you mean by that? Who is sleeping in this ward? Who are we disturbing?"

"Hey, it's so expensive to live in an ordinary ward. If you can afford it, stay in a single room."

"That's right, the little girl today just doesn't have the life of a princess and still has princess disease. She's so squeamish."

Shang Wan's eyes were red with anger. This group of people were simply shrews. Their chests were panting up and down, and they were obviously very angry.

When Jiang Shengyan came to the ward and saw such a confrontation, he subconsciously smiled and apologized, "Sorry, my wife is pregnant and may not be in a good mood. I bothered you."

"Jiang Shengyan, why do you nod and bow down to them? Who do they think they are?!"

Shang Wan pulled Jiang Shengyan away. He couldn't bear to see Jiang Shengyan being so groveling. He always felt like his filter was broken all the time.

Jiang Shengyan was helpless, knowing that Ah Wan was unhappy, but now that he had no financial support, he could only avoid causing trouble.

"Oh, who are we? The little girl is so arrogant, so be careful what retribution you get."

"Jiang Shengyan? I seem to have heard from my daughter-in-law that it was the CEO of the Jiang Corporation who was about to go bankrupt and was abandoned."

The people in the ward were gossiping more. Jiang Shengyan noticed something was wrong, took Shang Wan's things and left with Shang Wan, "You go back and rest first, I have to go to the company."

"Ayan, my parents are gone, do you know?"

Jiang Shengyan didn't have money to hire a driver, so he drove by himself, looking straight ahead, very calmly, "Yeah, I got it, the news spread on the Internet."

Shang Wan turned sideways and stared nervously at Jiang Shengyan with her beautiful eyes full of autumn water, "Then will you abandon me?"

Jiang Shengyan glanced at Shang Wan in a funny way, but his face became serious again, "Don't worry, it won't happen, but it is indeed a bit difficult this time. It's hard for me to guarantee whether Jiang's will go bankrupt."

After this experience, Jiang Shengyan has grown a lot after seeing the ups and downs around him. At worst, the company will be sold and he will go to other places for development.Shang Wan nodded casually, not sure if he took it to heart, and watched Jiang Shengyan send her back to the villa and left.

It's a pity that she is pregnant now, otherwise she could go to filming and earn some money to supplement Ayan, which might solve her urgent need.

The magazine on the table attracted Shang Wan's attention. Looking at Wen Qianyi's beautiful smiling face, Shang Wan's face twisted for a moment.

It occurred to me that when Ayan was dealing with this little gangster, he checked the other party's information, maybe he had contact information.

Shang Wan went upstairs to the study and rummaged for a long time. Finally he found a piece of yellowed paper with Wen Qianyi's contact information printed on it. Shang Wan tried to type it.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually connected, and a cold voice came, "Hello."

Shang Wan held the phone tightly, "Wen... Wen Qianyi, I am Shang Wan, and I want to meet you."

Wen Qianyi: "..."

What the hell?

Why would the merchant's daughter see her?
Scam call?

To trick her out and then lick her waist?
Wen Qianyi's mind was wide open and he didn't reply for a while. Shang Wan was afraid that the other party would hang up the phone, so he hurriedly said, "Really, this is Shang Wan. I have something to tell you."

"Okay, I'll decide the location."

In fact, she was also curious about why Shang Wan targeted her. She asked Director Ming, who said that Shang Wan complained casually, and she was offended.

But why complain about her?

In her memory, she has never had contact with such a young lady, right?

(End of this chapter)

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