Chapter 64: Black Actress Extra 2
The manager was miserable and followed Shang Wan to clean up the mess several times. Later, he saw that Shang Wan was just a pile of mud that could not hold up the wall, so he resigned decisively.

Too many people left, and the chefs carefully recruited by Jiang Shengyan were also robbed. A restaurant would lose its soul if it couldn't make its signature dishes.

Shang Wan went bankrupt after not even holding on for three months. He returned to City A dejectedly with his child in his arms, only to see Jiang Shengyan leaving with a woman.

Shang Wan was so angry that he walked up to the two of them ferociously, "Jiang Shengyan!"

The woman was very gentle and looked at Jiang Shengyan understandingly, "Is this the mother of the child you mentioned?"

"None of your business! I'm talking to him and want you to reply? Who do you think you are talking about things between us?"

Shang Wan was full of hostility. Jiang Shengyan took the child over and gently coaxed the frightened child, "Why do you say such things in front of the child?"

Shang Wan snorted coldly, feeling a little proud. With her child here, Jiang Shengyan would come back sooner or later. "Who are you?"

"I am Ayan's current wife." The woman knew how to advance and retreat, and did not care about Shang Wan's attitude. "I will take the child aside to play, and you can chat."

"Don't touch my child!" Shang Wan got emotional and pushed the woman, snatched the child and held her tightly in his arms. The baby who had just been coaxed immediately began to cry again.

Shang Wan stared at the woman fiercely, "You just want to take my child away. You want to harm her, right?"

"You are simply being unreasonable!" Jiang Shengyan helped the woman up and scolded Shang Wan, the last trace of guilt towards Shang Wan disappearing in his heart.

"I'm being unreasonable? You say I'm being unreasonable? Don't forget, I'm the one accompanying you!"

Jiang Shengyan's voice was cold and he said impatiently, "What next?"

The cold attitude seriously hurt Shang Wan, who cried hysterically, "You ask me then? Ayan, we are one, you can't abandon me, you can't, don't you want a child? The child is still so young... "

"No, I will give her living expenses. Shang Wan, we all have to live our own lives. I left the restaurant for you just to wish you a good life."

Jiang Shengyan didn't know that the restaurant he had worked so hard for was bankrupt. Shang Wan's eyes flickered and he didn't answer.Jiang Shengyan realized something was wrong, "You won't bankrupt the restaurant, right?"

Shang Wan frowned and said forcefully, "Who makes those customers so difficult to deal with? They have to report every bad thing. I can't drive them out of my restaurant?"

At this moment, Jiang Shengyan realized how stupid this man was. He was in a high-end restaurant and could easily offend people who came and went. Why didn't someone with a business background not understand this?
No wonder the merchants left quietly, not daring to get involved with this fool. Shouldn't he be the same way?

"I won't be with you. What do you want? I will try my best to satisfy you."

Shang Wan stopped crying and said, "I want all the money in your hand."

She knew that Jiang Shengyan left 1000 million to Jiang's parents, and she would definitely not be able to spend all that money, so she just had to save it this time.

Jiang Shengyan frowned subconsciously, looking at Shang Wan's greedy face, he suddenly felt sick, "No way, I still want to live, 100 million, I won't have a child."

"500 million, give me and I'll leave!"

Jiang Shengyan still shook his head, "Just 100 million."

Shang Wan's eyes turned red with anger, "Why are you so heartless!"

Jiang Shengyan:......

Will he ruthlessly leave the rest of the restaurant's money to her?

"Okay, 100 million is 100 million, and I have to pay [-] in child support every month!" As long as I have children, I will continue to ask for money in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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