Chapter 65: Black Actress Extra 3

Child support is necessary. After all, it is his child. The only problem he is worried about is that Shang Wan will not raise the child well. He warned, "The child is born weak, so you should pay more attention."

Shang Wan waved his hand casually, "I know, I know."

Jiang Shengyan was even more worried when he saw Shang Wan's attitude, but with Shang Wan's temperament, he would definitely not let go of the child's custody. Forget it, there is still no compassion for the child after ten months of pregnancy.

Shang Wan got the money and bought a house next door to Jiang's family, which made the Jiang family hate each other to death. They had no choice but to have less contact with them.

After a few months passed, Jiang Shengyan remembered that he had not seen his daughter for a long time, so he went to Shang Wan's house with a few bags of nutrition. After knocking for a long time, no one opened the door, and there seemed to be a foul smell wafting through the cracks in the door.

Jiang Shengyan had a bad intuition and called the police. The police comrades were shocked when they opened the door. There were leftovers everywhere. It was a paradise for cockroaches.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shengyan opened the bedroom door and saw a skinny girl with only a handful of bones facing the door. It looked like she wanted to crawl out to find food before she died.

Jiang Shengyan didn't dare to touch this child. Such a small child was starving to death. He simply couldn't imagine how much pain this child was suffering.

His eyes were red with anger, and the pain of losing his child made Jiang Shengyan miserable. "I must kill Shang Wan! She killed my child!"

The police uncle stopped Jiang Shengyan and gave him some ideological education. How should he punish them? If he didn't want to lose himself, just stay calm!
Shang Wan was wearing sexy clothes and was shocked when she saw the door of her house being opened. When she saw so many people and the police, her mood became tense and she asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? You ask what's wrong? Why don't you take good care of your daughter? You just leave her at home when she's so young! Why don't you leave the child to me if you go out to play?"

Jiang Shengyan asked frantically, each word hurting his heart, which made Shang Wan's mind go blank for a moment.

"Nanny is dead? How could it be possible? I brewed several bottles of milk powder for her..." Jiang Shengyan wanted to strangle Shang Wan to death. She was just a child, and children digested quickly. It would be good if five bottles of milk powder could last for two days. The child’s mother didn’t know that she had been playing wildly outside for several days!
The child hadn't even learned to crawl. He had to crawl out of the crib just to get a bite to eat. He could imagine the child falling down and crying, but he had to keep crawling just to get a bite to eat.

And the door is closed. The child is only so big, how to open the door!How to open it!

Jiang Shengyan's pained energy and energy were drained away, and he suddenly became depressed, "I want you to go to jail! I want you to pay for your life!"

Shang Wan was so frightened by Jiang Shengyan's hateful gaze that she sat down on the ground with a pale face and weak legs. She suddenly thought that how could she find Jiang Shengyan without a child?

She looked at the child wrapped in white cloth again, and felt a little resentful. She was going out for a few days, and she drank five bottles of milk, one bottle a day, didn't she?So greedy!
This incident even made social news, especially when some people found out that this was not the original female star Shang Wan?How can he be so vicious after practicing a Buddhist-like persona every day?

Until the day he went to court, if the courtroom was not silent, everyone in the audience would have wanted to drown this vicious woman in their saliva.

Shang Wan was eventually sentenced to death. This incident had too much influence on the Internet. Shang Wan's outcome was doomed. After hearing the verdict, Shang Wan refused to accept the verdict and wanted to appeal.

Shang Wan went to seek help from Jiang Shengyan again, but Jiang Shengyan left without looking back. Shang Wan felt disarmed and thought, what if he died and went back?
When Jiang Shengyan learned that Shang Wan had committed suicide, he had no reaction and lived peacefully with his wife.

And Mingyue watched the protagonist chase for five years before confirming their relationship. Adhering to her habit of attending Wen Qianyi and Guye's wedding, she was still at a table alone. At the same time, the good news is that the five-person team that Mingyue invested in really put the special effects of leukemia into effect. The medicine is researched.

It was also at this time that Jiang Shengyan suddenly realized when he saw the news. He said why he was causing trouble for Mingyue at that time, and his company was being investigated by the superiors.

It turned out that the Ming Group didn't bother to fight with them.

(End of this chapter)

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