Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 90 The Alluring Imperial Master (25)

Chapter 90 The Alluring Imperial Master (25)

The old man has never begged anyone. He has only been sorry to his wife and Rong'er in his life. After half his life, he begged Zhang Wen with wet eyes and fear, "Zhang Wen, if you still have a conscience, let your mother go..."

Zhang Wen's eyes were filled with impatience, and his tone was rather cold, "The Imperial Master needs an explanation. Father, do you think I will give my mother a way to survive?"

Seeing the two people's throats gagged with his own eyes, and blood spraying on Zhang Wen's face, Zhang Wen touched his face blankly, and then threw himself on the two corpses, bursting into loud cries.

"Father! Mother!"

Zhang Wen buried his head in the old man's arms, his body trembling, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Father, you are watching from heaven. The concern for the people and loyalty to the country that you and Brother Rong insist on are all wrong.

Only I, Zhang Wen, can create glory in the Zhang family, father.

As soon as the old man and the old lady died, the news spread like wildfire. Mingyue and Ji Yongan rushed to the small courtyard and saw Zhang Wen holding the body and crying bitterly.

Ji Yongan, "What's going on?"

Zhang Wen wiped his tears, his eyes were in a trance. Perhaps he had cried too hard, and his chest was filled with congestion. Zhang Wen's lips were pale, "My father learned that the gold in the secret passage was discovered and wanted to kill himself. My mother and I stopped him. If you don’t stop me, my mother and father will continue to love each other for the rest of their lives!”

Ji Yongan just wanted to feel sick when he saw Zhang Wen's hypocritical appearance. How could there be such a villain?These are the biological parents!
"You! Zhang Wen, why are you so shameless?"

How can such a shameless person deserve to sit in the city lord's palace?
Zhang Wen lowered his head in despair, without a trace of fighting spirit, "Whatever General Ji says, I will listen to General Ji next time."

Ji Yong'an was so angry that he raised his foot and was about to put it on Zhang Wen. Mingyue reached out to stop him, "Zhang Duwei apologizes and obeys the change. The former Duwei's corruption will still be reported to the emperor. I don't know if Zhang Duwei told the former Duwei how to be so corrupt." How much gold?”

Zhang Wen sighed and began to say sadly, "Dad is stupid and secretly collects high food taxes from the people in the city. Some of it is given to the court and some of it is embezzled."

"The food tax issued by the imperial court is 20.00%, but I found out that the City Lord's Mansion privately charges 50.00%. In other words, if the people pay 30.00 kilograms of grain, your City Lord's Mansion will take [-]%."

Mingyue said word by word, "Where did the food go?"

Zhang Wen closed his eyes, his heart filled with despair, "Dad sold it to Zhang's Rice Shop in the city. I tried to stop it, but it had little effect. Daddy made such a mess, and it makes my son feel very sad."

"I also went to the rice store after last time. Half a kilogram of rice was sold for five taels. How much did the city lord's mansion take?"

"Fifty-fifty split..." Zhang Wen threw himself at Mingyue's feet and grabbed Mingyue's embroidered shoes with his bloody hands. "Sir, please let my father be buried. I will bear everything. I can't bear to see my father carrying all these things and ending up with his ancestral grave." I can’t get in!”

Mingyue frowned and took a step back. Her cold voice was bone-chilling. She raised her foot and stepped on Zhang Wen's hand bones. "It's dirty. Let me wipe your feet."

Zhang Wen took in a breath of cold air as his hand bones ached from being crushed back and forth, and beads of sweat fell from his forehead, "Sir..."

"Zhang Wen, if you make one wrong step and then another, you'll be hiding in the city lord's palace waiting for me to throw the evidence in your face. What are you trying to shirk? It's so weird that people look down on you."

Originally, she didn't expect it to end so soon. It was quite interesting to watch a clown jump around, but he wanted to touch her with dirty hands.

Simply disgusting.

(End of this chapter)

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