Kuai Chuan: Why did you mess with her?She came as a plug-in!

Chapter 91 The Alluring Imperial Master (26)

Chapter 91 The Alluring Imperial Master (26)

Mingyue looked at the confused Shen Yu behind her and raised her chin, "Give me an analysis of him tonight and send it to my desk."

Shen Yu:?
She has just learned to read, how can she write?
After that, Ji Yongan arranged the funeral for the old man and his wife, and Mingyue turned around and left with the people.

Zhang Wen originally wanted to take advantage of the situation and put all the blame on his father. Unexpectedly, Mingyue didn't follow the instructions at all and put him under house arrest.

He wanted to release a pigeon to send a message for help. As soon as he saw his pigeon take off, it was shot by an arrow the next second.

He wanted to summon the secret guard he had trained, but as soon as he whistled, the body of a secret guard fell in front of him.

He refused to give up and tried to escape. He even gave up his dignity and crawled on the ground to drill into a dog hole. As soon as he got through, he saw Ji Yongan looking at him with a smile.

After pretending to be sick, pretending to be dead, and threatening the food delivery boy, Zhang Wen gave up.

Being imprisoned in the yard, he was in constant fear all day long, fearing that Mingyue would lead someone to bring evidence and put him to death on the spot.

After two months of panic, Zhang Wen started clamoring to see Mingyue again. This time he was brought to Mingyue. Zhang Qingyun and Boss Li, who had refused to see him at first, knelt on the ground in frustration.

Zhang Wen looked up and saw the Minister of the Ministry of Industry and the Minister of Punishment sitting in the upper position. His legs went weak. If someone hadn't helped him, he almost fell. What happened in the past two months?
Why is the Minister of Punishment here?

The Minister of Punishment held a thick stack of paper, which was full of accusations against Zhang Wen.

"Zhang Wen, you are so brave! You embezzled grain taxes, swallowed the court's disaster relief grain, and then sold it at a high price to make a profit! You secretly took over the Li family, Wang family, and Yang family shops... Do you agree with these 10 taels of gold each? "

Zhang Wen, "...acknowledge."

"As a captain of a city, he was disloyal to the court and unjust to the people. As a son, Zicha's parents committed a grave sin of violating the laws of heaven!"

Zhang Wen looked down at the ironclad evidence on the paper and the child glaring at him, and remembered how he had forgotten the child in his father's courtyard at that time.Zhang Wen smiled bitterly and looked crazy, "I don't admit it! I don't admit it! What crime am I guilty of? Has the court ever taken care of us? I just made a little profit!"

The north is poor, and a three-year drought has caused many people to migrate, and many people have died in the city. Has the court said it will care about the life and death of these people?

He has no righteousness and the court doesn't care. What does he care about these people?

"I think you are hopeless!" The Minister of Punishment snorted coldly, "If you tell me who is behind you, maybe I can keep your body intact."

"There is no one behind it. It was all done by me alone. My wife and children at home don't know..."

Mingyue had seen enough of the show, and she took out another stack of paper and said, "Don't worry, I won't give you a chance to keep the whole body. I have already found out, and the Minister of the Ministry of Finance can't escape. Don't think about him protecting you." His wife and children.”

Zhang Wen spat out a mouthful of blood angrily, his eyes bulging, looking horrifying, "You - vicious! They don't know anything!"

"Your mother didn't know anything. Didn't you also kill her?" Mingyue said, "Shen Yu, let me tell you."

Shen Yu tilted her head and hummed, the syllables in her soft voice still unclear, "Shameless~"

Mingyue nodded with satisfaction. She had spent the past two months trying hard for Shen Yu to practice her pronunciation, and she was finally able to speak, although occasionally she still couldn't pronounce words clearly.

She also has brains and cooking skills. She is a little reluctant to be such a satisfied exclusive chef.

The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment directly asked someone to escort him down, and respectfully handed over to Mingyue, "Master of the State, I will immediately set off to detain the criminal Zhang Wen and go to the capital, so I will take the first step."

(End of this chapter)

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