Chapter 13 Exam Storm
Overall, the course was quite intense, but also very fulfilling.

As for the turmoil surrounding Bai Mingluo, although a week has passed, many people are still observing her.

After all, she is so weird!
"The water eagle has the ability to fly in the sky and parade underwater, and its attacks are very agile. If you want to defeat it, you not only need to be fast, but also need good observation..." Anthony talked endlessly on the podium.

Regarding the cultural class, Bai Mingluo felt sleepy while listening to it. In addition, her father had to make a video call last night and the chat took a long time. At this time, she was even more yawning.

Anthony was getting to the key point when his ears moved and he heard a yawn. The corner of his mouth suddenly twitched. He thought of other teachers' complaints about that guy. He turned around and saw that it was indeed her!

Bai Mingluo held his chin with one hand, but his face almost touched the table!
"Knock knock!" Anthony knocked on the blackboard twice and shouted bluntly, "Bai Mingluo, stand up and answer questions when you feel sleepy."

Anthony is the dean of Kentatere Academy. When there is only one class in a month, no one dares to miss the class for fear that the teacher will catch him in pigtails and affect his graduation. However, Bai Mingluo is the one who is not afraid of death!
Under everyone's gaze, Bai Mingluo covered his mouth and yawned before standing up, with sleepy tears in his eyes.

She didn't feel embarrassed or anything, not to mention that she had some "friendship" with Anthony, and she didn't feel any resentment. After all, being sleepy in class did not bring face to others.

"Tell me, if the Water Eagle attacks you in the sky, and you have three mechas, the models are A399, A380 and 3X, which mecha would you choose and why?" Anthony asked.

When everyone heard this, they immediately became confused.

They have just entered school and have never touched mechas a few times. How can they tell the type of mechas clearly?

Not to mention asking the eldest lady Bai Mingluo, they don’t know either!

However, after hearing this question, Bai Mingluo thought for a moment and opened his mouth: "I choose A380. Although A399 is a flying mecha, its attack power is very small and cannot kill with one hit. The 3X has strong attack power, but it moves slowly and is difficult to aim. , directly choose A380, it is most convenient to put two tracking bombs to solve the problem."

Anthony: "!"

Other students in the class: "!"

Although I didn’t understand a single word, it looked so awesome!
"Yes, Classmate Bai is right. The correct answer is to choose mecha A380." Anthony closed his surprised mouth and waved her to sit down.

Bai Mingluo couldn't help but yawned twice more, but under Anthony's eager gaze, she held back and didn't fall asleep.

And Bai Mingluo didn't know that some people were listening to the class on the surface, but secretly checking the admission results on Xingwang.

The most eye-catching one is of course No.1!
But when they saw the No. 1 name on the list, they all wiped their eyes in disbelief.

What!Bai Mingluo actually ranked No. 1 in both the written and martial arts exams!
They saw the martial arts test with their own eyes and had no objections, but the written test was so difficult, how could they possibly get full marks? It couldn't be cheating, right?

For a time, there was a huge quarrel on Xingwang.

But this didn't bother Bai Mingluo at all, trying his best to feel sleepy.

"Jingle Bell……"

A difficult cultural class finally came to an end. Bai Mingluo shook his sleepy head, stretched out from his seat and stood up.

"Wait a minute, classmate. Someone suspects you of cheating in the exam. Please come with us." Bai Ming was stopped at the door.

When she heard this, she raised her head and looked at the person strangely.

He was not wearing the uniform of any hospital, but was wearing white and gold clothing.

"What's wrong?" Anthony was also attracted by the silence. He stood next to Bai Mingluo and looked at the visitor with a surprised expression. "Guards, what are you doing here?" Due to the special nature of related matters, they are directly under the Star Alliance, and even the principal of the college cannot directly command them.

"Someone reported that Bai Mingluo's entrance exam scores were falsified. We need to check." The guard team spoke in a serious tone.

Anthony frowned and turned to look at the other students in the class. They all looked at the sky and the ground.

"It doesn't matter, just check it," Bai Mingluo patted Anthony's arm and accepted his kindness, "I am upright and not afraid of slanted shadows, let's go!"

"It sounds nice, but who knows if it's true?"

"If she really gets perfect marks in the written test, I'll just stand on my head and wash my hair!"

"Since White Star Academy has been established for so long, I have never heard of anyone getting full marks in the written test. They must have obtained the test content in advance!"

Seeing Bai Mingluo leave, the classmates started whispering again.

"Silence!" Anthony glanced at them, and the gossip immediately disappeared.

I don’t know what the situation is.Anthony was unavoidably worried, but after all, Bai Mingluo was not a student in his college, so it was unfair to intervene on his own, so he had better tell Tang Bin.

Here, Bai Mingluo has followed the escort to the review hall, which is a small, empty room, but it is made of transparent glass on all sides. No matter what people do inside, they can be seen outside.

It is even more difficult to cheat and engage in petty tricks.

"I am the invigilator of this classmate's exam. Although she handed in the paper quickly, she really did not cheat!" The teacher who corrected her paper was named Nis. Seeing that they really brought Bai Mingluo over, he explained anxiously, " The test paper is also sealed, so there is no possibility of leakage!”

He had been keeping the test papers before the exam, and now he was reported for cheating. Doesn't that mean he leaked the questions?

The guard replied coldly: "If someone reports it, we will accept it. It is a matter of business. Please cooperate."

Niss was so anxious that he scratched his head, but Bai Mingluo was not impatient and even looked at the place with interest.

It's a transparent material, but it can block sunlight. It's a fusion material.

"Classmate Bai Mingluo, please cooperate with the review and retake the exam."

The guard's voice suddenly sounded, and Bai Mingluo's eyelashes trembled and he raised his head.

There were already people standing outside the glass. Curious, jealous, and sarcastic eyes were all cast on the girl's frail body. They seemed to be superior judges who wanted to make the most ruthless decision on this weak girl.

Bai Mingluo still stood, with lowered eyebrows. He didn't even move his body in response to the pressure of the standing people, and asked: "Retake the exam?"

Guard: "Yes."

The girl suddenly laughed, and there was a smile on her face, not joy, but ridicule.

"If you retake the exam, it will be too unskilled." Bai Mingluo spread her hands and scanned the people outside the glass one by one. She even saw Qi Ji and Laiyang in the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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