The interstellar villain is delicate but can fight

Chapter 14 This woman is so terrifying

Chapter 14 This woman is so terrifying!
The injury on Laiyang's head had healed. When he saw Bai Mingluo looking over, he made a grinning expression.

Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows, it seemed that his butt didn't hurt anymore.

"Since everyone suspects that I have been exposed in advance, in order to prove my innocence, and also to slap everyone in the face," Bai Mingluo crossed his arms and said bluntly, "There is no need to draw from the question bank, just ask the questions directly. Answer one question wrongly." Consider me the loser.”

It's not that Bai Mingluo is bragging, but she has read the textbooks after enrolling in school. They are all very simple theoretical knowledge, and there is nothing confidential at all. She can answer the answers to the questions in her head.

As soon as these words came out, the audience was in an uproar!
Even the guards, who had always looked calm, couldn't help but have a look of surprise on their faces when they heard this.

"Teacher, how many questions are there in the exam?" Bai Mingluo turned to ask Niss.

Nice came back to his senses at this shout and stammered: "Sixty, sixty questions in total. In the end, there are two big questions that account for twenty points."

Bai Mingluo raised his hand and turned on the optical brain, and calmly posted a post on the star network: "Okay, I will answer the questions on the first sixty floors one by one, and you can go and build the building now."

Hearing this, the students who were watching the excitement decisively opened their optical computers and searched, and found that there was indeed a post. They immediately selected the topic and typed it up with enthusiasm.

"Wait a minute, let me take those two big questions and draw them from the question bank so that you can score better!" Niss trotted over and looked at Bai Mingluo worriedly.

They were all asked to come up with questions, and I didn’t know how difficult it would be!
Why do you have so much malice towards a little girl?

Bai Mingluo looked back at him, smiled reassuringly, then turned to the guards and raised an eyebrow: "Since you can't trust the invigilator, no one will have any objections if you come."

The guard's eyelids twitched when he heard her roundabout sarcasm: "...No need."

"Then the teacher will open the question bank. Please help me pick two questions, so that no one will accuse me of cheating again." Bai Mingluo felt bored and opened his mouth slightly to yawn.

This time the escort did not object, and at this time the post was already in full swing. Everyone was racking their brains to dig out the questions from every nook and cranny, hoping to dampen Bai Mingluo's spirit!
Now it doesn't matter whether Bai Mingluo cheated or not. Everyone wants to know whether she can answer these questions correctly!
"No, you are going too far. You have to ask such a biased question!" Qi Ji rushed behind Laiyang and was stunned when he saw what he was typing.

Laiyang was frightened and rolled his eyes at Qi Ji: "I'm happy for you to take care of it!"

"You're really not a thing! I'm going to do it too!" Qi Ji opened his optical brain and beat a bunch of them. His excited look made him look like he was nothing more than a thing!
Laiyang: "..."

Wait, why does he have to be a thing?
After waiting for 5 minutes, Bai Mingluo pulled up a stool and sat down, and started to answer the questions leisurely.

"Let me take a look at the first floor. Oh, how many weapon arsenals are there about Peerless Mecha? What, such a simple question!" Bai Mingluo couldn't help laughing while looking at it, "Of course there are two weapon arsenals. One is used to store exclusive weapons and the other is used to store spare weapons. Oh, and it also comes with a message. There is also a small warehouse. Although it is not big, it can still hold some things."

She drives a peerless mecha, how could she not know?

However, she was not called [Peerless] at that time, but was collectively called [Legendary] mecha.

Her mecha is the best among them!
Bai Mingluo's words seemed as easy as drinking water, but to their ears now, it was a complete secret!
It is rare to see any news about epic mechas on the market, let alone peerless mechas. Only the internal personnel of the Temple and the Star Alliance can know about it. The information is tightly blocked, making it impossible for them to study it even if they want to!
How could she know this? It couldn't be a lie!Everyone looked at each other.

"It's true." At this time, the guard spoke.He looked at Bai Mingluo with a complicated expression: "The peerless mecha has two arsenals."

Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows.

The students outside the room immediately exploded into a commotion, as if there was a discount on dishes in a vegetable market.

"The second question, the starting energy source of Mecha Zero? Isn't it just iron crystal? It's boring. The next question, the weakness of the city insect, is finally a bit difficult," Bai Mingluo said with a smile on his face. It has not diminished at all, "I really don't know where you found such an ancient thing."

Someone in the crowd booed: "It's only the third question and you can't answer it!"

It was not in vain that they racked their brains to come up with these questions!
"The city worm is an ancient star beast that only lives in the rainforest in the desert. Because it likes to make its nest like a maze, it is called the city worm." Bai Mingluo put his fingers on his knees, and there was nothing there. It's fastened.

Bai Mingluo had killed this thing before in his previous life. It had average attack power and was just a giant earthworm.

"The weakness is not in the heart, not in the seven inches, and not in the eyes," Bai Mingluo recalled that fight. He put his hands on his head and said "Yeah", tilted his head and said, "It's on its two tentacles."


The scene fell into an eerie silence again.

"She, she's right!" the question maker's voice sounded in disbelief, breaking the brief silence.

Ness also stretched out his hand and pressed his stunned chin back.

Later, Bai Mingluo answered the questions correctly one after another, convincing everyone who was still skeptical at first.

If answering one question correctly is accidental, and answering two questions correctly is good luck, then Bai Mingluo answered all 58 questions correctly. Apart from leaking the questions and she really knows it, there is no third possibility!
This woman is so terrifying!
Niss also went from shock to numbness, watching helplessly as Bai Mingluo answered the remaining two big questions and handed in the paper in just a few minutes.

"Ding dong!"

The system will quickly give you a score when correcting the paper, with a perfect score of [-] points!
A hundred percent test paper!
Nice's eyes widened and he couldn't breathe!
"Holy shit, it's all right!" Laiyang and Qi Ji in the crowd said in unison, making disbelieving sounds.

Is this guy still human?
Bai Mingluo stood up from her seat and walked out of the examination hall in a grand manner. Everyone unconsciously made way for her.

The girl paused, swept across the group of people with great vigor, and opened her red lips:
"If you have time to fool around here, you might as well spend more time reading, you guys are a bunch of idiots."

The girl dropped these words and drifted away, leaving only the trace of her skirt cutting through the air just now.

Everyone who originally came to slap in the face but was slapped in the face by Bai Mingluo looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said anything.

I can't help it, my face hurts too much!
(End of this chapter)

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