Chapter 63 One hundred million
"Eighty-one million, are you deliberately going against me?" Xia Lin'er in the box couldn't even maintain her usual elegance and calmness, and stood up from her position angrily.

Yadivis, who was looking at the light brain, looked away, but his tone was calm, as if he was saying that Xia Lin'er was making such a fuss: "Isn't that what auctions are like, the one with the highest bid gets it."

"But this is the only thing missing from my customized mecha!" Xia Lin'er was so angry that her teeth itched.

Who is it that has gone so far as to bid with her!
She couldn't get a peerless mecha, and the epic mechas on the market were too common. Xia Lin'er spent a lot of effort to find a mecha master to build a mecha specifically for herself. She had all the materials. With the addition of this protostar iron ore, it is truly perfect!
Thinking of this, Xia Lin'er gritted her teeth and increased the price: "8000 to two million!"

She is bound to win the Yuanxing Iron Ore!
As a result, the lazy voice continued: "8000 two million and one million."

Xia Lin'er: "..."

Ahhh, this guy is definitely going against her!
"Eighty-three million!" Xia Lin'er's face was distorted. She didn't believe that the person opposite could get so much money!
"Eighty-three million." Bai Mingluo continued to bid without any hesitation. She didn't have that much money, but his father did!
And she had no intention of buying it in the first place.

Xia Lin'er thought about her budget, and her heart bled: "Eight thousand, five million!"

Yadivis heard his sister's bidding and cast his eyes. After all, the family's budget was only 9000 million.

This is a property that ordinary people may not have in their lifetime.

"Eighty-five million and one million." Bai Mingluo leisurely called out the price.

"This is unreasonable!" Xia Lin'er slammed the table, almost unable to suppress the anger in her body, "Who is going against me!"

"From the sound, it sounds like it's from Fanghua Pavilion." After all, it was his sister, and Yadives glanced at her.

Xia Lin'er gritted her teeth and continued to shout out the price: "9000 million!"

After shouting such a sky-high price, there was no movement from the people over there. Xia Lin'er held her breath in her heart and finally felt a lot more relaxed.

Humph, I still want to argue with her!
Bai Mingluo in Fanghua Pavilion was indeed a little surprised. He poked Lei Sheng: "Is the Hef family so rich? What if she can't afford so much money?"

"It's only 9000 million, they can even afford [-] million." Lei Sheng said calmly.

Others may take credit, but the Hef family, which always takes face very seriously, cannot do such a dishonorable thing.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lei Sheng saw Bai Mingluo's eyes suddenly light up.

Lei Sheng: "."

She seemed to have inadvertently tricked Xia Lin'er.

Ahem, forget it, I'm not very familiar with him anyway... Lei Sheng drank tea silently.

"Ninety-one million!" Bai Ming shouted one second before the countdown was about to end.

Auctioneer Momo was so excited that his hands were shaking: "Ninety-one million, does anyone still want to bid?"

"9000 two million!" Xia Lin'er was not to be outdone.

"Lin'er!" Yadivis frowned, this has already exceeded the budget.

"No, brother, I must get this piece of Protostar iron ore today!" Xia Lin'er looked aggrieved.

Yadives sighed.

Bai Mingluo: "Ninety-three million."

Xia Lin'er: "Ninety-four million!"

Bai Mingluo: "Ninety-three million."

Xia Lin'er: "Ninety-six million!" "Ninety-six million, ninety-six million, does anyone else want to bid?" Auctioneer Momo's high-pitched voice was particularly clear in the quiet exhibition hall.

"Ah, Goddess Lin'er is really a great philanthropist, spending so much money to buy a fake," Bai Mingluo teased, and ruthlessly raised the price, "Nine thousand, nine million!"

She bet that Xia Lin'er, who had persisted until now, would suffer the loss of being dumb!
"One billion!"

Almost as soon as Bai Mingluo finished bidding, Xia Lin'er's hoarse voice rang out.

The audience was silent.

After waiting for a long time and no one bid again, the auctioneer Momo smiled like a flower and announced that the Yuanxing Iron Mine belonged to Xia Lin'er.

"Huh~" Bai Mingluo blew the hot air from the tea cup and seemed to be in a good mood.

Lei Sheng shook his head helplessly: "You."

After the main course was served, no one was interested in watching the following desserts. The auction ended soon.


Lei Sheng and Bai Mingluo walked out of Fanghua Pavilion. Lei Sheng tilted his head and talked to her: "I will take you back later."

"No, don't you still have something to deal with?" Bai Mingluo raised his eyebrows, "I'll let my family come pick me up. Don't worry, the bodyguards will take care of you."

Lei Sheng agreed with a smile.

"Bai Mingluo!"

A sharp female voice full of anger came from behind the two of them. Bai Mingluo turned his head without surprise and faced Xia Lin'er's almost distorted face. He put his hand to his mouth in pretending to be surprised: "Oh, this Isn’t she Senior Sister Lin’er?”

Yadivis, who was chasing after Xia Lin'er: "...?"

Bai Mingluo, when did you speak like this?
"You deliberately raised the price with me, aren't you afraid that I won't buy it?" Xia Lin'er could no longer remain calm and glared at her with vicious eyes.

If the price of something you want to buy has increased so many times, you won't feel any better, right?
"Hey, what are you saying, senior?" Bai Mingluo looked innocent. With her makeup today, she looked like a pure little white rabbit who didn't know anything about the world. She put her hands on her chest, "I'm real I really want the Yuanxing Iron Mine, but I don’t have that much money. I really envy my senior sister, who only spent [-] million to buy it~"

What does it mean that it only cost [-] million! Xia Lin'er took a sharp breath and calmed herself down on the edge of going crazy.

Only then did Bai Mingluo see the person behind her, and waved a friendly greeting: "Adivis, are you there too?"

Yadivis nodded: "Come with her to see. I didn't know you were interested in this."

"Hey, I can't say you're interested," Bai Mingluo put his hands on his abdomen again, looking like a lady, "Our family has just designed a mecha, and I want to know more about it."

"Has your family developed a mecha?" Yadivis was stunned for a few seconds before he came to his senses.

Bai Mingluo smiled and nodded.

"Bragging, do you think mechas are just cabbages? Just design them." She probably discovered her true face, and Xia Lin'er didn't bother to put on airs.

If her suitors knew about it, they would be stunned.

"Senior Lin'er, if you don't believe it, I will send you the invitation letter for the press conference soon," Bai Mingluo was not angry and said with a smile, "Senior, please be sure to show me your respect when the time comes!"

Xia Lin'er: "."

I’m so annoyed by this damn green tea, and what I say is so arrogant!
She completely forgot that she looked like this in front of outsiders.

(End of this chapter)

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