Chapter 64 Disadvantages
Bai Mingluo, who had successfully disgusted Xia Lin'er, was in a good mood. Originally, she didn't want to argue with Xia Lin'er, but Xia Lin'er kept coming to trouble her again and again, and the paper tiger was even pissed off.

Lei Sheng left first after sending her to the spaceship. Judging from her appearance, she must have caught the person who sold them fake goods.

Fengxing Auction House is certainly responsible, but Xia Lin'er can only bear the loss.

Alas, I hope she can learn a lesson this time and not mess with herself.

Bai Mingluo took the juice brought by the maid and took a leisurely sip.

On the other side, Xia Lin'er also handed over the original star iron ore to the mecha master. When she thought that her own mecha was about to be released, the anger aroused by Bai Mingluo also dissipated a lot.

However, the mecha master cut a piece from the original star iron ore and fused it, but halfway through, he realized something was wrong.

"This..." The mecha master frowned and took another piece out to observe carefully.

The mecha master took the stone to find Xia Lin'er: "This is not the original star iron ore, it is just an ordinary raw ore."

"Impossible!" Xia Lin'er retorted without thinking after hearing this, "I spent [-] million to auction this, how could it be fake?"

"But it's indeed a fake. It can't be fused with the material." The mecha master showed her the liquid that failed to fuse, making Xia Lin'er believe it or not.

Xia Lin'er felt her head swell, her vision was dark, and she was about to lose her balance: "Go to Fengxing Auction House, I'll settle the score with them!"

However, what was waiting for her was Lei Sheng who tied up two people and explained the truth in detail.

It turns out that the person who put the Yuanxing Iron Ore up for auction, no, the person who put the raw ore up for auction, bribed the appraiser in advance, so that this thing got into the auction house.

The auction house is naturally also responsible. Lei Sheng said that the auction house will fully reimburse the handling fee, but the money that Xia Lin'er has already handed over to the seller can only be obtained from the person involved.

The person selling the fake ore originally took the money and was about to run away, but he was intercepted by Lei Sheng and Hua Shi's people on the way, and Wuhuada was brought back with him.

"You are so brave. You actually dare to lie to me. Do you believe that I can make it hard for you to live with just one word? Where is the money!" Xia Lin'er was furious, feeling that she was really unlucky today!

"Miss, please show mercy. My wife is seriously ill and I really can't do anything. I transferred all the money to the hospital. They promised to save my wife's life!" The man cried with snot and tears.

"If it's serious, why don't you go to the temple?" Lei Sheng looked away after hearing this.

Although the therapists in the temple charge money, they are still very kind to such desperate people, otherwise they would not have such a big influence among the people.

"This, this..." The man seemed to be stopped by the question and stammered and couldn't answer.

Xia Lin'er grabbed his skirt and kicked him: "Say!"

"I say, I say!" The man knelt on the ground and shuddered. "The temple will not save my wife. She, she was injured because she went to assassinate the angel. I am also desperate!"

"What, you dare to assassinate the divine envoy!" Xia Lin'er's eyes suddenly darkened after hearing this.

"I tried to persuade her, but she insisted that the angel killed her son because she refused to save him. There was nothing I could do. I just slipped out without watching her!" The man burst into tears.

"Your son is dead, what does it have to do with the envoy?" Lei Sheng looked confused when he heard this.

"My wife is a believer in God. Isn't she a God? Why won't she save our son?" The man burst into tears. "He was only three years old. He was seriously ill. He was already out of breath when he was sent to the temple. God I didn’t save him, I didn’t save him!”

He shouted like this, as if he wanted to shout out all the resentment in his heart.Lei Sheng looked at him and shook his head.

At the same time, they also know that this is the shortcoming of the temple. They loudly promote their divine power, which can convince ignorant people and drive them crazy.

"Then these two people will be left to you," Lei Sheng looked at Xia Lin'er, who had an ugly face. "The auction house's handling fee will be returned to you as compensation."

After that, Lei Sheng turned around and left without waiting for her response.

But not long after walking, I heard Xia Lin'er screaming: "If I had known earlier, I should have let Bai Mingluo slap him away!"

Spend [-] million to buy a piece of rubbish and let others know not to laugh her to death!
If she had known that this stone was fake, she should have let Bai Mingluo take the picture. Damn it!
Lei Sheng felt no emotion when he heard this, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Originally, I was worried that Xia Lin'er would do something to Bai Mingluo, but now it seems that her IQ will not pose any threat to Bai Mingluo.

When things came to an end here, Lei Sheng casually said a few words to Bai Mingluo.

Bai Mingluo clicked his tongue in surprise, and at the same time, his favorability towards the temple became even worse.

They say that feudal superstition is not trustworthy, and this temple is just a fool. When she gets the strength, she will conquer the land in a matter of minutes!
Thinking about it, she was not impulsive.

While waiting at home, the press conference of Mecha Bird arrived soon. Bai Mingluo went there as an invited guest. Seeing the well-done venue, his favorable impression of Shen Su increased a lot.

If she hadn't already agreed to the Interstellar Alliance, she would have to make a deal with the Shen family for her next blueprint.

"Classmate Bai, you're finally here, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Shen Su saw her in the crowd at a glance, rushed over to grab her and left, "The press conference will start soon, I'm waiting for you!"

Bai Mingluo, who was being dragged away, was confused: "No, what else is there about me? Where is my father?"

"Uncle Bai is bragging in the venue, and he can't even pull him!" Shen Su couldn't help but feel sore at the thought of Bai Song's bright smile when he introduced Bai Mingluo to those people.

Bai Mingluo: "."

Dad, please be more reliable.

"This mecha, you decided to reveal your identity, which surprised us." Shen Su led Bai Mingluo to the backstage and said.

After all, judging from Bai Mingluo's character, they thought Bai Mingluo would choose to conceal his identity as a mecha master.

Bai Mingluo looked up at the mecha bird in front of him, with nostalgia in his eyes: "I want more people to see it."

If she traveled 300 years in time, what about her other comrades? Are they the same as her?

She wanted to publicize this mecha and her name. If it were them, they would definitely come to them.

The designer of Mecha Bird has a good relationship with her, so he probably won't care about the ownership of the name, but she never has a sense of belonging in this world... Bai Mingluo suppressed the emotion in his eyes and watched Shen Su winking and waving beside him. Then he walked up to the press platform.

The eyes of everyone at the scene suddenly fell on this girl.

Bai Mingluo looked around the venue and found that many acquaintances had arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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