Chapter 65 Jumping the beam clown
Qi Ji, Naqisi, and Laiyang all came to join in the fun, not to mention Xia Lin'er who she specially sent an invitation letter to.

After the last incident, Xia Lin'er became much more at ease, but no matter how harmless she pretended to be, the look she looked at Bai Mingluo was still sinister.

If the previous conflicts between the two were minor, now they are completely at odds with each other.

"Now I would like to invite our mecha master, Ms. Bai Mingluo, to briefly introduce the design of this mecha to you!" The host handed over the microphone just in time.

Bai Mingluo simply picked some knowledge to talk about. The host applauded and asked a few common questions one after another.

No one jumped out to question it, and they didn't care who the designer of this mecha was. They were more concerned about the mecha itself.

Of course, there are people who don't believe in Bai Mingluo, and Xia Lin'er is one of them.

She knew exactly what Bai Mingluo was like. Drawing mecha blueprints?Just kidding!
But this mecha did come from the Bai family's factory. Even if she wanted to question it, the Bai family had plenty of ways to solve it. Instead, she was like a clown. Xia Lin'er would not do such a thing.

But Xia Lin'er was also unwilling to let her go like this.

So before Bai Mingluo was about to step down, the dressed-up Miss Hef walked to the front and asked in a clear voice: "Miss Bai only talked about the theory. I wonder if you can show us the mecha?"

Bai Mingluo stopped and looked back at her.

Xia Lin'er met her gaze, smiled with her eyes closed, and pretended to be embarrassed: "Ah, did Lin'er say something wrong? It's just that Bai's classmate performed very well in the school's mecha class, so I asked on a whim. , If it’s just a matter of force, forget it.”

Every mecha is tested by testers before the development conference. What Xia Lin'er said seemed to be doubting the practicality of this mecha.

The seemingly innocent tone always makes people think deeply.

Bai Mingluo was not afraid of these obvious things. He was about to speak, but someone beat him to it.

"In that case, why not let me do it." A girl with brown curly hair walked out of the crowd, nodded and smiled with Bai Mingluo.

"Wan Zizhen, you're actually here too?" Xia Lin'er seemed to know the girl, her expression changed twice.

Surname late?Bai Mingluo grasped the key point.

"Why, for such an important occasion, Miss Hef can come, but I can't come?" Wan Zizhen's voice was very soft, making people listen attentively.

Xia Lin'er gritted her teeth and showed a forced smile: "I'm just a little surprised. I didn't say you couldn't come."

Regarding Wan Zizhen, Bai Mingluo was a little curious about Xia Lin'er's attitude of being willing to be at a disadvantage.

Wan Zizhen did not continue to embarrass Xia Lin'er. She just turned around and looked at Bai Mingluo with a very serious expression on her face: "I am very interested in this mecha designed by Miss Bai. I don't know if I will be lucky enough today." , try driving the mecha?"

"Of course." Bai Mingluo had no reason to refuse and rolled his eyes with a smile.

Wan Zizhen smiled back, and a staff member took her to the mecha.

The place where the mecha was being tested was a little far away from the conference venue. When they heard that Wan Zizhen was going to use the mecha, most of the people present moved over.

It actually made Bai Mingluo even more curious about this person's origin.

"Wan Zizhen is the eldest lady of the Wan family. Although she speaks softly and softly, she has a very strong personality." Shen Su seemed to understand what she was thinking and explained, "Before, Xia Lin'er was fishing for her fiancé. , being slapped in the face by Wan Zizhen can be regarded as one of Miss Hef's few waterloos." "Then fiancé?" Could she have picked it back?Bai Mingluo always felt that she was not like that kind of person.

"Of course the engagement is cancelled. Miss Wan is still single now!" Shen Su chuckled, "Do you think Xia Lin'er dare not speak loudly to her? She is not in the same class as her now. Wan Zizhen is the team leader of the Interstellar Alliance Operations Department, which is incredible!"

Although Xia Lin'er is used to looking for trouble, in the final analysis she doesn't rely entirely on her family. She has no ability herself, and she knows she can't go against Wan Zizhen.

"That's right, then Miss Wan is really amazing." Bai Mingluo praised sincerely.

"Only the main family members of the Wan family can see it, and the few from the side family, tsk tsk." Shen Su shook his head.

Bai Mingluo shrugged helplessly as he thought about what he was targeted for last time.

The management of the Bai family is very good. Although there are no outstanding talents in the family, they have always been harmonious.

Arriving at the trial site, Wan Zizhen entered the mecha. Looking at the beautifully modified console, surprise flashed in the girl's eyes.

She took the initiative to help, firstly because the previous family affairs had caused trouble to Bai Mingluo, and she came to the rescue to express her apology, and secondly, she wanted to slap Xia Lin'er in the face.

But she really didn't expect that this exquisite mecha in front of her could actually make such a big change!
Wan Zizhen was not in the design department in Star Alliance, but she had some familiarity with it. They were always looking for innovative ways, but they couldn't find the key points of change.

It was a worthwhile trip today.Joy flashed in Wan Zizhen's eyes, and she got started immediately after getting familiar with the buttons.

She didn't have high hopes at first, but when the mecha was driven, Wan Zizhen felt a rare sense of comfort.

This mecha is so easy to drive!
Whether it is the connection of parts in various parts, the placement of buttons, or even the viewing angle, it all makes people feel very comfortable.

Today's mechas mainly focus on combat. Who would put all the effort into comfort?

Wan Zizhen still remembers that when she first arrived in the Star Alliance, she struggled to adapt to mechas. Now she still feels sluggish when driving some difficult ones.

After operating the mecha for a lap, Wan Zizhen couldn't put it down even more.

After getting off the mecha, everyone was complimenting Wan Zizhen on her skill in operating the mecha, but she knew that it was not all her fault, but she wouldn't understand it even if she told them about it.

Wan Zizhen glanced at Xia Lin'er, who was looking ugly not far away, curled her lips, and walked towards Bai Mingluo who was holding the record book.

"Ah, how do you feel?" Bai Mingluo saw it from the corner of his eye, turned off the notebook, put down the optical computer and asked her.

"The operation feels very comfortable, and the viewing angle is also good. It's hard to imagine that this is just a high-quality mecha!" Wan Zizhen sighed sincerely.

The quality of mechas is divided into peerless, epic, fine and ordinary from high to low.

The mechas used to teach students in schools are ordinary mechas. Most of them are old models that have no merit and seem to be usable.

The first time I make a mecha, most of them are high-quality products. Due to the requirements for parts and materials, it is not easy to achieve epic proportions.

But Wan Zizhen swears that this is the most comfortable mecha she has ever used!
(End of this chapter)

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