Chapter 118 The swaying empty swing

Wen Xiang looked at me with horror and surprise in his eyes.

The muscles on his face twitched for a long time, and then he suddenly turned to look at Ayong.

Ayong quickly avoided Wen Xiang's sight and awkwardly picked out the barbs on his fingers.

Seeing Wen Xiang staring at him, A Yong finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

"You said it while you were talking in your sleep! I also wanted to brag, so I told her casually! But..." Ayong turned to me, "Why did you suddenly mention this? Does this have anything to do with you coming here?"

"Maybe!" I shook my head.

"What is called……"

Before A Yong could finish speaking, I held out my phone to Wen Xiang.

"do you know her?"

With just one glance, Wen Xiang stood up like an electric shock.

"Sister Zhou is dead?"

"Sister Zhou...ah!" The moment A Yong looked at the phone, he screamed in panic again. “How do you take a picture of a dead body?”

"If I hadn't been deeply impressed by her, I wouldn't have recognized her just by looking at the body! So, she is the woman who stuffed her daughter into the suitcase without permission, right?"

"How did she die?" Wen Xiang grabbed my phone anxiously, "We have obviously sent her out of the Monkey King Peak, and I even closed the club and sold everything I could to give her a large compensation. !”

"So what happened back then?" I asked hurriedly, "Wen Xiang, the Sister Zhou you mentioned has been placed in the morgue of our funeral home for several years, and no one has collected her body!"

"How... how is it possible!"

Wen Xiang squatted on the ground, his whole body in despair.

The eyes twitched and swayed from side to side.

"Don't force him yet!" Ayong hurriedly said, "Not only did he lose his entire fortune but he also took on a loan shark for that matter, and he still hasn't paid it back! Wait until he calms down before asking! We can't go anywhere here anyway! "

I nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

He just walked over to the corpses, swept the dead leaves with branches, and buried them bit by bit.

A Yong hesitated for a while and then came to help.

"Do you think the murderer might be nearby? I feel like we are in danger now!"

Ayong looked around timidly and kept his voice extremely low.

"Probably not!" I shook my head. "My police friend has explained to me many murder cases. Whether it is a murder of love, a vendetta or a murder of passion, it is all based on the basic principle of 'throw it far away and bury it near'! Look at these corpses." In this situation, the murderer should be at least dozens of kilometers away from here!"

"No matter how close the murderer is, he must be a perverted murderer!"


"Not necessarily what?"

"The murderer may not be the same person!"

My words made A Yong turn pale under the firelight.

"A murder... gang?"

"Based on the depth of the wounds on these corpses, the murderer's strength varies. Therefore, it is very likely that he is not the same person, and there is more than one person!"

"Is this [-] yuan enough to earn from hard work?"

Ayong held his head and was silent for a while.

At this time, Wen Xiang suddenly spoke up.

"Sister Zhou's name is Zhou Yuqi. Because she is ten years older than me, I call her Sister Zhou! She is an extreme enthusiast, and her family should be very wealthy. Oh, there are not many poor people who play extreme sports! At that time, except Sister Zhou , and three explorers. A group of more than ten people entered the Monkey King Peak in a mighty manner."

"Her daughter..."

"Her daughter's name is Guo'er, but I found out later! Sister Zhou brought a huge suitcase, and I never thought she would put her daughter in it! If I knew, give me more money I won’t agree to it either!”

"What's the matter?"

"Although our club can take explorers into Monkey King Peak, there are some forbidden areas on Monkey King Peak that we will never set foot in! Everything went smoothly at first, until I found the little girl! I was very angry, Sister Zhou Any breach of contract will lead to danger and terminate our trip."

When Wen Xiang said this, he started dancing excitedly.

"For this reason, Sister Zhou and I had a quarrel! Sister Zhou said that her daughter had been trained in wilderness survival by her since she was a child, so she was able to adapt to our expedition! But I said that she was too wanton and did not take the rules seriously. The rule is, don’t take your child’s life as your life! Then, we had a quarrel! I planned to rest for a night and leave Monkey King Peak the next day, but the next day I found that Sister Zhou and her daughter were gone, and her daughter also disappeared at the same time. Carry a backpack!”

"They left without permission?"

"Yeah!" Wen Xiang nodded heavily, "I really didn't want to care about her at that time, but I brought her in, and it was my responsibility to take her out safely! So I asked some members of the club to take the explorers first I took two people away to look for Sister Zhou! We searched in the Monkey King Peak for three days and three nights, and finally found Sister Zhou who was covered in blood! At that time, she was in a state of collapse and could not speak. She just yelled!”

"Where's her daughter?"

"I don't know! After we settled Sister Zhou, we continued to search for her daughter. We searched for her daughter for another seven days, but we couldn't find her! A ten-year-old child cannot live alone in the mountains and forests for seven days! Therefore, we basically concluded that she It’s gone! Then…then we took Sister Zhou away by force!”

"and after?"

"Because of guilt, I lost Sister Zhou a lot of money, and my club also closed down! But this incident has always left a shadow on my psychology!"

"What are you shadowing!" A Yong couldn't help but interrupt, "It was that woman who insisted on secretly taking the child. It was her irresponsibility! After all, you are so wronged!"

"But that's a life!" Wen Xiang held his head and muttered, "A living little girl, a living life! If I had set out overnight, nothing like that would have happened!"

"After you found Sister Zhou, did she say anything?"

"No!" Wen Xiang shook his head, "She was overly frightened and mentally disturbed! I looked for her later and she was like a walking zombie. She didn't hit me or scold me. She was like an empty shell! She didn't say a word. Poker face!"

What happened to Zhou Yuqi and her daughter?
"When did Sister Zhou die?"

"I don't know either!" I shook my head, "But I'm here for her! Even after she died, I cared about her daughter! I just wanted to find you to find out what happened to them, but I didn't expect that there was a strange combination of circumstances. It’s wrong that you were also the one who experienced that incident back then!”

"Since it's Sister Zhou's business, it's my responsibility!" Wen Xiang looked at me slowly, "I'll refund your money to you!"

"Hey!" A Yong said anxiously, "Then what we are dealing with is not only our books but also our lives!"

"Then you go by yourself?"

"Well, I'd better follow you to be safer!"

Wen Xiang ignored A Yong and looked at me firmly.

"So, do you have any clues?"

"Probably!" I thought for a while and said, "There is a strange building on the mountain near Monkey King Peak. Zhou Yuqi and her daughter have been to that place before! As long as we find it, there may be clues!"

"Where exactly?"

"do not know!"

"Unlikely!" Ayong shook his head, "Who would build a house in this kind of virgin forest? The construction you mentioned is a big project!"

"It really does! Maybe it's in the forbidden area you mentioned!" I said quickly.

"Are you sure? How do you know Sister Zhou and her daughter have been there?"

"I have yin and yang eyes!"

As soon as these words came out, Wen Xiang and A Yong looked at each other.

"They erased the marks from your highlighter!"

"You mean..." Ayong pouted, "Ghost?"

"You really don't have to be so quiet, we can't stop them if they really come!"


A Yong wiped his sweat and did not dare to speak any more.

"Since Sister Zhou will die with her eyes closed, why don't you come to me for revenge?" Wen Xiang's eyes darkened, "After all, I am also responsible!"

"It's the evil spirit who harms people, but she is kind-hearted! Even if she is riddled with resentment, she never wants to hurt others!"

"I'll help you!" Wen Xiang said firmly, "I have been uneasy with my conscience these past few years. This is my chance to atone! I must find the body of Sister Zhou's daughter and send her back for burial!"


I made instant noodles for Wen Xiang and A Yong, but they seemed to have no appetite.

I was not polite and ate half of it.

The rest was placed on the ground directly opposite, which was equivalent to an offering to Ning Yi.

Never forget to make offerings to the Immortal Family.

Wen Xiang and A Yong seemed a little surprised by my actions.

After all, for a woman who can see ghosts, no matter how outrageous her behavior is, it doesn't seem so outrageous.

Finally it got to dawn, but as A Yong said, there was no sun.

This time, there was absolutely no direction.

The satellite phone also had no signal for the first time.

I don’t believe it if it’s not done by ghosts.Just when Wen Xiang was anxiously looking for the direction, I suddenly caught a glimpse of a ray of fluorescence.

This fluorescence can only appear at night. How can it be seen in broad daylight?
"Did you see it?" I pointed to the tree.


"Your mark with a highlighter!"

"No!" Ayong came over and lay on the tree to take a look. "Nothing at all!"

"I can't see it either!" Wen Xiang shook his head.

Is it because I have yin and yang eyes?
Ning Yi said that using corpse oil can temporarily open the yin and yang eyes. Maybe this method is feasible.

Thinking of this, I rushed directly to the body.

After putting on gloves and applying corpse oil, he returned to Wen Xiang and A Yong.

"It stinks!" Ayong covered his nose, "What are you doing?"

"Wipe it on your eyelids!"

"Are you trying to open our yin and yang eyes?" Wen Xiang's eyes widened.

"Try it! It makes things easier!"

Wen Xiang didn't hesitate, directly dipped some in and applied it on his eyelids.

Ayong was a little reluctant, but he still wiped it off coyly.

When they opened their eyes, they were shocked at the same time.

"I saw!"

"I saw it too!" Wen Xiang nodded, "It's the fluorescent color of the marker!"


This fluorescent mark did not appear out of thin air.

There is no direction for now, so we can only follow the signs.

Wen Xiang is in front and A Yong is behind.

Along the way, we also saw a few skeletons.

Judging from the degree of decay, the time of death should be earlier.

One day and one night, we only had less than five hours of rest.

When I was panting and holding on to the tree to calm myself down, an inadvertent glance made my heart beat wildly.

A monkey-shaped mountain peak suddenly comes into view.

"Monkey King Peak!" I shouted pointing in the distance.

"Yes!" Wen Xiang nodded, "It takes a long distance to see the entire Monkey King clearly!"

"The Monkey King Peak in Zhou Yuqi's sight is about this size! So that building should be not far away!"

Hearing what I said, Wen Xiang and A Yong immediately became energetic.

It was like taking a shot of chicken blood, and all the fatigue disappeared immediately.

Following Zhou Yuqi's sporadic memories, we climbed all the way up.

As we climbed, the road suddenly became smooth.

"This road doesn't look like it was formed naturally!" Wen Xiang said, "It seems like it was forged the day after tomorrow!"

“Where there are roads, there are people!”

Keep going, the road becomes wider and wider.

Finally, a huge circular venue appeared in front of us.

In the middle, a huge letter 'H' is written in bright red.

The surrounding area is covered with dark red traces.

I don't know if it's the discolored paint or old blood.

This is a helipad!

"No wonder someone can enter the forbidden area of ​​Monkey King Peak. It turns out they have higher-end transportation!" Wen Xiang suddenly raised his head when he said this. "Look ahead!"

Looking in the direction of Wen Xiang's finger, the strange building in Minus [-]'s memory suddenly came into view.

"That's it!" I was so excited that my breath was short of breath.

But when we got closer and saw the plaque on the door, our hearts sank.

Because on the faded plaque, there are four big characters written "Jingxin Academy".

The corpses I encountered before were all wearing the uniforms of Jingxin Academy. This is definitely not a coincidence.

Obviously, Wen Xiang also realized the crisis.

"Ayong, have you brought your self-defense tools?"

"Bring it!" Ayong nodded vigorously, "Are we going to fight?"

"Maybe it's self-protection!" I warned, "This academy is not simple!"

"It seems like this is the back door. Should we go separate ways?"

"do not want!"

"do not want!"

Wen Xiang's suggestion was strongly rejected by A Yong and I.

"You are the only one here who is capable of martial arts. If you leave alone, we will probably be killed by both of you!"

A Yong's words made me nod in agreement.

Although I have Ning Yi, Baojiaxian can only protect me but not others!

"Have you never seen a horror movie?" Ayong frowned, "Anyone who walks alone will die!"

"Okay! Okay! Just tell us later that we are travel companions and we accidentally got lost here! Don't say anything else!"


Under the leadership of Wen Xiang, we found the main entrance.

During this period, I roughly observed that the entire college should be nearly a thousand square meters.

All in all, great.

When he arrived at the door, Wen Xiang ran to knock on the door first.

After a while, the door opened with a creak.

A little boy wearing thick glasses appeared in front of him holding a broom.

He was wearing the same uniform as those corpses.

"Who are you looking for?" the little boy said quietly.

"A few of us came to climb the Monkey King Peak, but we got lost!" Wen Xiang said with an embarrassed look, "We are hungry and thirsty after climbing all day and night. Can you give us a drink of water and lend us a phone call?"

Wen Xiang raised the satellite phone in his hand and shook it gently.

"This one is out of power too!"

"Please come in!" The little boy stepped out of the way very politely, "I will take you to see the dean!"

Following the little boy, when passing through a garden, a crunching sound caught my attention.

I saw a girl in uniform, sitting on a swing and shaking gently.

Because his head was lowered too low, his hair completely covered his face.

The girl swayed faster and faster, and when she was almost thrown into the sky, Ayong hurriedly pulled the little boy in front of her.

"It's too dangerous for you to let that little girl get off the swing!"

Ayong's words stunned the little boy for a moment.

"Our college only accepts boys!"

The little boy's words made A Yong's back freeze instantly.

When we looked back, we saw only the empty swing.


(End of this chapter)

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