That girl on the swing just now is a ghost!

But the little boy said that their college only accepts boys, so why is this girl also wearing the uniform of Jingxin College?
I'm quite used to seeing ghosts.

But Wen Xiang and A Yong obviously couldn't adapt, especially A Yong, whose face was as pale as if all the blood in his body had been drained.

The little boy thought he was hungry and quickly took us to the canteen.

Steamed buns, pickles and a plate of cold braised pork.

It doesn't look very good, and it doesn't have a great fragrance.

But when A Yong subconsciously stretched his chopsticks towards the braised pork, Wen Xiang and I stopped him at the same time.

"Are you willing to die?" I lowered my voice, "Have you forgotten those corpses?"

"This academy is so weird, all meat is inedible!"

Wen Xiang said and handed the steamed bun to A Yong.

A Yong felt nauseated and pushed the braised pork aside.

Only then did I discover that there were surveillance cameras at the four corners of the cafeteria.

But there was dust on the monitor and the signal light didn't light up.

And the wire connected to the wall was actually broken.

"It's so weird here!" Wen Xiang whispered, "The three of us must not separate, we must be careful!"

"it is good!"

While they were whispering, footsteps suddenly came from behind.

Looking for fame, I saw the little boy.

And behind him, followed a man in a suit.

He looks to be about 27 or [-] years old, and he is gentle and elegant.

He was just a little reserved when he walked, with his hands hanging down close to the outside of his thighs.

The walking posture of the little boy is exactly the same.

"Principal, it's them!"

The little boy said this, bowed to the dean, then turned and left the cafeteria.

"Hello!" The dean walked up to us and said with a smile. "I am the dean here! I heard from Xiao Kai that you are lost?"

It turns out that the boy just now was named Xiaokai!
"Yes!" Wen Xiang hurriedly said, "This is my business card!"

The dean pushed up his glasses and took the business card.

"Turtle Club? What a special name!"

Wen Xiang was obviously startled by the dean's muttering, but he quickly calmed down.

"My satellite phone is out of battery. Lend me a charge if you can! We'll fix it here for a while and wait until the battery is full, then we'll leave. I don't know, is that okay?"

"Of course!" The dean smiled and nodded, "Looking at the weather, it's likely to rain heavily. Don't think about it for a while! I'll ask Xiaokai to take you to the dormitory later! By the way, I'm in the westernmost one Office, if you have any questions, you can come to me."

"Thank you!"

After the dean left, Wen Xiang and I looked at each other.

"Something's wrong!" I muttered.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Ayong looked confused.

"His suit is too inappropriate!"

Not only did it not fit, it was extremely loose.

Even the trouser legs almost cover the entire leather shoes.

"And this!" Wen Xiang handed me his business card.

With just one glance, I understood the weirdness of his expression before.

The 'Shen Am' club was directly pronounced as 'Shen Turtle' by the dean.

Such cultural literacy is not what a college dean should have!

Coupled with his ill-fitting suit, I have [-]% reason to suspect that he is not the real dean at all.

"And did you notice the way he walked?" Wen Xiang muttered, "It's too formal and too respectful!"

"Why didn't I find it?" Ayong whispered.

I remained silent and Wen Xiang rolled his eyes at him.

We didn’t dare to eat the steamed buns, so we randomly found a place to throw them away.

After going out, I saw several teenagers.

They all wear the same uniform and are no more than 16 years old.

When they saw us, they smiled brightly and waved to us.

After that, he put his hands tightly on his legs and left in a weird posture.

Xiaokai found us and took the three of us to an empty house on the east side.

As soon as we entered, we smelled a musty smell.

Two bunk beds were placed tightly against the wall.

There is yellow and brown dirt on the wall, but probably because of the passage of time, there is no peculiar smell.

"The dean asked you to give me the satellite phone!" Xiao Kai extended his hand to Wen Xiang, "Our college has indirect power supply. Only the dean's room has 24-hour power supply."

Wen Xiang didn't say anything, but searched around.

There isn't even a single socket in this dormitory.

The light tubes on the ceiling are dark at both ends.

It looks like it should have been burned out.

I think everyone knows the importance of satellite phones.

It was obvious that Wen Xiang didn't want to hand over the satellite phone, especially after knowing the weirdness of the college.

"I'll go find the dean later and hand it over to him personally!" Wen Xiang said this and looked at Xiao Kai. "Where are you from?"

"The dean doesn't let us talk to strangers. This is to protect us!" Xiao Kai smiled, "Then give the phone number to the dean in person! I have to go to class, so I'm leaving first!"

Xiaokai bowed, turned and left.

After Xiaokai left, I pressed the switch on the wall.

The light doesn't turn on!
"We can't sit still and wait for death, right?" Wen Xiang said, "This place feels eerie!"

"What are you afraid of?" Ayong sneered, "They are just a group of half-grown children. What kind of threat can they pose? We three adults can still be afraid of a group of brats!"

"Where did those corpses come from?" I asked A Yong. "It can basically be proved that those corpses are students from Jingxin Academy, but why did they die and who killed them?"

At this point, I pause.

"The missing ones are not one or two, but more than a dozen students! Jingxin Academy has lost so many people, how could they not notice it? So I boldly guess that the murderer is in the academy! And the disappearance or death of the students, The college is fully aware of this!”

"Oh my god!" A Yong's lips trembled, "Could it be the dean? He looks weird?"

I remained silent, not knowing what to say.

The weather on the mountain suddenly changed, and it started pouring rain soon.

Wen Xiang was walking around, trying to take advantage of this opportunity to understand the terrain.

In case of any emergency, you can still run away.

And I went into the dark corners, trying to meet the female ghost again.

When I returned home disappointed, I saw a panicked Ayong.

"what happened?"

"The satellite phone is gone!" Ayong said hurriedly.


"I told you to stay here and never leave!" Wen Xiang shouted, "Why don't you listen to me?"

"I wonder if that steamed bun is not clean and I have a stomachache, so..." A Yong became even more anxious when he said this. "I swear, I left for just a few minutes! I had diarrhea very quickly! I came back without wiping my butt! As a result..."

"You are nothing but trash!"

"Stop arguing!" I quickly interrupted Wen Xiang's output, "Someone doesn't want us to contact the outside world! Even if the satellite phone is not stolen this time, they will still find us when we are slack! This is their territory, and they have many ways. .”

"Xiao Shen finally said something fair, I didn't mean it!" A Yong looked aggrieved, "What should I do now?"

"In this case, I'll go to the dean to stall for time, and you can go look elsewhere to see if there are any clues."

"That's very dangerous!" I frowned involuntarily, "You and A Yong go to find the dean together, and I'll look for clues! I look weak as a woman, so they probably won't pay special attention to me!"

"You said you're a woman!" Wen Xiang was anxious, "It's dangerous for you to act alone, okay? After what happened with Sister Zhou, I swore that I would never leave any of my companions behind. !" "I can!" I said quickly, "I have yin and yang eyes, you forgot! In fact, I can not only see ghosts, but I can also communicate with ghosts. So no matter what, I am safer than you!"


"Stop it!" I interrupted Wen Xiang, "You go quickly!"

After struggling for a moment, Wen Xiang nodded.

After all, I look thin and small, but I dare to touch corpses and dissect them, which is not something ordinary men can match.

Wen Xiang and A Yong found Xiao Kai and asked Xiao Kai to take them to see the dean.

After they left, I put the bag under the quilt.

After covering a human figure, the door was locked.

Then he managed to get out through the gap in the window.

Looking out the window, there was a man wrapped in a quilt lying on the bed, and he looked flawless.

Unless they break in.

The entire college was very old, and I walked along the base of the wall covered with weeds as tall as a person.

Occasionally, when I encounter a student, I take advantage of my small body and immediately hide in the weeds.

Just like that, I came to a building that was almost covered with weeds.

The building has a thick metal door. Such a thick door is naturally heavily guarded.

But the door was ajar, revealing a gap of about thirty centimeters.

When I pulled back the grass, I saw that the ground was stained with rust.

Tried pushing the door, but it wouldn't budge.

It's obviously rusty.

From the looks of it, no one has been here for a long time.

Therefore, it should be relatively safe here.

Turning on the flashlight, I walked in.

As soon as he raised his head, his eyes were caught by spider silk.

I pulled off the spider silk with my hands and continued walking forward.

Cracked computers, keyboards scattered on the floor and overturned bookcases.

It looks like this was originally an office or something.

The host is gone and the computer is broken, so it will definitely not be able to be turned on.

So, I opened the drawer.

There is a file bag marked 'XYY' inside, and when opened there is only a piece of paper.

On that piece of paper were photos of eight boys, wearing Jingxin Academy uniforms.

It seems that they are all students here.

There are photos, names, place of origin, and even detailed parent information.

Putting down the piece of paper, I knelt down and continued searching.

I found several empty portfolios. They looked nothing special, but they were all marked with the English letters 'XYY' in red pen.

Do these letters have any special meaning?

Just when I was puzzled, there was a loud bang behind me.

When I turned around, I found the door had been closed.

At the same time, thick smoke billowed out all around.


Someone wants to burn me to death!
I hurriedly searched around, but I couldn't see any doors or windows.

Just when I was about to call out Ning Yi to save my life, the fluorescent mark appeared again.

After looking at the increasingly thicker smoke, I couldn't care less.

Following the mark, I came to the corner.

But upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a dead end.

Just when I was complaining that this ghost was unreliable, I suddenly saw fluorescent marks falling on the ground.

I raised my hand and knocked, but there was nothing but sound.

So I quickly used something to pry open the thick ceramic tiles, and a hole about two meters long and one meter wide appeared.

Seeing the fire approaching, I jumped down and closed the tiles.

When the flashlight light filled the surroundings, a corpse suddenly came into view.

Probably because of the dry environment, the corpse was not looked down upon, but the water was evaporated, leaving only a layer of skin tightly wrapped around the bones.

But what it was wearing was not the Jingxin Academy uniform, but a pink sportswear.

This sportswear looks so familiar!
Minus 14 is Zhou Yuqi’s daughter, and she seems to be wearing this outfit!

Is it...

After careful inspection of the mummy, it was found that the grade was exactly ten to 12 years old, which was the same age as Zhou Yuqi's daughter.

And there was a wound on her throat that was cut with a sharp weapon. It looked like she died by having her throat cut!
Who is so cruel to a ten-year-old child?
"An An!"

Just when I was sweating all over because of the heat outside, Ning Yi suddenly appeared.

"Will you die if you summon me?" Ning Yi gritted his teeth.

"Don't say that yet!" I picked up the mummy, "Xianjia, take this corpse away first!"

"Don't scare her!"

Ning Zhen said this to my side and disappeared together with the mummy.

When I realized what I was doing, I subconsciously turned my head and was surprised to see the little girl on the swing kneeling next to me.

His head was buried in his chest, and his sticky hair covered his entire face.

"You..." I stabilized my mood a little and slowly raised my waist. "Did you bring me here?"

After hearing what I said, the little girl raised her little hand and slowly pushed her hair away.

I thought what I saw would be a shocking face, after all, that’s what horror movies show.

But what I saw was a cute round face.

Although she is extremely pale, she can't hide her innocence and sweetness.

She is Zhou Yuqi’s daughter!
I found her!
"Guo'er!" I don't know where I got the courage to grab the little girl's cold hand. "You're Guo'er, right?"

The little girl looked at me with a numb face.

"It was your mother who asked me to come to you. Her name is Zhou Yuqi!"

As if frightened, the little girl shook her head slightly.

Obviously, she doesn't remember.

"You don't remember anything?" I said cautiously.

This time, the little girl nodded.

"Then why did you lure us here?"

"I don't know either!" the little girl squirmed, "I just wanted to find someone, but no one came. When they see me, they will be scared and yell, and then come here to ask for help! But in the end, None of them went out."

Speaking of this, the little girl trembled.

"Everyone here is bad!"

"Are you referring to the people from Jingxin Academy?"

"There are fewer and fewer people..." the little girl muttered to herself as if she was deaf. "They were dragged into the woods and never came back. One hundred turned into eighty, eighty turned into forty, forty turned into fifteen! Even you three, there are still eighteen!"

Seeing the little girl trapped in her own emotions, I held her hand tightly.

"Don't talk so much, come out with me first!"

When the heat outside dissipated, I climbed out of the gray building.

Probably because the materials were set on fire, the place was only blackened and not burned down.

As soon as I ran out of the building with the little girl, I saw a thin figure.

It's Xiaokai!
Xiao Kai stared straight into the darkness in front of him, and expressionlessly threw the lighter in his hand into the grass.


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