Xiao Kai's appearance was completely different from what he saw during the day.

At this moment, his face was expressionless.

Looking at the remaining firelight, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, half-smiling.

Then he put his hands together on his legs, then lowered his head and walked into the darkness.

When I turned around, I saw the frightened eyes of the little girl.

"Guo'er, do you know him?"

"I don't know!" Guo'er shook his head slightly, "But I'm scared!"

All fear has its origin!

I thought Guoer was only afraid of Xiao Kai, but when she saw other students, her eyes were still full of panic.

Even the hand that held me was shaking.

At this moment, I firmly believe that all the reasons come from this weird college!
What does XYY in the file mean?
Why are these three letters marked at the end of the list of students on the page I saw?

Taking Guo'er with him, he followed Xiao Kai all the way.

Intuition tells me that he is not simple.

Although Xiaokai lowered his head, he still entered a dormitory accurately.

After a while, screams and crashes came from inside.

"do not go!"

Just when I was about to step forward to see what was going on, a rapid and depressing tone suddenly came from the darkness.

My heart skipped a beat and I hurriedly looked for information.

I saw a tall, bald, fat man huddled in the grass, the white coat he was wearing stained with bright red patches.

It looks shocking.

"hold on!"

After hearing what the fat uncle said, I hid in the dark.

After a while, the dormitory door opened.

Xiao Kai, who was covered in blood, stood at the door and looked around for a while, then bent down with difficulty.

Taking a closer look, he was grabbing a student's leg and dragging him out of the threshold.

He covered his mouth fiercely to cover up all the shock and horror.

Xiaokai, he just... killed someone?

Looking at the motionless student in uniform in Xiaokai's hands, I suddenly understood where those corpses in the woods came from.

"Come with me!"

The fat uncle waved, stood up and left.

I took Guo'er's hand and followed closely.

The maze-like walking path made me a little confused about the direction.

Finally, the fat uncle stopped in front of a rockery.

Feel for one of the stones, and a hidden door opens instantly.

Watching the uncle continue to slander him, I was a little afraid to follow him.

But Guoer sniffed hard, let go of my hand and rushed into the darkness.

No, I can only turn on the flashlight.

A winding stone staircase appears in front of you.

As I walked, the lights on the wall came on.

After walking through the narrow passage for about ten minutes, my eyes suddenly opened up.

A laboratory-like space appeared in front of me.

It seems that the equipment is very advanced.

In addition to ten small computers, there is also a screen that takes up an entire wall.

On the screen, everything flashing was snowflakes.

The most terrifying thing was the bodies lying on the ground.

Some bodies were lying on the table, while others were stacked on top of each other.

They all wore white coats, but only regret remained in the corruption.

“The electricity here comes from solar energy, so it can always be powered on!”

Suddenly, the fat uncle appeared in front of me quietly.

"You..." I glanced at the fat uncle's feet, "How did you die?"

That's right!

The fat uncle is a ghost!
When he was walking in front of me, I noticed that his feet never touched the ground.

Under the light, no shadow can be seen.

"I committed suicide!" said the fat uncle, "but these are not important!"

Having said this, the fat uncle looked at the big screen.

"These kids are out of control!"

"Those corpses in the woods are the students here, right? What happened here? Who are you?"

"I am the dean of Jingxin Academy!"

The fat uncle’s words immediately made my heart tense.

Judging from the fat uncle's figure, the suit worn by the 'dean' before must be his!
"Jingxin Academy is a school that specializes in treating children who carry the super male gene!"

"Super male gene?" I was stunned, "Is it related to XYY on the file?"

"Yes!" The fat uncle nodded, "XYY is a human male chromosome disease. The normal male chromosome is XY, but the super male gene has an extra Y chromosome."

"No wonder all the students here are male!"

"Children with super male genes are irritable, violent, and impatient. They are born with bloodthirsty tendencies, which will increase with age. If left unchecked, the consequences will be disastrous! So we created the Meditation Academy to target this disease. The purpose of building the college in the deep mountains and old forests is to prevent them from escaping. Those who can enter the Meditation College are either wealthy or have strong family backgrounds. The only means of transportation is a helicopter, which is not affordable for ordinary people! Ordinary people may give up, but Rich people don’t need money, so they become doctors.”

"How many children have you admitted?"

"There are more than 140 people in total! Including our staff here, there are about 400 people. In terms of numbers, we are enough to restrain them! However, we have ignored the special characteristics of super-male genes!" The fat uncle looked solemn and touched The Mediterranean sighs heavily.

"They are not only violent, but also smarter than ordinary people! Even when they are 'sick', their physical strength will explode to an extreme state! After these students have 'behaved' for more than a month, our staff here began to work one by one By the time we discovered the problem and were ready to take action, we had already become their lambs to be slaughtered."

"So, these people were killed by them?"

I looked around and pointed at the bones.

"They blocked the only way out, and we were trapped in the monitoring room until we starved to death one by one! And I didn't want to die like this, so I used my last strength to commit suicide. I don't know how long it took, but I found that I could start from here I left! When I reacted, I realized that I had turned into a ghost."

"So, all the people left in Jingxin Academy are students? Including the one pretending to be the dean!"

"After they killed all the staff, this place became a hell, and they were man-eating devils! Then they started fighting each other! Now, there are less than twenty left! I watched helplessly. Everything, but they can't stop it! Probably because they killed so hard that they couldn't even see me or feel my existence!"

"What about her!" I pointed to Guo'er, "How did she die?"

"I don't know!" The fat uncle shook his head, "I can't come out anytime and anywhere. I can only stay in the monitoring room most of the time. Get out of here quickly, the further away the better! Also, never let these devils out! They look like innocent kids, but when they are cruel, they will kill anyone around them!"

"My companion is still here!"

"Companions?" The fat uncle frowned, "How many are there?"

"Two!" I said quickly. "After the satellite phone was lost, they went to find the fake dean!"

"Lost? How could it be lost for no reason? It was all done by those demons! When they dealt with us, they also destroyed the communication facilities first! One of our staff members wanted to escape in a helicopter, but he was tricked by them and crashed. Die!"

"I'll go find my companion first!"

"Be careful! Be careful not to look at them, otherwise they will regard it as provocation! They will definitely kill anyone who faces provocation!"

After leaving the testing room, I hurried to the dean's residence.

As I was running, a small figure suddenly stopped me.

Taking a closer look, it was Xiao Kai.

But at this moment, he had tidied up and changed into a uniform, without leaving a drop of blood.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm looking for the dean!"

"I'll take you!"

When Xiao Kai said this, he slowly turned around.

His pace was very slow, keeping a step away from me.

But as he walked, his hand on his right leg suddenly groped forward.

Sensing something bad, I immediately distanced myself.

At the same time, Xiaokai suddenly turned around and stabbed me hard with a knife.

The originally well-behaved face was full of ferocity and distortion.

But because I had kept my distance, Xiaokai stumbled forward and jumped away instantly.

But I didn't give him a chance to stabilize his body and kicked him in the waist.

Xiaokai was originally thin and small, but I kicked him into the grass.

Then, there was no movement.

I picked up the knife on the ground and tentatively walked over, but when I dug through the grass, I didn't see Xiao Kai.


I have to find Wen Xiang and A Yong first!

When I found the dean's lounge, I didn't look at Wen Xiang and A Yong.

But the man pretending to be the dean was squinting, raising his hands, and shaking his head like a conductor.

I just watched quietly until he put down his hand and bowed slowly.

When he stood up and looked at me, the man smiled.

"You came?"

"Where is my companion?"

My hand in my pocket was holding the knife tightly, and all the nerves in my body were tense.

"They were fine when they came!" The man tilted his head and stared at me, "Just as fine as you!"

"Where's the satellite phone?" I glanced around, "Have they found it?"

There were no signs of a fight or blood at the scene.

So Wen Xiang and the others should be okay for the time being, right?

"At this!"

The man walked aside and opened the drawer, which was full of satellite phones.

It seems that many explorers have fallen into their hands.

The results speak for themselves.

"Which one do you want?"

Is this guy not going to keep pretending?
"The two of them are safe for now, at least until we get married!"

The man's words made my heart skip a beat.


"Yes!" The man opened his arms, "My excellent genes must be passed on!"

"Can super males be considered to have excellent genes?"

"Doesn't it count?" The man said with a silly smile on his face, "The emergence of super-male genes is to eliminate inferior genes in humans. In a world where the jungle is the strongest, the existence of super-males is the most important destination! It's a pity that the super-male gene is only limited to men. I think To continue, you must seek the help of women! And women who are suitable for propagating super-male genes cannot be selected casually! They must have courage and courage that ordinary women do not have! And you are very suitable!"

"Are you worthy?" I sneered.

In fact, I was scared when faced with this situation.

However, I have Ning Yi.

So, I'm pretending to be calm.

Because I know that people are scarier than ghosts.

"Why am I not worthy?" The man looked excited, "I'm different from them! I'm not only violent, but I also have brains! Unlike them, I'm just a reckless man who kills people casually! I only have the courage to pretend to be a staff member. A chance to liberate them! But I didn’t expect that the great genes that they finally collected would be killed by each other until only these three melons and two dates were left! So I was a little more determined! That is to create improved human beings by myself! And you are the pregnant mother of the new generation of super-male genes!"


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