
After listening to the man's description, I couldn't calm down for a long time.

After thinking about it, the only word "sick" can express my emotions at this moment.

But these two words made the man's eyes instantly bloodshot.

He kicked me, his nose constantly shrinking.

The blood vessels on his forehead bulged one by one, and he punched the wall and blood dripped instantly.

"Why do you also say that I am sick? Do you know what will happen to those who say that I am sick? Once upon a time, I was also a carefree child! Although my father took care of me alone, we, father and son, were very happy. ! Until the year when I was ten years old, that woman came!"

When the man said this, his whole cheek tensed up.

"Dad asked me to call that woman my mother! But why? I have my own mother! Although my mother and father are divorced, a person can only have one mother in his life! It was she who ruined my life, it was her Want to take away my dad! As long as she is gone, mom can come back! Because of her, dad took such a big bamboo pole and hit me again and again. It hurt so much, but I didn’t make a sound! Dad As much as it hurts to hit me, I hate that woman so much!"

Speaking of this, the man suddenly looked hesitant.

As her eyelashes flickered, tears fell one by one.

"Not only did that woman leave my home without fun, she also cursed my mother and cursed me! She said... She said that my mother did not divorce my father, but died! My mother died because she was pregnant with me who was sick. , that’s why she died in childbirth! Look, not only did she take away my father, she also made up lies to break me mentally! She is a bad woman! She deserves to die!"

"The woman Zhou Peiran mentioned is his stepmother!"

Suddenly, the fat uncle appeared next to me quietly.

"She's right! Theoretically, it was Zhou Peiran who killed her mother! During the pregnancy test, the doctor had already found out that Zhou Peiran had a super-male gene and directly suggested terminating the pregnancy! But because of the super-male gene's child It secretes a hormone that causes the mother to have an uncontrollable desire for protection, so Zhou Peiran’s mother risked her life to save Zhou Peiran. When Zhou Peiran was still a fetus, he overabsorbed nutrients from the mother’s body, causing his mother to fall ill not long after giving birth to him. When the oil runs out, the lamp dries up and dies!”

Zhou Peiran?
It turns out that this nervous-looking man is called Zhou Peiran!

He has a gentle name but a twisted personality.

"I wanted to get rid of that bad woman, but my father kept protecting her! In order to vent my anger, I attacked my classmates! I cut off the girls' pigtails and broke the boys' arms. I like to see them cry, I I like to see them gasping for breath when I choke them! Hahaha... I like to see them scared when they see me!"

After Zhou Peiran stated this as if talking to himself, his face twitched and he laughed wildly.

The fat uncle beside him sighed and shook his head.

"He changed to countless schools, and no school dared to accept him anymore. His stepmother sent Zhou Peiran to see a doctor without asking her husband. But the disease carried in the genes cannot be cured at all! Another After the pregnant nurse had a miscarriage, Zhou Peiran was sent to a special management institution. But Zhou Peiran's appearance turned the place into a hell! In the end, out of desperation, the institution sent Zhou Peiran back."

"Later, I finally forced that bad woman away!"

Zhou Peiran couldn't see the fat uncle and kept talking to himself.

"That bad woman finally divorced my father, and our lives are finally free!"

"Ask him if he still remembers the swimming pool!"

Hearing what the fat uncle said, I hesitated and looked at Zhou Peiran.

"What about the swimming pool?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Peiran jumped up and down as excitedly as if he had been given a shot of chicken blood.

"Don't blame me! You really don't blame me! Who told him to laugh at me?!"

"If the coach hadn't discovered it in time, the consequences would have been disastrous!"

The fat uncle’s explanation made my heart skip a beat.

Where is Zhou Peiran a child?
What a devil!
When the fat uncle explained to me what the super male gene was, I didn't take it to heart.

I just think that this is a disease and can be cured.

But after listening to his description and Zhou Peiran's self-narration, I realized that some evil is really innate.

"I didn't mean it!" Zhou Peiran spread his hands innocently, "Didn't he want to win? I helped him win and I was doing a good deed. Why should you blame me? Besides, isn't he still alive? But I My father is completely disappointed in me! It’s all his fault! My father hates me!”

"Is this why your father sent you to Jingxin Academy?"

I suppressed the anger in my heart and couldn't help but speak.

But these words made the fat uncle's expression change.

He squirmed and hesitated to speak, but in the end it was Zhou Peiran who spoke first.

At this moment, my scalp is about to explode.

His fists were clenched subconsciously, and he couldn't even feel the pain when his fingernails were dug into his flesh.

The long-suppressed anger made me rush over and punch Zhou Peiran on the chin.

Then, while he was staggering backwards, he kicked him in the crotch.

When he fell to the ground with a cry of pain, he picked up the ashtray on the table and hit him in the crotch again and again.

He didn't let go until the ashtray shattered, panting.

But Zhou Peiran was lying on his back and just cried out in pain a few times before laughing.

"Enough! I really saw the right person!"

"Why did you kill that girl?"

"She struggled!" Zhou Peiran said calmly.

"Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish!"

"They are right!" I slowly stood up and stared at Zhou Peiran. "You are sick!"

"Say it again!" Zhou Peiran's eyes suddenly became fierce.

"You! Are! Sick!" I said word by word, "Your mother should have aborted you when she was pregnant with you!"

When faced with a sensitive demon, I have no fear of irritating him!

Because the things about him sitting are too numerous to describe.

"Haha..." Zhou Peiran's cheeks twitched again, "How dare you say such things to me in Jingxin Academy? I can brainwash all the students and encourage them to kill, and I can also treat you to be submissive!"

Zhou Peiran said this and stretched out his hand to me.

"I don't mind what you said to me just now, stay with me! We two will be the king and queen of this new world!"


Before I could reply, Ning Yi suddenly stood up from the ground.

Judging from the black energy surging around him and the sternness in his brows, it was obvious that he had been enduring this for a long time.

"Have you said enough?" Ning Yi turned his head slightly.

"Enough!" I nodded lightly and glanced at Zhou Peiran. "kill him!"

After saying that, I turned around and left.

As he walked, he took out the wooden fish on the key pendant and knocked it gently.

It wasn't me who killed!

All I can do is continue to accumulate merit for Ning Yi!


Under the leadership of the fat uncle, I broke into the dormitory.

When he kicked the door open, Xiao Kai was holding a knife and approaching Wen Xiang and A Yong, who were tied up.

I thought that although Xiao Kai has super male genes, he is still just a child.

Regardless of size or strength, he is slightly inferior to me.

It should be effortless to subdue him.

However, I obviously overestimated myself.

Xiao Kai's strength is comparable to that of an adult male.

He was yelling at me like a madman, stabbing me vitally with every stab.

If it weren't for Uncle Pang and Guo'er's secret help, I might have died here.

When I tied up Xiaokai, he was lying on the ground still holding his neck and kicking me viciously.

That gaze seemed to want to eat me alive.

"They are all perverts!" A Yong couldn't wait to speak as soon as he was released. "We two grown men actually fell into their trap! And the dean, he is in the same group as these students!"

"He is the dean!" I pointed at the fat uncle.

A Yong glanced at it and immediately stopped talking.

And Wen Xiang's eyes fell on Guo'er.

"You found her?"

He lowered his gaze to look at Guo'er's feet, and immediately retracted like a touching point.

Then, Wen Xiang's eyes turned red.

"She's dead, you already knew it!"

"But I still had a glimmer of hope without seeing the body! But now..."

Wen Xiang choked and turned his face away.

"After that incident, Wen Xiang secretly came back to Monkey King Peak to find her, but..." A Yong said this in a low voice and suddenly looked at Guo'er. "How did you die?"

Guo'er looked confused and shook her head vigorously.

Shaking and shaking, he held his head.

It seems that the memories of the past are too painful!

I quickly hugged Guo'er and gave her silent comfort.

But at this moment, there were rapid footsteps outside.

After A Yong glanced at the window, he quickly locked the door and pressed his back against Ke.

"what happened?"

"They are coming!" Ayong said, "Are they coming to kill us?"

Through the window glass, I saw a dozen figures wearing uniforms.

They are of different heights and are approaching here slowly and unhurriedly in a weird posture.

Under the thick fog, it looks like a group of walking zombies!
It looks extremely terrifying.

"Fight them!" Wen Xiang shouted angrily and pulled out the saber he carried with him.

"No!" The fat uncle waved his hands vigorously, "We must carry out civilized education, and we must not fight violence with violence!"

"Come on!" A Yong responded hurriedly, "If your so-called 'civilized' education is effective, Jingxin Academy will not die and only these few people will be left! That fake dean has done all the bad things they have done. You’ve all told us! Don’t you have any idea how you died?”

"I know it!" the fat uncle said repeatedly, "but in order to deal with these evil creatures, you can't involve yourself! Murder is illegal!"

"We are defending ourselves!" Wen Xiang shouted.

"Excessive defense also requires legal responsibility!"

Seeing the two of them arguing, I finally spoke lightly.

"Then what should we do?" Wen Xiang was anxious, "Wait until you are cut down before you fight back?"

"There are only two of us among a dozen people outside, and in such a closed space, what are our chances of winning?"

"Then what should I do?" Ayong stomped his feet, "I still want to get a wife!"

"What can we do?" Wen Xiang raised his head and looked around, "Even the gods can't save us!"

"who said it!"

I walked straight to A Yong and started groping on his chest.

"Hey! What are you doing? It's already this time, don't do anything!" Ayong blushed with shame and annoyance, "I like that Sister Yu doesn't care about yellow-haired girls!"

"What are you thinking about?" I rolled my eyes at Ayong, "Where are you smoking?"

"What cigarettes? I didn't bring any!" When A Yong said this, he glanced at Wen Xiang cautiously. "Smoking is prohibited in the forest!"

"Stop pretending! We're waiting for help!"

"How can I save the cigarette... Hey, hey, don't touch it, it's in the little pocket under your armpit!"

I found cigarettes and immediately pulled out four.

Just when I was about to light one, the glass was suddenly smashed with a crash.

Immediately afterwards, A Yong, who was close to the door, and the entire door trembled.

Obviously, these super-male villains started to attack.

"Is it okay?" Ayong raised his head and shouted desperately. "Why are you still lighting up a cigarette at this time? Think about something quickly..."

Before A Yong could finish his roar, all four cigarettes were lit.

In the smoke, Ning Yi appeared again.

Seeing Ning Yi, both of them were shocked.

"Is it so ceremonial?" Ning Yi glanced at the cigarette in my hand.

"Ask the Xian family for help! It's necessary!" I said with a smile.

Ning Yi raised his big hand and put out the cigarette.

"Girls, don't smoke secondhand smoke, it's not good for your health! Next time you need help, just call us!"

After speaking, Ning Yi disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, the figures outside were knocked away one after another.

After falling heavily to the ground, he struggled to get up, but was instantly enveloped in black mist.

Ayong and I looked at each other and hurriedly squeezed towards the window.

But before I could see clearly, a big hand suddenly reached into my sight.

This move made A Yong collapse to the ground in fear.

And I looked along my hand, and finally met Ning Zhen's face.

"Gory scenes, not suitable for children!"


After I reluctantly turned my face away, Ning Yi disappeared.

Even though I couldn't see it, I could smell the blood.

The strong smell of blood rushed into his breath from all directions.

It even got on my body.

Seeing the fat uncle's increasingly distorted face and increasingly frightened expression as he looked outside, we can see how cruel the torture these super-male villains are going through.

But they didn't utter a cry or beg for mercy. I could only vaguely hear their angry roars and struggling like trapped animals.

Not long after, the sound stopped.

Peace is restored all the way, including the rising evil.

When the dormitory door opened automatically, I saw Minus 14, which was Zhou Yuqi.

Zhou Yuqi looked around blankly, and finally his eyes fell on Guo'er.

Guo'er was obviously stunned, and then subconsciously walked towards Zhou Yuqi.

The mother and daughter slowly walked toward each other, and the moment they held each other's hands, the surrounding scenery instantly shattered.

After regrouping, it turned into daylight.

"This is Zhou Yuqi's memory!"

Suddenly, Ning Zhen's voice came to my ears.

I didn't say anything, but looked at Zhou Yuqi holding Guoer's hand and smiling happily.

But before the warm scene lasted long, there were screams.

Looking for reputation, I saw Jingxin College.

Without any hesitation, Zhou Yuqi pulled Guoer and rushed towards the academy.

When I found a dormitory, I happened to see a big boy holding another smaller boy tightly.

Seeing the little boy's body softening, Zhou Yuqi immediately shouted and rushed over.

After she forcefully pulled the big boy away, the little boy finally recovered and gasped for air.

And Guo'er glared at the older boy fiercely, supported the little boy and walked out in a hurry.

"How could you do this?" Zhou Yuqi yelled at the older boy, "You are bullying the weak, you are bullying!"

This sentence made the big boy laugh.

He glanced at the direction Guo'er left, and then showed an evil smile.

"He is not weak!"

When the big boy said this, he suddenly opened his uniform.

When a wound with a toothbrush inserted in it appeared in front of her eyes, Zhou Yuqi was stunned.

"Your daughter has taken another demon!"

Zhou Yuqi's whole body trembled, and she turned around and ran away as if frightened.

But as I ran, I suddenly returned to reality.

At this moment, Zhou Yuqi was hugging Guoer tightly.

The mother and daughter hugged each other and cried, and the condor was sad.

After a long time, Zhou Yuqi finally let go of Guo'er.

She caressed Guoer's face and turned her gaze to me.

"I remember what happened next. You can guess it, right? My kindness was given to a demon, and that demon killed my child!"

There is no memory of Er being killed, maybe it was deleted automatically by Zhou Yuqi.

But I know that that period must be very painful!

It was so painful that Zhou Yuqi would rather forget it than think of it at all.

"At that time, I thought I saved a child, but I never expected that I would end up killing my own child!"

"I'm sorry, Sister Zhou!"

Suddenly, Wen Xiang choked up and spoke.

"If I can take you back in time, maybe..."

"I don't blame you!" Zhou Yuqi interrupted Wen Xiang, "It was me who insisted on taking Guo'er on the adventure. It was me who disobeyed the arrangements and acted alone! Everything is my fault!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuqi held Guoer's face.

"Guo'er, mom finally found you!"

"Mom!" Guo'er smiled and wiped away Zhou Yuqi's tears, "You are a good mother! You will always be my good mother! Guo'er listened to her mother and has been waiting here for her! Because her mother said that if she gets separated from her Now, just wait where you are! I’m finally waiting for my mother!”

At this moment, I have already burst into tears.

There is no doubt that what happened to the mother and daughter was unfortunate, but perhaps being reunited is a blessing in misfortune.

"Minus 14, it's time to let go of your resentment, right?"

After hearing what I said, Zhou Yuqi smiled and took Guoer's hand.

"I'm sorry for causing you a lot of trouble before! I have a safe in Ping An Bank, and the password is Guoer's birthday. There are some things in it, which are considered as rewards for you. Please tell Guoer for me Buried together.”

"No! No need!" I waved my hands repeatedly, "I help you voluntarily!"

"Money is always needed for funerals!" Zhou Yuqi smiled, "Only when we are buried in peace can we be reincarnated!"

Speaking of this, Zhou Yuqi lowered her head.

"Guo'er, are you still willing to be my daughter in your next life?"

"I don't want to!" Guoer shook his head vigorously, "It's my turn to be a mother in the next life! I want to protect my mother just like my mother protects me!"

When Guoer said this, she jumped directly into Zhou Yuqi's arms.

As the mother and daughter embraced each other affectionately, they slowly disappeared.


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