Chapter 123 Kunlun Map


As soon as they heard the news that Situ Jin was getting married, the entire western suburbs cemetery was in an uproar.

Especially Situ Kuang, who was so happy that he pulled incense from his own grave and distributed it to the ghosts.

This uninformed person thought he was the one to be the groom!
"Baby, why did you wait until now to tell your mother about such a big deal like marriage!" Wen Wan said with a smile, "But my mother has agreed to the marriage!"

"No! Mom..."

"Listen to me!" Situ Kuan shouted and interrupted me, "I asked Xiao Jin to build a big cemetery behind the new house. Then everyone will move in together, so it will be lively during the day and night!"


Building a cemetery behind the new house?
Thanks to him for figuring it out!

"I'm not the one marrying Situ Jin!"

Seeing all the ghosts cheering excitedly, I finally couldn't help but scream.

After this sound, the air instantly solidified.

"Well, I'll eat this one next time!"

"Yes, yes! I have a bad gastrointestinal condition recently, so I can't eat random things!"

"I suddenly remembered that there was still soup simmering in the coffin, so I went back and turned off the fire!"

The ghosts stuffed the incense back into Situ Kuan's hand and disappeared as if they were fleeing.

Situ Kuang looked at the incense in his hand, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching.

Wen Wan looked at me and then at the incense in her hand, then reluctantly placed it back on Situ Kuan's grave.

"Then who is marrying Xiao Jin?" Situ Kuang reacted and stared at me.

I didn't say anything, just met his gaze calmly.

Situ Kuang frowned and his pupils shrank sharply.

"Feng Qingluan?"


"What do you mean?" Situ Kuang threw away the incense and held my wrist tightly, "Why is the bride not you? What happened to you and Xiao Jin? If he dares to abandon you, I will not let him go as the first brother. he!"

"Yes, baby!" Wen Wan nodded in agreement, "I won't let him go either!"

"We... broke up peacefully!"

After hesitating for a moment, I finally concealed some of the truth.

For example, Situ Jin beat me.

Situ Kuan is Situ Jin's brother, and I cannot destroy Situ Jin's beautiful image in his mind.

"Break up peacefully?" Situ Kuang's face was full of doubts.

"Yes!" I said a little guilty, "He even invited me to his wedding!"

"Impossible!" Situ Kuang said anxiously, "I know Xiao Jin best! Even if he breaks up with you for some reason, he will not turn around and marry Feng Qingluan back home! An An, are you hiding something? I?"


"No?" Situ Kuang raised his voice, "Is it because of Ning Yi?"

When Situ Kuang mentioned Ning Yi, my heart still skipped a beat.

"When you were practicing motorcycle riding in the cemetery in the western suburbs, I saw that Baojiaxian peeking at you many times! He looked at you ambiguously, and the corners of your mouth always turned up inadvertently when you mentioned him! Both of you The relationship between a pure believer and Baojiaxian is not at all! So, you broke up with Xiao Jin because of him, right?"

After all, he was born to the same mother!

The brain circuits of these two brothers are the same! "no!"

"Why is that?" Situ Kuang asked me, "I can't think of any other reason for you to break up with Xiao Jin. He is so good and likes you so much! You must give me an explanation! Not to mention how many times Xiao Jin has helped you, if Can you learn to win races on a motorcycle without me?”

"Situ Kuan, are you morally kidnapping An An?"

Just when I was restless, Master Yunyu suddenly appeared.

She swayed and twisted in front of Situ Kuan.

"Then why did she abandon my brother?" Situ Kuang raised his voice, "Everything has a beginning and an end. Does she want to give me an explanation?"

"I know An An! She is naturally cowardly and cowardly. She also likes to make do with everything. If your brother hadn't done anything beyond the limit, she would definitely not have taken the initiative to break up."

When Master Yunyu said this, he suddenly looked at me.

"An'an, people have to be selfish sometimes!"

Taking a deep breath, I finally made up my mind.

"Brother Situ, I'm sorry! I broke up with Situ Jin because... he hit me!"

When I told the whole story about the cause and effect of the incident, Situ Kuang was frozen in place and unable to move.

Wen Wan, on the other hand, was already gnashing her teeth in anger, wishing she could tear Situ Jin into pieces right now.

"Situ Kuang, Situ Kuang, this is the good brother you call him! You say your brother is very good, but you don't know about his violent tendencies at all? If he dares to hit my daughter, I will dig up your ancestral grave!"

"Mom, it's over!" I quickly grabbed Wen Wan.

"Past? I can't get through!" Wen Wan's eyes turned red, "My Wen Wan daughter was not born to be beaten! I dug up the ancestral graves of the Situ family!"

"Mom! Stop making trouble! You can't leave the Western Suburbs Cemetery!"

"Then I will dig up Situ Kuan's grave!"

Wen Wan jumped up and was about to jump onto Situ Kui's grave, but Master Yun Yu hugged her.

"An'an, let me drag your mother back first!"

After Wen Wan and Yun Yu disappeared, I looked at Situ Kuan cautiously.

"Brother Situ, I'm sorry!"

"What are you apologizing to me for?" Situ Kuang muttered, "It's our family that's sorry for you!"

Having said this, Situ Kuang bowed deeply to me.

I quickly helped Situ Kuan up and softened my tone.

"I'm not here to ask questions, let alone discuss who is right or wrong. I just want Brother Situ to advise Situ Jin to be cautious. Although I have no right to interfere with who Situ Jin marries, I always feel that he has become very strange. !”

"I would have done this even if you didn't tell me!" Situ Kuang looked solemn, "You can marry anyone, but Feng Qingluan is definitely not allowed! In order to break off the engagement with Feng Qingluan, he even handed over the Kunlun Map to them! Now! What's going on? Are you going to swallow it back after you spit it out?"

"Brother Situ, wait! What is...Kunlun Map?"

"The Kunlun Map was passed down from the ancestors of our Situ family! My great-grandfather said that the Kunlun Map is a map and a secret key. With it, you can enter the Kunlun Secret Realm."

"What's so magical about the Kunlun Secret Realm?" I thought about it and asked, "Is it filled with rare treasures?"

"Not at all!" Situ Kui shook his head, "My great-grandfather told me that there are strange birds and animals in the Kunlun secret realm, and they can become the top Chuma immortals! For our Situ family, this Kunlun map is a waste. But for those who have Chuma, For the people in the church, this is the treasure book they dream of!”

Oh my God!
If the Feng family gets this Kunlun map, it will not mean that they will be even more powerful!
Just having an ordinary chariot hall, they are already running rampant.

If you really find a top-notch magician for your own use, wouldn't you be invincible?
"But don't worry!" Situ Kuang said hurriedly, as if he saw my worry. "Only the blood of the Situ family can see the true form of the Kunlun Map, otherwise it will be just an ordinary parchment in the eyes of others! According to the Master, it is because the Situ family does not believe in ghosts and gods that they let us preserve the Kunlun Map. This is also to prevent The Kunlun Map fell into crooked hands."

I wasn't panicking at first, but now I'm even more panicked after Situ Kuang said this!
Now the Feng family not only has the Kunlun Map, but also Situ Jin as their living guide!

(End of this chapter)

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