Chapter 124 Ye Chenchen is pregnant
When I came to Grandma Ye’s grave, I knelt down and kowtowed three times.

After knocking, burn the paper silently.

Grandma Ye has been gone for a few months. During this period, I came to visit her whenever I had time.

Although Ye Chenchen and I fell apart, Grandma Ye’s help to me will always be remembered in my heart.

After burning the paper, I got up to leave.But the originally prosperous fire in the brazier suddenly went out.

Immediately afterwards, a wisp of smoke rose from the ground.

"Grandma Ye!"

The moment I saw Grandma Ye, I exclaimed.

He squirmed and wanted to say something more, but his throat suddenly choked.

"An'an, help me!"

Grandma Ye said this hurriedly and suddenly knelt down.

I wanted to reach out to help, but I couldn't touch it at all.

"You can't touch me!" Grandma Ye shook her head, "People who eat ghost food have done too many sins. Not only can they not be reincarnated after death, but they can't even become a complete ghost."

"Grandma Ye, get up first!"

"No!" Grandma Ye knelt down stubbornly, "I know that Chenchen has done too many wrong things, and I also know that she is not qualified to be forgiven by you! But she is the only one left in my Ye family, so please help me. help me!"

"Ye Chenchen?" My heart suddenly tightened, "What happened to her? What do you want me to do?"

"Please find Chenchen's whole body and send her to my grave!"

Grandma Ye's words made my scalp explode instantly.

"All...whole corpses?"

"Yes!" Grandma Ye stared at me, "Full corpse!"

"What do you mean? I..."

"An'an, for the sake of grandma being kind to you, please help grandma! Chenchen can't escape this fatal disaster, so grandma just wants to keep her from dying! Believe me, you are not only You are helping me, and you are indirectly helping yourself!"


Is Ye Chenchen in danger of death?

Grandma Ye is a goddess, so her calculations may not be fake!

On the way back, I kept calling Ye Chenchen's phone number, but no one answered.

No more, I went directly to Ye Chenchen's residence.

The door was closed, and even if I knocked on the door, there was no response.

When he called again, the ringtone rang.

After thinking for a moment, I turned on my phone and lit four electronic incense sticks.

Soon, Ning Yi opened the door from the inside.

"There's no one inside!"

Ning Yi said this and gave way.

When I walked in and turned on the light, the first thing I saw was the mobile phone on the coffee table.

The other end of the phone is still charging.

I picked up the phone and looked at it carefully.

The battery level on the screen showed at [-]%, and dozens of missed calls were all made by me.

The quilt in the bedroom was messy on the bed, but otherwise there seemed to be nothing unusual.

But my eyes fell on the empty hook on the wall.

I've been to Ye Chenchen's house many times, and what was always hanging on that hook was a set of pink pajamas. Also disappearing with the pajamas was a pair of rabbit ear plush shoes.

Obviously, Ye Chenchen left home wearing this outfit.

Wearing pajamas to go out, this proves that she left in a hurry.

He didn't even bother to pick up his cell phone, fearing that he would be back soon.

So the person she wants to meet or the place she wants to go to should not be far away!

"Xianjia, do me a favor!"


After leaving Ye Chenchen's house, I walked towards the property.

Suddenly, car alarms sounded one after another from the underground garage.

After a while, several staff members hurried out.

After making sure they left, I hurriedly slipped into the office.

I rushed to the computer and hurriedly retrieved the monitoring.

It is clearly stipulated that the owner has no right to access surveillance at will, not to mention that I am still an outsider.

But if you want to know the whereabouts of Ye Chenchen, you can do it next time for the time being.

Ye Chenchen's community is a high-end community with surveillance everywhere.

As long as Ye Chenchen walks out of the corridor, his whereabouts can be seen at a glance.

But I don’t know at all what day Ye Chenchen disappeared, so I can only check forward bit by bit.

"Don't worry!" Suddenly, Ning Yi appeared. "The garage is very busy now, and the property management people won't be back for a while!"

Not in a hurry?
Can you hurry up!

After all I am 'being a thief'.

"It's useless for you to check like this!"

Just when I was sweating anxiously, a voice suddenly came from the safe next to me.

I was startled, grabbed the ashtray on the table and slowly approached it.

After steadying his breathing, he yanked open the safe.

I saw a man wearing underwear curled up inside.

It was so stuffed that it looked a little twisted and deformed.

"Why did you die like this?"

With just one glance, I could tell that this man was not human!
"It's not unlucky!" The man sighed softly, "That day the owner asked me to repair her air conditioner. After the repair, I was all dirty. So the owner kindly asked me to go to the bathroom to wash up, but her husband came back just after washing. For the sake of the owner's family harmony, I hid in the safe! Then... I suffocated to death." The man said this and looked at me cautiously.

"Do you believe it?"

"It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not, what matters is whether the husband believes it or not!"

"It's useless for you to check the surveillance!"

The man struggled to climb out of the safe and walked to the computer.

"How many buildings and units do you want to check?"

"Four buildings and three units!" I said quickly.


The man stared at the screen and tapped his fingers quickly on the keyboard.

After a while, a familiar figure appeared on the screen.

"Wait!" I hurriedly pointed to the screen, "That's her!"

The man pressed a few times, and Ye Chenchen's figure became clear instantly.

On the screen, Ye Chenchen was hurriedly going downstairs wrapped in pink pajamas.

She looked around for a while, then suddenly walked to the west.

The time showed that it was around three o'clock in the morning, and Ye Chenchen walked further and further away with his neck curled up.

When they arrived at Ximen, Ye Chenchen suddenly stopped.

Ye Chenchen leaned against the door, opening and closing his mouth.

She was actually talking to the air!

what the hell?


I have yin and yang eyes!
Even through the filtering of surveillance, you can still see the existence of ghosts.

"Is she mentally ill?" The man suddenly said, "Why else would she be talking to herself?"

I ignored the man and looked at Ning Yi.

At this moment, Ning Yi was frowning and staring at the screen, as if he saw something we couldn't see!

Although Ye Chenchen on the screen has her back to us, the way she dances seems to be scared.

She said something emotionally, then turned and ran away.

But just as he lifted his feet, he suddenly fell heavily to the ground.

Then an invisible force instantly pulled her out of the community.

When Ye Chenchen's figure disappeared completely, I looked tentatively at Ning Yi.

"Xianjia, is it Baojiaxian who is talking to Ye Chenchen?"

The only one who can see Baojiaxian is Baojiaxian!
If Baojiaxian doesn't show up automatically, others won't be able to see it, even if the other person has yin and yang eyes.

"It's Chuma Xian!" Ning Yi muttered, "Let's leave here first, they are coming back!"

"it is good!"

After I restored the computer to its original state, the man hurriedly blocked me.

"His husband doesn't believe me, do you believe me?"

I glanced at the man and reached out to grab his chin.

"Bleeding from the ears and nose, the eyelids turned purple, accompanied by subcutaneous edema and contusions, and the skull was fractured and severely deformed!" At this point, I pressed his abdomen. "Extensive visceral rupture and comminuted rib fractures!"

With a sigh, I pulled out a tissue from the table and wiped my hands.

"All your behaviors are consistent with the characteristics of falling from a height! So, don't lie to others and say that you died of suffocation!"

"What you said is like tearing off my last fig leaf!" The man pointed at his underwear angrily, "You are so cruel! You are as cruel as that man! You knew I was hiding inside, but you directly removed the safe from Throw it upstairs! But these greedy guys thought the safe contained something good. Not only did they not report the falling object, they also hid the safe in the office! These idiots couldn't open the safe, so I've been living in it for half a year!"


I wanted to say 'should', but I held back.

If it hadn't been for him just now, I wouldn't have been able to successfully find Ye Chenchen's image.

"Fairy family!"

With just one sentence, Ning Yi understood my intention.


After hearing what Ning Yi said, I wrote the number on the paper and put it on the safe.

After finishing, leave the property office immediately.

Hidden in the darkness, I saw the staff returning cursing.

Not long after entering the office, a deafening roar erupted inside.

I am very relieved!

After half a year, they finally opened the safe!

"The one who took Ye Chenchen away was Feng Qingluan's Chuma Fairy!"

After leaving the community, Ning Yi spoke.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course!" Ning Yi nodded, "I originally wanted to kill Feng Qingluan, but she was protected by all the Immortals from the Chuma Hall. The last remaining Chuma Immortal in the entire Chuma Hall saved Feng Qingluan's life. Didn’t save her leg.”

Although Ning Zhen's description sounded calm and calm, a tragic picture could not help but appear in my mind.

"But why did Feng Qingluan take Ye Chenchen away in the middle of the night? They were already a group? Judging from Ye Chenchen's reaction, she was unwilling!"

Just as I was saying this, a ringing sound suddenly came from my pocket.

However, that sound came from Ye Chenchen's mobile phone.

I took out my phone and saw the name 'Dr. Liu' flashing on the screen.

"Hello, is this Ye Chenchen? I'm Dr. Liu from Women's Hospital. The abortion surgery you scheduled is scheduled for 02:30 in the afternoon. Please come in advance for pre-operative preparations!"

Abortion surgery?

Ye Chenchen is pregnant! ?

(End of this chapter)

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