I wanted to see the metal circle clearly, but as soon as I stretched out my hand, the old man who came back from the dead punched me back hard.

This move made me feel a little guilty.

However, he quickly calmed down.

"Old sir, I am an employee of the funeral home. I just want to help you up."

"You were the one crying just now, right?"

"How do you know?"

"Because my children will only cry to me when I ask for money! It's too late for them to laugh when I die and my property will be gone!" The old man said this and stretched out his hand to me. "Help me out!"

As soon as the old man was helped out, the family members who ran out pushed each other and moved in.

They first looked at the old man in horror, and then knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Dad, I thought I had lost you!"

"Yes, Dad, it's so sad to feel that you want to take care of your son but you can't get close to him!"

"Dad! God must have been moved by our filial piety to bring you back to life!"



O hypocrisy!

I can clearly see what kind of faces they have.

Judging from the old man's expression, he probably understood clearly in his heart.

"Aren't you disappointed that I didn't die?" The old man snorted coldly. "After all, I had no intention of leaving my inheritance to you during my lifetime. If I die suddenly and there is no time to make a will, my money will be divided equally among you three bastards."

"Dad, look what you said! You only have three sons. If you don't give us your inheritance, who will you give it to?" One of the men sneered, "Should it be given to this crying little girl?"

"Can't you?"


The old man's words attracted unanimous rejection from everyone present, including me.

What a joke!
I am not destined to be rich and noble!

Every time you think you're going to make a fortune, you end up losing it!
As the saying goes, money you don’t earn by yourself will fly sooner or later!

"You don't even want money?" The old man frowned.

"I don't want it!" I shook my head vigorously, "A gentleman loves money and gets it in the right way!"

"Have backbone!"

"Dad, we also have backbone, how independent we are!"

"Yes!" the old man snorted coldly, "You are so independent that you don't even come to see me during the holidays! Where is your wife?"

“Dad, my wife has a manicure and it’s not convenient to come here!”

"Dad, your daughter-in-law has low tears. I'm afraid she'll break down from crying. You also know that we are preparing for pregnancy!"

"Dad, I don't have a wife!"

"Divorced again?"

"Dad, it's normal to be separated and reunited!"

"Get out of here!"

The old man finally couldn't help but get angry and sprayed his sons away.

I can't stop you even if I want!
The money they cried for has not been paid yet!

"Old man!" I walked up to the old man coyly, "Give me money!"

"Didn't you just say that you don't want money?"

"Weeping Ling's money!" I curled my lips, "They promised to give it to me! A total of one thousand and fifty!"

"The crying souls are crying for the dead. Why should I be paid if I am alive?"


"Not only will I not pay for the cries, but I will also not pay for the expenses of the funeral home! This funeral is not organized by me. You can go to whoever does it."

"I finally know why you are so rich!"

"Why do you say that?"

"No business without treachery!" I gritted my teeth.

"Otherwise, why would I have a fortune, while you are crying in the funeral parlor?" The old man smiled and groped around, and then stretched out his hand to me. "I don't have my name tag with me, give me your phone!"

Is this because my conscience requires me to transfer money online?
I quickly took out my phone and handed it to the old man.

The old man took my cell phone and quickly dialed a number.

"Driver, follow this position and drive over to pick me up!"

After a while, a Mercedes-Benz appeared at the funeral home.

After the driver opened the car door respectfully, the old man slowly got into the car.

He stuck his head out and looked at me with a smile.

"Little girl, you have a great future. Being in a funeral home will only bury your talent! Call me anytime if you think about it!"

After saying this, the car door closed.

Then, Da Ben roared away.

After a moment of trance, I came to my senses.


My cell phone!This old man not only took advantage of the funeral home fees and my red envelope for crying, he also took away my mobile phone!


I want to recover my money and mobile phone, and I also want to find out this old man’s secret.

The head is old, but the body is young.

And, he has the same collar.

If there are ancient Sanskrit words inside the collar, it will prove that he has also changed his head!
Maybe the sudden resurrection from the dead is not necessarily related to the head change.

According to the family registration information, I found the old man’s company.

Big Mac Real Estate Company?

This name is domineering!
However, the boss is not kind!
I waited at the door and finally saw the Mercedes-Benz.

Without thinking, I ran over and blocked the car.

With a 'squeak' sound, the car stopped abruptly one centimeter away from me.

"Pay back the money!" Seeing the old man sticking his head out, I hurriedly stretched out my hand. "And a cell phone!"

The old man got out of the car and handed me his cell phone.

"There is still money! One thousand and fifty yuan is my mourning money, and the funeral home expenses are 8 yuan!"

"These are just small amounts of money! As long as you follow me, I will help you make big money!"

"Don't UFO me!" I shouted, "I only want my money! Hurry! Click! Give it!"

"Don't be short-sighted, be far-sighted! I..."

"Come and judge! This old man deceived the girl and refused to pay her!"

Without giving the old man a chance to finish, I sat down on the ground, hugged his thigh tightly and screamed.

Suddenly, the old man's face turned blue and white.

"You...driver, transfer money!"

Seeing more and more people watching, the old man said hurriedly.

After a while, I received the transfer information.

So I quickly got up, said thank you to the old man and turned to leave.

But the next second, he was grabbed by the old man.

The hand holding me was full of muscles.

It was in sharp contrast to the old man's thin and dry face.

“Does the funeral home fee include cremation?”


"I'm not cremated!"

"What do you mean?"

"The extra cremation fee allows you to bring me wine!"


Without any explanation, the old man dragged me into the car.

After we got in the car, he gave me a golden business card.

The business card says Chairman of Big Mac Co., Ltd....Dong Tianhan.

"What is this card made of?"

"24K hollow pure gold!" Dong Tianhan said.

Pure gold?

so extravagant?

I bit the business card to taste it and glanced at Dong Tianhan.

"Mr. Dong, how about you give me another business card? I personally have the habit of collecting business cards."

"Why would you tear off a leg of a grasshopper when it passes by your house?"

If you don’t give it, you won’t give it. Why are you being sarcastic!

Why do the surrounding scenery look more and more familiar?
When the plaque of 'Fengqi Wutong' appeared, I straightened up suddenly.

Why are you here at Feng's house?

Mr. Dong ran straight into Feng's house.

As soon as they got off the car, Mr. Feng came over with a smile.

But the moment he saw me, he was obviously stunned.

"Old Feng, I'm late!" Mr. Dong shook hands with Mr. Feng.

"It's not too late!" Mr. Feng shook his head, "I just don't know why I always get no answer when I call you!"

"I'm attending a funeral, so I didn't bring my phone!"




"But even if I die, I still have to take the time to come to Lao Feng's house to see the legendary Kunlun Map!"

... (end of this chapter)

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