After offering the wrong incense, the fairy family forced me to pledge myself to you

Chapter 137 I am actually a descendant of the Situ family

Chapter 137 I am actually a descendant of the Situ family
Kunlun map?
Am I lucky enough to be able to witness the beauty of Kunlun Tu?
Very good!
After three rounds of drinking, Mr. Feng got high.

And my skirt was already soaked.

How can I drink better than Mr. Feng? I can only vomit and sleep.

When he wasn't paying attention, they all fell on him.

When his face turned red after drinking, Mr. Feng got up and went to get the Kunlun Map.

This move made me feel abnormal.

He took out such a precious and rare treasure so casually?
After a while, Mr. Feng walked out holding an old wooden box.

Without letting me leave, he opened the box and took out a leather volume inside.

But before he opened it, Mr. Dong held his hand.

"Old Feng, you are treacherous!"

"You haven't praised me like this for a long time!" Mr. Feng narrowed his eyes, "Why do you say that suddenly?"

"Kunlun Picture! You talk about the outrageous ancient miracles, and you just show it to me so casually? And under the premise that I, a little follower, are here?" Mr. Dong snorted coldly when he said this. . "You must have come up with a fake one on purpose. When I leave, you will say that I stole it! Then, you can blackmail me for a large sum of money!"

"Look what you said! The trust between the elderly!"

"Bah! We have the wealth and status we have now because of all the evil things we have done! Do I still know about your little Jiujiu? You are all foxes for thousands of years, so don't play with me. !”

"Old guy! This is really the Kunlun Map!" Mr. Feng rolled his eyes, "The reason why I took it out without any scruples is because no one outside of the Situ family can see the contents!"

Having said this, Mr. Feng opened the parchment.

"Blank?" Mr. Dong asked in surprise.

"That's not the case!" Mr. Feng hesitated, "In our eyes, this Kunlun Map is like a wordless heavenly book, and mortals can't even see it!"

Just when Mr. Feng and Mr. Dong were huddled together, I stood on tiptoe and took a peek.

Just one glance and my whole body froze.

Drank too much?
Why did I see a map?
Thinking of this, I rubbed my eyes vigorously.

I rubbed my eyes until stars appeared, and then I opened them again.

How come!

There is a map on it, and at the end of the map there are two words: Beast Tomb.

Where is the Beast Tomb?
"Little girl, what are you doing?" Suddenly, Mr. Dong poked me. "Hurry up and take my drink!"

"What are you looking at, do you understand?"

Mr. Feng glanced at me and pushed the Kunlun map in front of me.

"Old man, what is the use of this Kunlun map?"

Probably because I was brought here by Mr. Dong and I didn't want to offend him, so Mr. Feng sat down slowly.

"It can lead me to find the best Chumaxian!"

"Where can I find it?" I pointed at the Kunlun Map, "Do I have to rely on my imagination?"

"What do you know!" Mr. Feng snorted coldly, "There is a secret realm called the 'Beast Tomb' in the Kunlun Map. If the divine objects in it are taken as immortals, then..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Feng choked him hard.

"drink wine!"

It seems you are still on guard against me!

"Mr. Feng, can I take a photo with this baby?" I thought about it and said quickly, "I was born poor and have never seen any baby in my life. So, I want to keep a souvenir!"


Mr. Feng was a little unhappy, but he still waved his hand.

So I took out my mobile phone and approached the Kunlun map, made a gesture and took a selfie.


After returning, I hurriedly summoned Ning Yi.

"Xianjia, look!"

I turned on my phone and hurriedly handed it to Ning Zhen.

"The angle is not good, the face is too big!"

"My phone has poor pixels and I don't have beauty turned on... No!" At this point, I realized. "That's not the point! Read that book!"

"Which one?"


I pointed to the Kunlun map in the photo, and then my eyes suddenly opened wide.

"How could this be?"

"What's wrong?" "This is the Kunlun Map!" I said hurriedly, "There is a map in Mr. Feng's Kunlun Map! I saw it with my own eyes!"


Could it be a problem with the mobile phone?

The photos taken by mobile phones are what normal people see.

"You can see the Kunlun Map?"

Ning Zhen's words made my heart tighten.

After meeting his gaze, I opened my mouth but didn't dare to speak.

"If I remember correctly, only the blood of the Situ family can open the Kunlun Map!"

"So I...I'm from the Situ family?"

At this point, I covered my mouth.

No way?
My surname is obviously Shen!
And if I am not a bloodline of the Shen family, why can I summon the Baojiaxian of the Shen family?
Is it because of my mother?
"An'an, don't be nervous!"

As if sensing my messy emotions, Ning Zhen suddenly reached out and touched my head and whispered softly.

"No!" I swallowed and raised my head to meet Ning Zhen's gaze, "Xianjia, I want to ask you something."

"But it doesn't matter!"

"If... I mean if! If I am really a descendant of the Situ family, do I have a share of their family's money?"

Ning Yi, "..."

"I'll just ask around!"

"You first go to Mrs. Situ and ask around!" Ning Yi thought for a while and said, "You also want to know who your biological mother is, right?"

Ever since I found out that Wen Wan was not my biological mother, I have been trying to figure out my life experience.

Now that I have accidentally glimpsed the Kunlun Map, it proves that I have a blood relationship with the Situ family.

But Situ Jin's father is dead, and now only Mrs. Situ is left.


When I visited with gifts, Mrs. Situ was surprised at first and then delighted.

"An'an, are you here?"

"Mrs. Situ!"

"If you really respect me, just call me Auntie Situ! The old lady's views are too foreign."

"Okay, Aunt Situ!"

Mrs. Situ helped me sit down, and then looked me up and down.

"You've lost a lot of weight!"

"Losing weight!" I said with a smile, "Mrs. Situ, can I ask you something?"

"it is good!"

"Have your Situ family ever lost a child?" Having said this, I quickly asked. "Or is there anyone who gave birth to a baby outside but didn't bring it back?"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Situ's hand that poured coffee stopped instantly.

"Why do you ask?"


how to say?

Just tell me how many people can open the Kunlun Map?
If I ask her that, she won’t be able to say it, right?

But are there other good reasons?
"Aunt Situ, your Situ family's Kunlun Map is now in the hands of Mr. Feng, do you know that?"

"How could you not know!" Mrs. Situ smiled bitterly, "Xiao Jin did it for you...forget it! Let's not talk about the past!"

"Is it true that only descendants of the Situ family can open the Kunlun Map?"

"Yes!" Mrs. Situ nodded, "Did Xiao Jin tell you about the Kunlun Map?"

"No! It's Brother Situ!"


"Yes!" I tapped my chin gently, "I'm just worried! Situ Jin has done so many things that displeased the Feng family, and with this Kunlun Map as a constraint, the Feng family naturally dares to be angry and dare not speak out. But If they find out the secret of the Kunlun Map, will they settle the score?"

"Hmph!" Mrs. Situ sneered, "When I gave the Kunlun Map to Xiao Jin, I told her repeatedly not to lead the Feng family to find out the secrets inside! I know the Feng family's face very well! They All of them are insidious and cunning, and they are all vengeful masters. If we are not careful, we may be destroyed. If Xiao Jin listens to me, he will not help the Feng family decipher the Kunlun Map!"


(End of this chapter)

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