"Your grandma is not a human!"

When I was confused, Ning Ding suddenly said this.

"How can young people say dirty words so politely?" Situ Kuangsheng was the first to be displeased.

"That's right!" I followed, "Xianjia, are you scolding me in a roundabout way?"

"Don't get me wrong!" Ning Yi immediately slowed down his tone, "I want to tell you that Altash Village is the closest village to Kunlun Mountain! If there is no one named Hu Qiumei there, then it is very likely that she is not really human! "

Having said this, Ning Yi turned to look at Situ Kuangsheng.

"Have you been to Kunlun Mountains?"

"I...I haven't been there! At least not in my memory! When I was a kid, my father would take the family all over the place. I really don't know if I have ever been to the Kunlun Mountains."

"Did Hu Qiumei leave nothing for you after she left?"

"Yes!" Situ Kuangsheng said decisively, "Before she left, she left me a sachet with a bunch of her hair in it. After she died, they put the sachet into the urn! If you want... "

Digging the grave again?

Why do I always have to do such immoral and smoky things?

But the stakes were so high that I had to do it.

I asked Ning Yi to distract me from the security guards who came to patrol from time to time, so I found tools and started digging the grave.

It's not the first time, so I'm a bit familiar with it.

After a while, he took out the exquisite urn.

The moment it was opened, a gust of wind suddenly blew through.

In an instant, the ash inside was blown away.

I smiled awkwardly at Situ Kuangsheng, and then carefully picked up the sachet inside.

The sachet has faded a bit, but is basically in good condition.

When I opened it, my head was buzzing.

What was tangled up inside was not hair at all, but white fur.

The hairs are white at the base, but gradually become darker as they go up, and finally the tips turn black.

It looks like the hair of some kind of gradated animal.

"Is Qiu Mei's hair still there?"

"Here!" I quickly tightened the mouth of the sachet.

"Ha!" Situ Kuangsheng chuckled, "I'll give it to you!"


"The sachet is a gift for you!" Situ Kuangsheng's eyes turned red, "This sachet seems to be a concern. If it is gone, there will be no worries."


"I have waited for the result I wanted, and I can finally leave this world with peace of mind."

So Situ Kuangsheng thinks that I am his granddaughter?

Situ Kuangsheng has been lingering in the world and refused to leave because of his drowned daughter.

But after seeing it, I knew that the baby was not dead, and his guilt was gone.

"Is Lin Yun here too?"

Why did Situ Kuangsheng suddenly mention Mrs. Situ?

"Oh, you still don't dare to come in?" Situ Kuangsheng smiled bitterly, "Tell Lin Yun that we forgive her! Also, thank her for guarding the Situ family for us."

After speaking, Situ Kuangsheng disappeared instantly.

I clutched the sachet tightly, feeling a strange emotion well up in my chest.

This old man, just leave right away?
Don't leave me a legacy or anything?

However, there is something more important than legacy.

What just makes me more curious is, what mistakes did Mrs. Situ make that caused her to never dare to step into the cemetery?

Because the matter of headless corpses here is still unresolved, Zaizai and Huang Dafu volunteered to go to Kunlun Mountain for me.

This Huang Dafu is an ordinary mountain monster, so he has some admiration and yearning for Kunlun Mountain.

As soon as he heard that I planned to go to Kunlun Mountain, he persuaded me to give the opportunity to him and Zai Zai.

"Girl, the Kunlun Mountains are full of outstanding people! I want to go and see them! You don't have time and Zaizai and I will go there for you. Just give us the travel expenses."

"But I'm ready to get down to business!"

"Isn't it just to find a woman named Hu Qiumei? It's easy!"

"There's no need to look for it!" Ning Yi suddenly appeared, "The sachet contains fox fur, so Hu Qiumei is most likely a fox. Situ Kuangsheng's kind deed when he was young saved Hu Qiumei, and made Hu Qiumei determined to repay."

"Then why did Hu Qiumei suddenly disappear later?"

"It's natural to cut off your wishes when you achieve perfection, and it's natural for her to leave after her kindness has been repaid."

"So, my grandmother is a fox fairy?" My words made Huang Dafu immediately bow.

"Girl, that's amazing! The more spiritual an animal is, the harder it is for it to become a human being, let alone achieve enlightenment. The fox fairy is much more respectable than me, the Wong Tai Sin."

"So my sister is not a human being?"

Zai Zai's innocent talk immediately earned Wong Da Fook a slap in the face.

"What are you kidding about? She looks like a real girl no matter what! Maybe it's because human genes are more powerful than those of the fox fairy? Maybe it's because the inheritance from one generation to the next purifies the alien blood! In short, she is a human!"


"A descendant of a fox fairy, he has not inherited any of the fox fairy's aura or beauty! What a pity..."

Huang Dafu muttered nonstop, then shook his head and walked away.

I was left alone and embarrassed.

what with what!

It’s not certain whether Hu Qiumei is my grandmother!

After taking the fox fur sachet with me, I headed to the police station.

Situ Jin looked gloomy when he saw me.

"Have you looked for my mother?"


"Ha! Do you regret breaking up with me and want to find my mother as a peacemaker?"

"I just……"

never mind!

Too lazy to explain to Situ Jin!

"Do you know Mr. Dong?"

"Of course!" Situ Jin nodded, "He has some friendship with our Situ family!"

"He seems to have changed his head too!"


"I saw the collar around his neck, which is exactly the same as He Kui's. If there are ancient Sanskrit characters in it, then we can basically confirm it."

"So, we have to take the collar off his neck?"

"I'm afraid this is difficult! When he suddenly came back to life in the funeral parlor, I suspected that it had something to do with this collar! His arms looked completely like those of a young man, which is very inconsistent with his actual age."

"I will find a way to make him meet me sincerely!"

When Situ Jin said this, his eyes suddenly became strange.

"I had sex with Feng Qingluan!"

This sentence caught me off guard for a moment.

"You forced me to do this!" Situ Jin said immediately, "You and that Baojiaxian are not innocent, why should you let me protect you like a jade?"

"Situ Jin, are you crazy?" I couldn't help but shout.

Simply sick!

What does it have to do with me that he slept with Feng Qingluan?

"When you were hiding behind my back and pretending to be that Baojiaxian, I was already going crazy! I won't allow the pure little white flower in my heart to become a spent flower in my bones!"


I slapped him so hard that my palms went numb.

After slapping, it feels painful and pleasurable.

For such a paranoid person, no matter how you explain, he will not listen.

I’m just so angry!

After Situ Jin and I broke up, Ning Yi and I also returned to the relationship between Baojiaxian and believers.

Even though I still like Ning Yi in my heart, I still suppress it forcefully.

But here in Situ Jin, I was hooking up with Ning Yi all day long.

"Good call!" Situ Jin licked the corner of his cracked mouth, "Wait for my call!"

After saying this, Situ Jin turned and left.

There was a smile on his lips.

When I was feeling agitated, my phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the garbled characters on the screen, I hesitated for a moment before connecting.

"Hey, I'm Lan Qingqing, I want to see you!"

... (end of this chapter)

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