Rushing to the hospital, I saw Lan Qingqing at the door of a ward.

"what happened?"

"We just received a patient who was admitted to the hospital due to infection!" Lan Qingqing pointed to the ward, "The 42-degree fever has not gone away, and he is now in a state of shock. When the doctor was rescuing him, he found that he was wearing a collar around his neck. When I looked through the collar, I saw that there seemed to be a circle of irregular wounds inside. Judging from the color of the scabs, it should have been that they were sutured not long ago."

"Collar?" I was shocked.

"Yeah!" Lan Qingqing nodded, "They have hired professionals to remove the collar, and they can only send it to the rescue room after the collar is removed."

As soon as Lan Qingqing said this, there was a burst of exclamation in the ward.

Immediately afterwards, several medical staff broke through the door and came out.

And I looked through the open door and happened to see a head rolling on the ground.

On the hospital bed, there was a headless corpse wearing hospital clothes lying!

Enduring the chill in my heart, I walked in quietly.

The severed collar was still attached to the part of the neck under the head, and he looked over it intently.

The ancient Sanskrit words inside are exactly the same as those in He Kui's collar.

"They're coming back!"

Hearing what Lan Qingqing said, I wanted to take the collar away.

But after a few innocent moments, I accidentally wrapped the collar and my head in my coat, turned around and ran out of the ward.

As soon as I got out, I immediately called Situ Jin.

As soon as the collar is removed, the head-changer will die immediately. I must remind him.

But no matter how I called, no one answered.

So, I called Mr. Dong instead.

But again, no one answered.

In desperation, I went to Situ's house.

Originally, he wanted to ask Mrs. Situ about Situ Jin's whereabouts, but it turned out that the person who answered the phone was Feng Qingluan.

"Shen An'an, why are you looking for my husband?"

"I have business to do!"

"You don't call him openly when you have serious business, but you secretly call my mother-in-law's landline? Shen An'an, don't push yourself too far!"

"Feng Qingluan, don't get me wrong! I..."

"If you insist on breaking the superficial harmony, then I, Feng Qingluan, will stay with you to the end! You and your Baojiaxian ruined my legs alone, don't think that I really just let it go!"

Without giving me a chance to speak, Feng Qingluan hung up the phone.

Mad woman!
She and Situ Jin are a perfect match!
What bad luck did I have to meet these two?

Back at the funeral home, I immediately found Ning Zhen.

"Xianjia, I remember you said that only when the body maintains basic integrity can we see his memories during his lifetime?"


"I want the headless corpse to try this!"

Ning Zhen looked at the collared head and frowned slightly.

"But faking death is very harmful to the body!"

"It's not like you die every day!" I said quickly, "Besides, helping the headless corpse can also help you accumulate moral virtue!"

"It may not succeed!"

"You told me that people will have muscle memory even after they die! So through muscle memory, maybe we can find some clues."

This time, Ning Yi remained silent.

I went to the funeral home and found the headless body.

And, I explained what I was going to do to him.

The headless corpse looked a little nervous, lying on the bed shivering.

"It's my first time!" "It's my first time too!" I said to the headless corpse, "I don't know if it will work, but I want to try. I also want to know where your head is."

"it is good!"

Originally, I was thinking about treating the wound under the head so that it could be glued together better.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he tried to put the collar on, the irregular wounds would automatically connect together, and the disease would be glued together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Before I could let Ning Zhen kill me, the corpse on the bed suddenly opened its eyes.

"You lie down first, I will..."

"Who are you? Where is this?"

The man interrupted me coldly, and then looked around.

After his vision changed from dazed to stunned, he sat up suddenly.

"Why am I here?"

The man said as he hurriedly reached for his neck and was obviously relieved when he found the collar.

He turned over to get out of bed, but fell straight down.

Lying on the ground, he touched his stiff legs, looking a little unbelievable.

"Who the hell are you?" the man yelled at me.

"You... who are you?"

"Who I am is none of your business! I told you not to send me to the hospital no matter what happens! Why don't you listen!"

Could he be the patient who was sent to the hospital because of an infection?
I pressed his head, but he dominated the body of the headless corpse?

How could this be?
Because the body of the headless corpse had been frozen for a long time and had shrunk, the man could not move at all.

After crawling for a long time, I didn't get even more than one meter away.

Seeing him pounding the ground anxiously, I rushed over.

"Who changed this end for you?"

"What about changing my head? I didn't change my head!"

Although there was no blood on the man's face, panic clearly flashed across his face.

"Don't lie to me!" I grabbed the man's shoulder. "You were sent to the hospital because of high fever. They cut off your collar, so your body was separated. You are dead! I brought your head back. , press you and a corpse together!"

"No! No! You can only use a healthy body for head replacement, otherwise the operation will not be successful!"

When the man said this, he started to squirm again.

"I don't want to die! I can't die!"

"You can't go anywhere until you make it clear!"

I grabbed the man's feet and restrained him tightly.

"Mom, let me go!" The man suddenly burst into tears after yelling for a while. "Please let me go, I have seniors and juniors, and the whole family is pointing at me for food! So... So please let me go!"

"Even if I let you go, you can't leave!" I said softly, "I am the only one who can help you now!"

My words made the man fall silent.

After a long time, he looked at me.

"Her online name is A Rongsao, and we met online. At that time, I was diagnosed with terminal liver cancer and had no way to seek medical treatment. I accidentally saw a website on the Internet. The name of the website is 'Restart Life' .”

"Restart your life?"

"Yeah!" The man blinked and nodded. "The website said that as long as 5 yuan, you can restart your life, and all kinds of diseases can be eliminated immediately. At that time, I didn't know what was wrong, and I contacted Mrs. Ah Rong as soon as my brain became hot."

"Aren't you afraid of being cheated?"

"I have the 5 yuan to restart my life, but I don't have the cost of chemotherapy! This is like treating a dead horse as a living doctor. I didn't think so much at the time. I followed the instructions and met with Mrs. Ah Rong, and she looked at me After receiving the medical certificate, she said she would give me another chance to live and asked me to hand over 5 yuan to her first."

"You look like a liar no matter what!"

"I thought so too! But her eyes were very sincere, and I was so convinced that she wouldn't lie to me! So, I obediently handed over the only 5 yuan! For the next half month, I had no news from her. I couldn't get in touch, and just when I thought my 5 yuan was in vain, she called me. She asked me to meet in an abandoned old warehouse, and I saw a headless corpse there!"

... (end of this chapter)

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