After offering the wrong incense, the fairy family forced me to pledge myself to you

Chapter 146 The corpse I, Shen Anan, looks at cannot harm anyone.

Mrs. Situ's actions were so cruel that Situ Jin was so frightened that he almost died suddenly.

After all, she is her biological mother, the only relative still alive in the world.

Situ Jin did not dare to show his bad side anymore, so he knelt down and begged Mrs. Situ to put down the knife and promised not to cause trouble to me again.

In this way, Mrs. Situ gave up.

But before I left, I saw Situ Jin's sad and fierce eyes, and I knew in my heart that this matter would not be let go.

However, I should be able to get through some calm days for the time being.

School is about to start, and my life is going to be busy again.

Director He found a nearby elementary school for Zai Zai so that it would be convenient for Zai Zai to go to school.

But I soon discovered that Zaizai and I both suffered from preschool phobia.

"I don't want to go to school!"

"Me too!" I sighed, cupping my chin.

"Sister, you said we can all make money, why do we have to go to school! Isn't the purpose of going to school just to make money?"

I have to say, what Zaizai said makes sense.

However, I can't let this child get tired of studying.

"But the prerequisite for making money is to have basic cultural reserves and the ability to distinguish right from wrong! Otherwise, you are very likely to go the wrong way and become a bad person!"

"That's it! Then I'll go to school reluctantly! If you become a bad person, you will become an evil spirit! I don't want to become an evil spirit!"

Just as he said this, Huang Dafu and Ning Zhen walked in from outside.

Glancing at Ning Yi, I quickly looked away.

We haven't spoken much for half a month now, and our relationship has become a bit awkward because of that incident.

"Zai Zai, look at this!"

Huang Dafu held up a Calabash kid's backpack, and Zaizai jumped up instantly.

"New school bag? Thank you old man!"

"Why are you thanking me!" Huang Dafu smiled naively, "Brother Ning Zhen bought this schoolbag for you!"

"Ah!" Zaizai turned around excitedly, "Brother Ning Zhen, thank you!"

"No need to thank me, thank your sister!" Ning Zhen said casually, "The 100 yuan for buying the schoolbag was earned from her!"

As soon as Ning Zhen said these words, my whole face instantly became hot.

This man is so shameless!
"Sister, you are partial!" Zaizai suddenly grabbed me in dissatisfaction, "Why don't you call me if you have such a good thing?"

"You... you can't do that as a child!"

"Although I am young, I have a lot of strength! Besides, there is an old man who can help me!"

Zaizai pouted and patted his chest vigorously.

"Yes! Yes!" Huang Dafu answered, "If you have money, let's make it together!"

"Hey you..."

"It's late, go to bed early!"

Just when I was feeling ashamed, Ning Zhen suddenly spoke quietly.

After Huang Dafu and Zai Zai left, Ning Ting suddenly grabbed my head and forced me to face him.

"I've run out of money!"

"You...what does it have to do with me after you spend all your money?"

Seeing Ning Yi so close, my breathing was almost blocked.

"Didn't you tell me that I would come to you if I had no money to spend?" Ning Jingru raised her eyebrows with interest, "Last time you gave me 100 yuan, I already used it!"

This guy is so shameless!
How come this kind of thing suddenly became serious after he said it?

"You...aren't you rich yourself?"

So many billions!
Not to mention flowers, they can’t be burned even if you play with them.

"Use your hard-earned money wisely!"

When Ning Zhen said this, he suddenly came close to me.

When they were so close that their noses were almost touching, he squirmed.

"I recently fell in love with a computer worth [-] yuan. I hope the sponsor will give me this opportunity to make money!" [-] yuan?
100 yuan a time, then ten thousand is...

"You are shameless!"

I screamed and pushed Ning Ding away.

I was so ashamed and angry that I had no choice but to run to the morgue.

It's cool there, which temporarily soothes my restless mood.

"Sister An, are you here so early today?"

As soon as he saw me, Minus [-] spoke happily.

"Yeah!" I hummed weakly.

The corpses looked at each other, then came over and surrounded me.

"Sister An, what's wrong?"

"Call!" I raised my phone thoughtfully.

"It looks like she's in love!"

"It's just lovelorn!"

"Yes! Only people who are in love have no brains!"

Hearing the whispers of the corpses, I finally couldn't help but look over.

"Who said I have no brain?"

"Why are you holding the remote control?"

Hearing what Negative [-] said, I realized that what I was holding was not a mobile phone but a TV remote control.

Oh mom!
Lost people!

"Sister An, tell us if you have anything on your mind. We have so many corpses and are so powerful that we will give you some advice!"

"No!" At this point, I bit my lip. "I have a friend who fell in love with someone she shouldn't have liked. She confessed to that person but was rejected. Just when they agreed to be ordinary friends, she and that person accidentally had an affair. A relationship of friendship! Because they don’t see each other all day long, their current relationship is very awkward. If you were my friend, how would you deal with it? "

"If I were you... No! I am your friend! If I were your friend, I would definitely make mistakes!" Minus [-] blurted out.


"Don't say anything happens between people who have no feelings for each other. Even if they look at each other, they will have physiological resistance. What happens between you and the person you can't like is not accidental, but the love that comes naturally! "

"It's not me! It's my friend!"

"Sister An, why don't you make friends out of nothing?" Minus [-] frowned, "We are just dead, not stupid! Besides, we all know about you and Ning Yi! Not to mention you guys that day It was the night when the accident happened, but it was a whole night of trouble, and we couldn't even sleep well!"


"Minus [-], why are you talking? Sister An, don't you want to lose face?"

"Then I honestly won't lie!"

"Then shut up! Look at Sister An, her face is as red as a monkey's butt! If you dismantle her like this, how can you let her hang out in the funeral parlor in the future?"

Woo hoo hoo, I'm going to throw you all out and whip your corpses.

Lost people!


I have to find a reason to hide out for a while!
"You! It's you!" I pointed at Minus [-], "You talk too much!"

"Sister An, do you want to destroy the body and eliminate all traces?"

Minus [-] looked at me, trembling.

"Destroy you big-headed devil!" I snorted coldly, "You have been here for a long time, it's time for me to retrieve your memory and put it to rest!"

"Sister An, you are trying to drive me away!"

"A lonely ghost will lose his soul after sitting for a long time. Do you want this? Don't you want to know whether it was an accident or man-made, and whether anyone will miss you after your death?"

My words made Minus [-] look dim.

"If someone really misses me, I won't stay here! We are all forgotten by our relatives!"

Instantly, the atmosphere in the morgue became gloomy.

"Don't say such depressing words!" I patted Minus [-] on the shoulder, "If you died in an accident, I will send you to your grave! If you were killed by someone, I will definitely give you a chance to take revenge! I, Shen An'an No one can harm the corpse you’re looking at!”


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