Chapter 147 Yellow River Village


As soon as Ye Chenchen appeared, he didn't look good on me.

When she opened her mouth to curse, she could only speak quickly.

"Ye Chenchen, if you dare to talk arrogantly to me again, I will make some incense with my feces for you next time!"

"you dare!"

"Want to try?"

For a moment, Ye Chenchen blushed.

"When are you going to kill that bitch Feng Qingluan?"

"Hey, am I not your number one hater? Why have you become Feng Qingluan now?"

"If she kills someone, you have to punish her. You two are not good people! But now I want to kill her first!" Ye Chenchen said this and touched his belly. "We mothers protect you, you have to repay us, right?"

"I want to, too!" I shrugged, "But I don't have the strength!"

"Just do it, why are you so timid?" Ye Chenchen snorted coldly, "As long as you give the order, I will take my son and kill him immediately!"

"You'd better practice and practice first!"

Having said that, I continued to pack my bags.

"Where are you going?"

"Isn't school starting soon? I want to go back to my hometown!"

I went back to my hometown to see if any of the folks there knew the whereabouts of my mother. I happened to hear Director He say that there was a very powerful corpse collector there and I wanted to learn from him.This negative [-] is not a drowning giant. There is no harm in learning more knowledge. "

"You're not going to take me there, are you?"

"Otherwise! Are you here to play with me? Your grandma handed you over to me, so you have to do things for me!"


"Go back to your hall!"


I asked for leave and left the funeral home.

As I embarked on my return journey, I had mixed feelings.

There used to be a great-grandmother waiting for me in my hometown, but now there is only one grave left.

After returning to my old house and putting down my bag, I walked up the mountain with the offerings.

From a distance, I saw a man standing in front of the tombstone.

When I walked over, I found out that she was Grandma Liu, who I had been friends with before.

But I don’t come here often, and in my memory I’ve only seen it four or five times.

I live in the next village, more than ten miles away from here.

Seeing how clean my great-grandmother's grave was, with the broken pieces of paper money still in the brazier, I suddenly felt warm in my heart.

Presumably, Grandma Liu did this.

"Grandma Liu!"

I called out and ran over quickly.

Grandma Liu stared at me with squinted eyes for a long time, then she smiled with wrinkles on her face.

"Xiao An'an! It's Xiao An'an!"

"Grandma Liu, are you here to see my breasts?"

"Yes!" Grandma Liu sighed, "I was good friends with you when I was young. Later, after we got married and we were far away from each other, we didn't have that frequent contact, but we still kept in touch. Later, because we were raising children and grandchildren, we felt uncomfortable Stop interacting with each other, everyone is busy with their own things! They didn’t dare to tell me the news that you were too naughty, because they were afraid that my body wouldn’t be able to bear it. When I came here, they couldn’t hide it anymore, and then they told me that you were too naughty and left. "

Having said this, Grandma Liu tremblingly opened the small cloth bag she carried with her and took out a dozen yellow papers.

"Xiuying, why did you leave so early? Didn't we make a bet to see who would live longer?" Xiuying is probably the name of my wife!
I used to scream too much, but I didn't know what her name was.

"Grandma Liu, didn't you burn these?"

I pointed to the brazier and looked at Grandma Liu in surprise.

"I just came here! Didn't you burn this?" Grandma Liu looked confused, "And most of us country people are used to burning yellow paper. This yellow paper has been used since ancient times. What the hell are those bills sold outside now? , we are not used to it.”

Besides me, who else can visit my great-grandmother’s grave?

Could it be a neighbor in the village?


Because our Shen family used to be a wealthy family, but later we were still landlords, so we were not welcome, and other villagers did not like to associate with us.

This is even more true after family failure.

Judging from the condition of the broken coins in the brazier, they must have been burned several times over time.

My grandma passed away less than three months ago, so no matter how kind-hearted she is, she wouldn’t be able to have such frequent fevers!

"Little An'an, don't be sad! From now on, I will be just like your grandma. If you have no place to go, just come to my house!"

Grandma Liu's words moved me so much that I wanted to cry.

However, I quickly came to my senses.

Grandma Liu and my great-grandmother are so close, so maybe she knows about my mother.

"Grandma Liu, have you seen my mother?"

"Of course I've seen her before!" Grandma Liu nodded, "That girl is very good-looking. There is no such good-looking person in the ten villages. But she seems to be not very clear-headed. She looks different from moment to moment. One moment she is smiling and gentle, and the next she is so beautiful. It’s so fierce that it seems to want to eat people.”

"Then do you know where my mother was married from?"

"I vaguely remember that your grandma said that your mother is a daughter-in-law from Huanghe Village. This relationship is decided by your grandma. Your grandma is the head of the family, and your grandparents are filial, so of course she said Whatever you say is what it is. But your mother is also very good at it. She got pregnant with you less than half a year after getting married. But after she got pregnant with you, her temper became even weirder. I said it out of fear that you would be scared. That day, I was reminiscing with you because I didn’t Considering that it was too late, I stayed overnight. But when I went out to relieve myself at night, I saw your mother gnawing on a live chicken!"

Therefore, it is really possible that my mother is a hybrid between a fox fairy and a human.

Foxes have a wild streak, even more so when they're pregnant, so that's why she eats raw poultry, right?

However, the animalistic nature inherited from my grandmother seems to have been filtered out in me!
I'm a coward and a loser, and I don't have the slightest bit of fox-fairy genes.

The Yellow River Village that Grandma Liu talked about is next to a large river that stretches for thousands of kilometers.

Could it be that the river they threw my mother into originally?
As luck would have it, the person I was looking for to retrieve the body also lived in Huanghe Village.

"Grandma Liu, let me take you back!"

"Don't give it away!" Grandma Liu waved her hand.

"But your home is dozens of miles away from here!"

"I'll go back by myself, very soon!" Grandma Liu said this, frowning and touching my head. "You are such a big-hearted girl. After chatting with grandma for a long time, you still didn't realize that grandma is a ghost?"

As soon as Grandma Liu said this, my heart suddenly skipped a beat.

It was a cloudy day with no shadow, and I was thinking about Tai Nai, so I didn't feel anything strange about Grandma Liu at all.

But if you look closely, you can see that she is still standing on tiptoe.

"This man is a man that we see less and less every time. If I knew that the meeting three years ago was forever, I would definitely come here in a hurry! Only when I die can I have time to do what I want to do!"

Grandma Liu touched Tai Nai's tombstone and wrinkled her face with laughter.

"Xiuying, I have a slow temper and a small step. Please walk slower and let me catch up with you! In the next life, we will still be sisters!"

At this moment, I was already in tears.

Until Grandma Liu slowly disappeared, I knelt down and burned paper for the two old people.

After staying in front of the grave for a long time, I rushed towards Huanghe Village.


(End of this chapter)

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