After offering the wrong incense, the fairy family forced me to pledge myself to you

Chapter 165 Three souls and seven souls share the same fate

"Zai Zai, shouldn't you be at school at this time?"

"I...I'm going to help you with something!"

"What are you going to do..."

Before I could finish speaking, Zaizai let go.

Then, a few hairs appeared in his palm.

"what is this?"

"I pretended to be a pilgrim's child and sneaked into Lai'an Temple, and then when the old woman wasn't paying attention, I took out a few hairs in a beautiful box." Zaizai said this with a proud look on his face. "Sister, I watched the old woman burn these hairs into ashes and put them into the medicinal materials, so I took them back with confidence!"

For a moment, I was both nervous and excited.

Why is this kid so careless?
What if something goes wrong?
"Zai Zai, your teacher will get into trouble for you if you skip class!"

"Oh, missing one or two classes won't affect me from passing the Qingbei exam! I won't be able to pass the exam anyway!"


"Sister, look at these hairs quickly?"

I spanked Zaizai gently and carefully held my hair.

The ends and roots of the hair are neat and look like they have been cut.

It smells like a light fragrance, and the shampoo is probably not cheap.

"Ning Yi, what should we do next?"

"Here!" Ning Yi glanced at Zai Zai.

"What do you want me to do?" Zaizai looked excited, "I knew you couldn't do it without me!"

"Summon your Baojiaxian!"

Ning Zhen's words immediately made Zaizai feel discouraged.

"What can the old man do?"

It can be seen that Ning Yi remained silent and Zaizai could only light incense.

After Wong Tai Sin appeared, Ning Yi handed over his hair.

"Great Immortal, you have to do this!"

"This little energy and spirit is not enough for cultivation!"

After just one glance, Wong Tai Sin shook his head repeatedly.

"I'm not here to train you, I'm here to make you transform." When Ning Yi said this, he suddenly became serious. "You take more precious medicinal materials, and the faster you transform, the longer you can maintain it."

"That's right! You are a Yin Immortal and you won't be forgiven. I won't look down on you!" Huang Dafu opened his mouth and said cheerfully, "Can I just change my appearance?"

"Of course!"

"That's fine!"

Huang Dafu took the hair and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

Before I could say anything in surprise, he was already chewing quickly.

Zaizai and I looked at this scene, grinning and distorting our faces at the same time.

"Okay!" Huang Dafu touched his belly, "It'll be fine after I take a nap!"

"Thank you Huang Daxian!"

"No thanks!" Huang Dafu waved his hand, "With great ability comes great responsibility! Hey..."


After falling asleep in a daze, I woke up from peeing.

I got up to go to the bathroom and saw a dark figure standing at the door.

Suddenly, my heart tightened.

I went to the kitchen and picked up a knife. I leaned against the wall and slowly moved towards the door.

After violently opening the door, I suddenly raised the kitchen knife.

But the moment it fell, his wrist was grabbed.

"it's me!"

This voice is light, whistling, and sticky...

Feng Qingluan? !

Throwing down the knife, I hurriedly pressed the light on the wall.

In an instant, a face as beautiful as a flower appeared in front of her.

"Dazzling!" Feng Qingluan raised her hands to cover her eyes and looked at me with a complaining expression. "I feel like something's wrong with me!"

Feng Qingluan pushed me away and walked into the lounge on her own.

Then, he sat down on the chair. "I was woken up by itching in the middle of the night!" Feng Qingluan raised her hand and scratched her chest, "My area is swollen and itchy! The hair you gave me...does his master have any skin disease or infectious disease? ? It scratched me to death!"

Eating hair?
"Huang Dafu!"

When I blurted out these words, 'Feng Qingluan' turned to look at me.

"Why are you calling me?"

Feng Qingluan is Huang Dafu?
Do not!
The owner of the hair is Feng Qingluan, and Huang Dafu transformed into her!

“The answer is about to come out!”

Just when I was shocked, Ning Yi appeared quietly.

"Feng Qingluan wants to use magic to fulfill her wish to become a mother! Women in the yin year, yin month, yin day, and yin time are the most suitable mother bodies for nurturing fetal souls. Three souls and seven souls, a total of ten lives. After gathering them together, it is A complete fetus.”

Feng Qingluan wanted to give Situ Jin a child more than anyone else!
He even didn’t hesitate to bring me and Situ Jin together!
What her Feng family is best at is evil magic, so it's not surprising that she knows such a vicious technique.

Unexpectedly, she would kill ten innocent lives for her own selfish desires!

"Then what should we do?" I suddenly became anxious, "How can we stop her?"

"Either kill Feng Qingluan, or kill those pregnant women who are destined to die!" Huang Dafu suddenly interrupted, "Otherwise, what can we do? If you tell those pregnant women, they may not believe you, even if they believe that the Feng family can kill them If they are kidnapped and force-fed drugs, one person will still be killed and two people will be killed when the time comes."

"It's hard to find women with Yin fate, and pregnant women are rare." Zaizai said, "Maybe we can find them first and protect them."

"Where to hide? The morgue?"

"Old man, why do you always confront me?"

"Baby, I'm here to teach you how to be a good person!"


This quarrel between the old and the young made my brain almost explode.

A girl as good as Lin Dan should not end in tragedy.

Other pregnant women are also innocent.

"Is it certain that you will die if you are destined to die?" I said a little disappointed, "It's not fair!"

"Fate is destined and cannot be changed! The only thing we can change may be luck! When Ning Zhen said this, he suddenly held my shoulder. "Maybe they can escape this disaster by changing their luck! "

"How to change?"

"You need to find professionals to change your luck! Pregnant women with bad luck are hard to come by, so Lin Dan must be indispensable. As long as she changes her luck, she won't be able to gather seven fetal souls."


The next day, Lin Dan and I met again.

With her, we look for the master who can change our luck.

But the famous ones are either full schedule or look too flashy and unreliable.

So with an attitude of trying our luck, we found one of the masters named "Nothing works, no money".

"An'an, is this reliable?"

“They say it doesn’t work and don’t need any money!”

"Is this what you like about me?" Lin Dan curled his lips, "I have money!"

"Try it first! Real masters are often very low-key!"

According to the address, we walked across the street and came to a... coffin shop.

That's right!

It's a coffin shop!

It was the coffin shop where I made a memorial tablet for Lu Juan!

"Boss, I'm looking for the master of 'no money if it doesn't work'!"

"Oh! Wait a minute!"

The boss entered and soon walked out wearing a yellow robe.

"Amitabha, I just don't work, Master Qian!"

Lin Dan and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"Which of you wants to change your life?" The boss smiled, "I swear in the name of God, if it doesn't work, I won't give you any money!"

"Let's look at the more expensive one!"

I decisively picked up Lin Dan and turned around to leave.

"Yes, it's only half a month, not a long time!" Lin Dan nodded in agreement.

"You have the yin-yang-eyed family guardian fairy, and she has a baby spirit on her right leg!"

As soon as we stepped over the threshold, the boss roared behind us.


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