Lin Dan and I looked at each other in disbelief.

"It's a bit complicated!" The boss smiled, "Tell me, why are you looking for me? If it doesn't work, no money!"

"How much does the spiritual word cost?" I asked tentatively.

After all, I am a pauper and I still owe a lot of debt.

"It depends on what your purpose is. I charge according to the purpose! It ranges from 5000 to [-] for character testing and fortune-changing. If you want to change your luck, it ranges from [-] to [-] million!"

"Whether you want to change your luck or risk your life, the gap is too big!"


What a profiteer!

"Little girl, there are three, six or nine levels of luck changes. A small change can change your luck, a big change can change your destiny. If you are older, you may change your destiny! I will help you do these unnatural things to change your destiny, but it will cost your life! "

Seeing that Lin Dan and I were silent, the boss came closer.

"Which of you wants to change your luck?"

"Her!" I pointed at Lin Dan, "I want to change her fate from yin to yang!"

"ID card!"

When Lin Dan handed over his ID card, he glanced at the boss and was shocked.

"Wow! You want me to change my Yin fate into Yang fate?"

"That's right!" I said with an affirmative look on my face, "Why else would I ask you for help? Boss, you can't do it, right?"

"How dare you! How can you talk to a poor monk!" The boss snapped, "It's not that it's impossible, but... it's very difficult! Changing the Yin fate to the Yang fate is tantamount to robbing someone from the hands of the King of Hell! I have never done such a ridiculous thing. !”

"I said he can't do it!"

I took Lin Dan's hand again, turned around and left.

"Money can make you go around!" the boss suddenly said angrily, "If you can afford the money, I will change it for you! If not, the worst is my life, but if not, you have to pay me a lot of money!"


This time, it was Lin Dan who spoke.

Apparently, she believed in this boss who didn't seem to be very smart.

"First of all, she needs to change her name!" the boss said. "Your original name is Lin Dan. Two trees form a forest, while more trees lose their weight. The sun cannot shine, so it is naturally a sign of yin."

"That's my last name!" Lin Dan frowned, "How can I change my last name? The relevant departments don't allow it!"

"Don't be stubborn, can you make some changes?" The boss spread his hands, "Ling Jiasha, isn't that enough?"

"What's the explanation?" I looked curious.

"Two trees form a forest. The sand dries out and it is difficult to plant. No matter how big the forest is in the desert, it will dry up and die. Isn't it just the sun that is left to scorch?"

"Is that okay?"

"Amitabha, how can you doubt Pindao?"

"Then my name will be...Lin Sha from now on?"

"Smart!" The boss twirled his empty chin as if twirling his beard. "You also need to change your clothes. Dressing in white is unlucky! Throughout the ages, white has been used to commemorate the dead, while yellow is the color of the sun. Wearing more yellow clothes will also have the effect of improving your luck!"

"Okay!" Lin Dan listened seriously, "Master, what else is there?"

"The twelve zodiac signs of dragon, tiger, monkey, dog, horse and rat are all yang. You can find an old peach tree that is more than ten years old, take a branch and carve any animal to carry with you. Peach trees are used to avoid yin and exorcise evil spirits. Changing your luck also plays a big role!”

"Yes, yes, I remember!"

"Finally, I'll give you a magic weapon!"

The boss said, putting his hand into his arms.

After groping for a moment, he took out a dark cross.

"I have been worshiping this cross with incense in the Buddhist hall for seven to eight days. You must always wear it!"

"Master, Qiqi is 49!"

"Why do you care about what you did in those two days? Does it make sense?" The boss rolled his eyes at me, "Anyway, if she really changes her luck, you must keep your word and give me a large sum of money! This of mine The coffin shop needs to be renovated!”


Along the way, Lin Dan and I took the cross and looked at it carefully.

"Is it reliable?" Lin Dan whispered.

The cross is worshiped with incense from the Buddhist temple, but what is carved on it is not Jesus but the Yin Yang Bagua!

What a mess!

It's a hodgepodge!
"Try it!" I whispered, "It doesn't cost any money! But although he is crazy, what he said seems to make sense."

"Okay, then I'm going to change my name now!"

"Wait, Lin Dan!"

"Hey!" Lin Dan glared at me, "Call me Lin Sha!" "Okay, Lin Sha!" I scratched my head in embarrassment, "Contact me immediately after you finish everything! Also, don't eat randomly! "


Logically speaking, it only takes more than 40 days to swallow the soul of a fetus.

As long as Lin Dan survives these days, he should be fine, right?
But for safety reasons, it is better to listen to the coffin shop owner first.


"Sister! Sister!"

As soon as he entered the funeral home, Zai Zai rushed over.

"what happened?"

"The old man went out to wander the streets!"

"Huang Dafu?"

"That's right!" Zaizai curled his lips, "He said it took a lot of effort for him to have such a good-looking face. It would be a shame not to go out and hook up with others! I can't even stop him!"

This Huang Dafu will really cause trouble!

"Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know! Where did he say more men go?"

A place with many men?

"Ning Yi!"


As soon as he finished speaking, Ning Yi appeared.

"Huang Dafu went out with the appearance of Feng Qingluan. He said he was going to a place with a lot of men. Go out and look for it! If something goes wrong, we will be in big trouble!"

"But...but I don't know either!" Ning Zhen said helplessly.

"Then split up and search!"

As soon as Ning Yi disappeared, I hurriedly ran out, but was blocked by a hearse.

When the weeping family members carried off a body, Director He grabbed me.

"There are not enough people, please help first!"

As the deputy director, I can only focus on the overall situation.

So I had no choice but to walk over. As I got closer, I saw a sallow and thin face.

"My baby! If you refuse to listen when I tell you not to have a child, you will lose your life! Why do you insist on having this child when you are over 40?"

An old man with gray hair sat on the ground crying.

It can be seen that she should be the mother of the deceased.

"How did the deceased get away?"

"My cousin was just pregnant, and she said she was gone within three months!" A woman who was supporting the old man cried and said, "My cousin and her husband have not been pregnant for many years. They tried several test tubes without success, and then they took folk remedies. It was so hard to get pregnant..."

“The family members take out the ID card of the deceased and register it!”

After hearing what Director He said, the woman quickly took out an ID card from her bag.

'Wei Shufen, October 1981, 10. '

"Auntie, when was the deceased born?"

"Ten o'clock in the evening!" the old man wailed, "I was in pain the day before until ten o'clock the next night when I was born! My baby! Your life is so miserable!"

When the owner of the coffin shop told me how to distinguish the yin and yang of destiny, I carefully wrote it down.

October 1981, 10, 28 o'clock in the evening, happened to be a fateful day!

And the deceased happened to be pregnant with a child.

"What kind of folk remedy is she taking?"

"I don't know!" The woman shook her head, "It seems like she got it from the temple. Every time I asked what kind of medicine it was, she refused to tell me. She just told me mysteriously that I would definitely be able to get pregnant!"

I didn't ask any questions and pushed the body into the morgue.

Before cremation, I had to find out the cause of her death.

So, I quietly opened the deceased's uterine cavity.

Not surprisingly, the fetus inside was much more likely to die than the mother's body.

And it has begun to fester.


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