
Yue Ru roared and was about to pounce, but was stopped by the He family and his wife.

"You are not worthy to be Achang's wife, just as we are not worthy to be his parents!" He's mother said this and looked at He Sheng. "The four of us will go to hell together!"

After speaking, the couple instantly turned into skeletons.

He Sheng and Yue Ru drilled into the cracked ground together.

Soon, it disappeared.

When the ground returned to its original state, I looked at Ning Ding and stretched out my hand.

"Xianjia, let's go home!"

Ning Yi was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth raised a gentle curve.

"Okay, go home!"

Ning Zhen held my hand and walked in front of me with great courage.

Although only the side of the face can be seen, the corners of the mouth have an upward curve.

Is this guy secretly happy?

I'm happy too!

I like Ning Yi!
I want to be with him!
Even if you have no fixed place to live, even if you are homeless.

Now I have no relatives and only him.

I have experienced so many things and seen so many people’s emotions.

Real, fake.

There are some things that I don’t want to regret after losing them.

I don’t want to speculate about the future, I just want to seize every second of the present.


As soon as I arrived at the door of the funeral home, I broke away from Ning Zhen.

"What for?" Ning Yi frowned, "You don't want me anymore?"

"That's not good!" I felt a little embarrassed. "Office romances are prohibited in funeral homes. As the deputy director, you must set an example!"

As soon as these words came out, Ning Yi hugged me.

"If you fall in love with a corpse in the morgue, it's called an office romance, okay?"

"Oh, it's not good to be seen!"

"Okay!" Ning Yi bent down and supported his knees with one hand, and raised his little finger with the other hand. "Then you promise me not to abandon me!"

"I won't!"

"Pull the hook!" Ning Yi frowned stubbornly, "This is the highest promise of you humans! You must do what you say!"

Oh oh oh!
Why did this aloof Baojiaxian suddenly turn into a young puppy?

However, I love it!
"It's childish!"

After deliberately saying this absentmindedly, he 'reluctantly' hooked Ning Yi's finger.

Just when Ning Zhen excitedly hugged me into his arms, a small head suddenly stretched out from his shoulders.

After glaring at him for a while, I exclaimed and pushed Ning Yi away.

"Little devil, is that you?"

After taking a closer look, he discovered that what fell off Ning Yi's back was the infant spirit following Lin Sha.

I hurriedly ran over and picked up the baby spirit.

"Why didn't you follow your mother?"

"I...my mother is missing!"


"I just fell asleep that day, and when I opened my eyes, I couldn't see my mother! I couldn't smell her temperature, and I couldn't feel her fetal soul!"

Ying Ling's words made me quickly look at Ning Yi.

"Feng Qingluan!"

When I heard Ning Yi call out this name in a cold voice, I quickly put the baby spirit on the ground.

"I'll go find your mother, you wait here!"

"No!" Yingling shook her head vigorously, "A baby spirit cannot have sex with a pregnant mother twice in a row, otherwise we will both be dead if it doesn't work! I really like this mother, so that's why..."

"Then why don't you come up quickly!" I hurriedly patted myself on the shoulder.

Ying Ling nodded, but as soon as he jumped into the air, Ning Zhen grabbed him.

"Get on my shoulders and don't burden my wife!"


Do you love your wife so much?

Not daring to think too much, I went directly to Feng's house.

But when she knocked on the door, she learned that Feng Qingluan was not there.

So, I called Situ Jin's number.

"Changed your mind?"

As soon as the call was connected, Situ Jin spoke like this.

"Why did you change your mind? Where is your wife?"

"Which one are you referring to?" "Ah?"

"My wife in name is Feng Qingluan, but in my heart my wife is Shen An'an! You..."

"Situ Jin, don't talk nonsense! Where is Feng Qingluan?"

"If you said so earlier, wouldn't I tell you?" Situ Jin suddenly softened his tone, "She went on a trip recently. She didn't tell me where she was going and I didn't bother to ask."

"I must find her!"

"In such a hurry?"

"One hundred thousand fire!"

"Then there is nothing I can do to help!"

What kind of virtue is this Situ Jin?
"You wait!"

Putting down these words, I went straight to Situ's house.

Mrs. Situ looked surprised when she saw me.

"An An, why are you here?"

"Is Situ Jin at home?"


"Then do you know where Feng Qingluan is?"

"Her?" Mrs. Situ snorted coldly, "I despise her and ignore her at all! But I heard from Xiao Jin that she went out to play!"

So, Situ Jin didn't lie?
"What the hell happened?"

"Is such that……"

After I rambled about the cause and effect, Mrs. Situ was shocked.

"So vicious?"

"Yes! I'm just afraid that if Lin Sha is the last pregnant mother, she will really give birth to that freak. But Situ Jin told me that he doesn't know either!"

"I don't know if he is angry or if he really doesn't know! So An'an, you wait below and I'll go up and ask!"

Mrs. Situ didn't give me a chance to speak and took the whip from the wall.

Not long after going upstairs, Situ Jin's heart-rending wails could be heard from above.

I was stunned until Mrs. Situ came down panting.

"He really doesn't know!"

"What should I do? Mr. Feng may know, but he will definitely not tell me!"

Mrs. Situ paced back and forth with her eyes narrowed, and then her eyes suddenly widened.

"I have a solution!"


"What Feng Qingluan cares about most is my Xiao Jin. Using Xiao Jin, we can lure the snake out of its hole!"

Huh?What you say is absolutely true!

"Then what to do?"

"Follow me upstairs!"

Following Mrs. Situ, she went upstairs.

As soon as he opened the door of Situ Jin's room, he saw him huddled with his bare back shivering.

There was a scarlet scar on his back.

As if hearing footsteps, Situ Jin turned around.

When he saw me, his whole cheeks bulged up.

"What did you say to my mother that caused me to be beaten so badly?"

"Isn't it just a whip? As for howling so miserably?"

"One whip?" Situ Jin jumped up angrily, "My mother whipped me one hundred and eight times, all in the same place!"

Situ Jin's words made me cast a surprised look at Mrs. Situ.

"I learned acrobatics when I was a kid!"

Mrs. Situ said this with an indifferent expression, pushed me to Situ Jin, and pressed our heads together.

Before I could react, I took out my phone and started snapping pictures.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped away like an electric shock, and when I raised my eyes, I met Ning Ding's resentful eyes.

Oops, my fairy family is jealous!
"You don't want to lure Feng Qingluan out?" Mrs. Situ looked serious, "Feng Qingluan loves my little Jin so much that he doesn't want to come back home as soon as he sees these intimate photos?"


"For justice! For the sake of that girl whose life and death are unknown, you can't sacrifice anything. It's just a photo shoot!"

"I'm willing to sacrifice!" Situ Jin raised his hand with a smile.

"Who asked you?" Mrs. Situ and I yelled at Situ Jin in unison.

"Xianjia, for justice!" I quickly said to Ning Zhen.

Seeing that the coldness in Ning Zhen's eyes subsided, I grabbed Situ Jin's hair and pressed it tightly against me.

"bring it on!"


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