P picture, beauty!
After taking hundreds of photos, Mrs. Situ finally chose only three.

Then I posted it directly on social media and paid a high price to buy a hot search.

It's called 'A wealthy young man falls in love for the first time, but the daughter of an aristocratic family eventually becomes an abandoned wife'.

When I saw this title, my head got big!
Just seeing the title without looking at the photo, Feng Qingluan would have torn me into eight pieces!

"Does it have to be so exciting?" I said resentfully.

"You don't want to lure her out?" Mrs. Situ asked, "Don't worry, I understand women. Once a woman's jealousy breaks out, Jesus can't stop her!"

never mind!

In order to save Lin Sha, I risked my life.

More than a week has passed. If Lin Sha had taken enough medicine for 49 days, she and the fetus in her belly would be completely hopeless.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you would take advantage of me when we met!"

Situ Jin, who was lying on the side, spoke sadly.

"It's not all you!" Mrs. Situ slapped Situ Jin on the head, "Your wife did such a shameful thing!"

"Mom, what does it have to do with me?" Situ Jin looked aggrieved, "Don't you also like Shen An'an? If it wasn't because you also liked her, why would I get on the pole and chase her like crazy?"

"I like her because... I just like her! Also, I have something to solemnly announce to you!" Mrs. Situ said this and hugged my shoulders. "Shen An'an and I have the same chemistry... No! We have similar tastes, so we have secretly married Jin Lan and become sisters! From now on, you have to call her aunt!"

When Mrs. Situ said this, she suddenly whispered to me in a low voice.

"I feel sorry for you, my aunt, to be my aunt, so that Xiao Jin won't have any undue thoughts about you!"

Situ Jin, who was opposite him, was already stupid at this moment.

He blinked and looked at me and then at Mrs. Situ. His lips trembled for a while and tears fell one by one.

"Shen An'an, you are a vicious woman! In order to reject me, you actually instigated rebellion against my mother! I..."

Seeing that Situ Jin was about to rush over, Mrs. Situ kicked him over.

"I'm sorry for you!" Mrs. Situ shouted, "My labor and management pissed me off every time I raised you up, not to let you bully men and dominate women!"


"She is your aunt now! If you continue to have inappropriate thoughts about her, it will be unforgivable!"

Seeing that Situ Jin remained silent, Mrs. Situ slowed down her tone.

"Call someone!"

"Little! Aunt! Mom!"

"Well... be good!" I dug my toes on the ground in embarrassment.

"Sister, if my sister passes away early in the future, please make sure to take care of your nephew!"

"All right!"

what is this?
Why does it seem to be a sign of entrustment?
I can't help yelling at my eldest nephew who is 1.8 meters tall.


It was calm for three days in a row, but the scandal between Situ Jin and me made a big fuss.

Before going to find Situ Jin, I specifically asked Huang Dafu and the others to go to Lai'an Temple to look for Huang Po.

But Huang Po, who had always been stationed at Lai'an Temple, disappeared.

I guess she might be with Feng Qingluan.

Ning Zhen was happy to hear that Mrs. Situ and I were sworn sworn brothers, but it was a pity that Situ Jin did not call him uncle at that time.

There was so much noise and time passed quickly.

But Ying Ling shivered and seemed to have been worried about Lin Sha.

"I will definitely try my best to save your mother!"

I patted the baby spirit's little head and comforted him softly.

"Sister An An, will my mother and I die?" Ying Ling tilted her head and looked at me.

"I can't answer this question for you!" I sighed softly, "But you have to sleep now. Your mother will be fat and white when she gives birth to you. You don't want to scare your mother, right?"

Yingling nodded and curled up into a ball.

As soon as I covered him with a quilt, Ning Zhen's eyes suddenly darkened.

Seeing him looking out the window, I immediately became alert.

"She is coming!"

Hearing what Ning Zhen said, I hurriedly lay down at the window.

Across the huge yard, I saw the gate open automatically.

Then Feng Qingluan strode in with an angry face, and behind her were two rows of trapezoidal shadows.

She is here she is here!

She came with a group of immortals!

"Ning Yi!"

I became nervous and subconsciously looked at Ning Zhen.

"Good boy, don't be afraid!" Ning Ting touched my head gently, "Leave those mercenaries to me, can you take care of Feng Qingluan?"


"Be safe and call me if you need anything!"

After speaking, Ning Yi disappeared instantly.

I only saw a wave of wind rising from the ground and rushing towards Feng Qingluan.

As Feng Qingluan stepped back, the Chumaxian behind her instantly formed a shield to block the front.

But it only blocked it for more than ten seconds and then dissipated instantly.

Then the wind and the group of shadows disappeared together.

Feng Qingluan looked around with wide eyes, and then headed straight to my lounge in a menacing manner.

I patted the baby spirit to signal him to avoid it, and then stood at the door.

With a bang, the door was kicked open, and Feng Qingluan rushed in.

"Shen Anan, you bitch!"

Feng Qingluan rushed to the bed, stretched out her hands and grabbed the quilt tightly.

Probably because she didn't see any reaction in the quilt, she let go and opened it.

And I took this opportunity to close the door with my backhand.Feng Qingluan turned around quickly as if she heard the noise.

When he saw me, the fire in his eyes suddenly rose.

"Shen An'an, you seduced my husband!"

Feng Qingluan rushed over and slapped me with her hand.

But I dodged first and slapped him back.

Before Feng Qingluan could react, he slammed into her and pinned her to the bed.

"Feng Qingluan, where did you take Lin Sha?"

"You dare to hit me?"

Feng Qingluan raised her hand and scratched my face, and my cheek suddenly hurt.

But now I am not the one who suffers, so I punched her on the chest.

Feng Qingluan groaned and her body twitched instantly.

"Feng Qingluan, you are a femme fatale! Not only did you kill the chicken to get the legs, but you also wanted to kill the chicken to get the eggs? You have killed so many people for your own selfish desires! Zheng Guoqing, Ye Chenchen... the crimes you have committed are simply too numerous to describe!"

After yelling, I strangled Feng Qingluan's neck tightly.

"Tell me! Where did you take Lin Sha?"

Feng Qingluan blushed, and her whole face turned the color of pig liver.

I was afraid that she would die, so I pinched and let go for a while, which was very humane.

"Feng Qingluan, are you going to say it or not?"

"I... don't know the person you are talking about. How... what do you say?"

Feng Qingluan's words stunned me for a moment.

"No!" I narrowed my eyes dangerously, "Isn't the Huang Po who came to An Temple one of yours? Don't think I don't know that you want to use the pregnant mothers with Yin fate to take the fetal souls from their bellies so that you can be pregnant without a womb. thing!"

"I do!" Feng Qingluan raised her voice angrily, "If it weren't for you, how could I have made such a move?"

"Are you sick? You cut your own uterus!"

"But if you hadn't seduced Situ Jin, how could I have come up with such a way to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred to myself?" Feng Qingluan said this in one breath, panting. "Also! If your Baojiaxian hadn't broken my legs, why would I go around killing people in search of a perfect pair of legs! All the evil I have done is because of you!"

"Feng Qingluan, you are really... ah!"

Before I could finish speaking, Feng Qingluan bit my hand hard.

When I let go in pain, he punched me in the eye again.

Suddenly, there are stars in his eyes.

"I'll beat you to death, you seducing bitch!"

Feng Qingluan's attacks were all deadly.

Fortunately, I don’t have any Kung Fu skills, otherwise I would have to explain it here.

So the two of us could only use the simplest tricks between women to fight, such as: scratching, biting, scratching, and picking!

Just when Feng Qingluan grabbed my hair and pulled it so hard that I couldn't get close, I struggled to find a pair of scissors.

With a click, the hair was cut off abruptly.

When Feng Qingluan missed a chance and fell to the ground, I held the scissors against her neck.

When the cold scissors touched the fair skin, Feng Qingluan finally panicked.

"You... you dare to kill?"

"Why don't you dare?" I said viciously, "I will kill you before I commit suicide! I can't beat you as a human being, but I don't believe that I can't be equal to you as a ghost!"

Having said this, I panted and pulled open my coat to reveal my bright red clothes.

"Did you see it? Big red! Dead is a fierce ghost! Are you sure that little Karami like you can beat me?"

I had already fought with Feng Qingluan until I was reduced to human form. I believe that I must be extremely ferocious at this moment.

Because Feng Qingluan's eyes changed from vicious to panic at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's useless for you to kill me!" Feng Qingluan suppressed her fear and shouted, "I only know a woman named Lin Dan. I really don't know Lin Sha!"

"Lin Sha is Lin Dan!"

"Then you just tell me what stage name Lin Dan should give?"


"No!" Suddenly Feng Qingluan changed the subject again, "You'd better kill me! I can't bear the fact that you seduced Situ Jin! It's better to die with you than to watch you two live together!"

"Situ Jin and I have nothing to do! Those photos were taken deliberately to lure you out!"

At this point, I sighed and moved the scissors away.

"To tell you the truth, your mother-in-law and I are sworn sworn friends, and now I am Situ Jin's aunt!"

"Then you said before that you were his aunt!"

"Aren't you confused about seniority? If you don't believe me, go back and ask your mother-in-law!"

Seeing that Feng Qingluan's eyes softened a lot, I decided to strike while the iron was hot.

"What I like is my Baojiaxian, who you know! Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for me and Situ Jin!"

After I moved to the side and sat down panting, Feng Qingluan got up and leaned on the bed leg.

"I can't leave Lin Sha to you! I want to have a baby!"

"Why don't you get enough oil and salt?" I immediately got angry, "Do we have to fight again?"

"If you love someone, you have to give him a child!" Feng Qingluan's eyes turned red instantly, "If you hadn't caused me to lose my uterus, how could I have come up with such a crooked way?"

"It's really unreasonable!"

"You dare to scold me?"


I pulled away with a big mouth, grabbed the scissors and put it against Feng Qingluan's throat again.

"Feng Qingluan, you take the first step, I'll be here later!"

After saying that, I stabbed the sharp point.

"She's at Laian Temple!"

When the blood gushed out, Feng Qingluan finally screamed.


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