I took Tianci back to the funeral home.

At least, it's safe here for the time being.

After settling Tianci in my room, I asked Zai Zai to summon Huang Dafu.

I need him to steal personal belongings from authority figures.

Huang Dafu used to often go to expensive medicinal material stores to order some items, so asking him to do this was considered a professional counterpart.

"Leave it to me!" Upon hearing my request, Huang Dafu patted his chest. "a piece of cake!"

"Wong Tai Sin, remember to steal something close to you, otherwise the ghost I know will not be able to dream about it!"

"I understand!" Huang Taixian made an OK gesture.

"Pay attention to your safety. They all have righteousness to protect their bodies. It's possible..."

"I am Baojiaxian and not a ghost. My righteousness can't do anything to me! Even if the door god is blocking me, I can still sneak in! When we were still in feudal society, I often sneaked into the royal pharmacy of the palace and stole... ah, bah, It’s to get medicinal materials!”

"Okay, okay, then you must pay attention to safety!"

"Must do it!" Huang Dafu touched Zai Zai's head, "Little Zai, let me show you how fast grandpa is!"

After finishing speaking, Huang Dafu disappeared.

"Old Huang sells melons and boasts of himself!" Zaizai cupped his chin, "Sister, is that brother who just came back a fringe person?"


"After you left, the curator collected a few scattered corpses. They all piled up in the morgue because there was no place to put them. It looks like a horror movie."

"You can see ghosts and still be afraid of horror movies?"

"Real ghosts are not scary!"

Zaizai said this meaningfully, turned around and ran out.

When he entered the lounge, he happened to see Tianci groping around curiously, as if Grandma Liu had never seen the world before entering the Grand View Garden.


"What is this?" Tianci pointed to the big red word "Happy" on the wall, "It's bright red, so beautiful!"

"This is Double Happiness. I posted it when I got married!"

"What is marriage?"

"Well, marriage is when two people who love each other form a family and stay together forever!"

"Like me and grandma?"

"That's different!" I waved my hand hurriedly, "You and grandma are family friends!"

"What is family affection?"

Um, how do I answer that?

Tianci is like a newborn baby, completely unaware.

If you explain to him, it will only cause more problems.

"Tianci, do you have any discomfort?" I pointed at Tianci's body, "Do you feel any pain in your neck, armpits, or thighs?"

"No!" Tianci shook his head, "It's just uncoordinated sometimes and seems like I can't control it well, but I can adapt quickly as long as I move around."

Just as he said this, a black shadow suddenly rose from the ground.

The tall and straight Ning Yi transformed into shape.

Tianci had no fear of Ning Yi's appearance.

He looked straight at Ning Zhen, just as Ning Zhen looked at him intently.

It turns out that borderline people also have yin and yang eyes.

"He has no soul!" Ning Zhen said slowly.

"What do you mean?"

"He only has a body of flesh and blood, but no soul. In theory, he is a walking corpse."

"His memory only lasts a few days!" I muttered, "It seems to have started from the day they appeared, but this is just my guess."

At this point, I pause.

"The police are looking for them!"

"But they are too fragile!" Ning Yi said.

"That's what I'm worried about! There are many missing cases now, and I seriously doubt that the missing people were dismantled and then pieced together to piece together these marginalized people."

Having said this, I quickly took out paper and pen.

"You see, a missing person can be divided into six parts, and the six missing people can be divided into six parts respectively. The six missing people can be assembled into 36 marginalized people."

My words made Ning Yi speechless for a moment.

"Are you...sure that's what you calculated?"

"Six six 36!"

"Daughter-in-law, I think you need to take some tutoring in math when you have free time."


"Even if you take parts from six different people to form one marginalized person, the original number will not change! The number of missing people must be equal to the marginalized people. The difference is that they are brand new individuals."

Seeing me nodding my head in understanding, Ning Zhen smiled and rubbed my head.

"Be good, even the stupid ones are cute!"

Just as he was talking about this, Huang Dafu suddenly appeared carrying a sack.

"It's done!" Huang Dafu threw the sack on the ground, "Take it and burn it!" I nodded, and after opening the sack, a pile of shorts appeared in front of me.


"It's close enough!" Huang Dafu said proudly.

Although I was a little embarrassed, I didn't say anything.

Take the sack and go straight to the police station.

After finding Xiaowu, I burned all the shorts inside.

When I saw the pile of shorts, Xiao Wu looked at me like I was looking at a pervert.

"Tonight will be a delicious dream!"

"Xiao Wu, even if the dream is successful, will they believe you?"

"I asked my dream to give them your phone number, and you can explain it to them then."


"Or me? I don't know the cause and effect of the matter!"


"Okay, you go back and wait! Cast the net widely and focus on catching fish. Some of them will call you!"

"I'm leaving!"


In the middle of the night, I was awakened by the ringing of my cell phone.

Drowsily, I picked up my phone.

"Hey, are you Shen An'an?"

Before I could speak, a thick voice came.


"I didn't expect the number in the dream to be real!" The other person muttered, suddenly raising his voice. "I had a dream. In the dream..."

"I asked him to entrust the dream to you! I know this kind of thing is unbelievable, but it is true. If you believe me, we will meet and talk about...those marginalized people."

"I can't sleep anyway!" the other party said after a moment of silence, "Where are you? I'll send someone to pick you up!"

"funeral parlor!"


After about one disappeared, a horn sounded outside the funeral home.

After going out, I saw a Hongqi car.

When he opened the back seat door, he saw an old man wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

The old man's gray sword-shaped eyebrows made him look majestic, and his eyebrows were full of resolute movement.

"you are……"

"The one who just talked to you on the phone!" the old man said, "get in the car!"

He looks like a really big shot!
I was a little nervous, but got in the car anyway.

The back seat is separated from the front by a thick layer of glass, which looks bulletproof and sound-absorbing.

"Do you know who gave me the dream?"

"I know!" I nodded quickly, "He is a hero!"

These words made the old man straighten his body immediately.

"You can't reveal his true identity after death. You should be able to guess his identity. He used to be my subordinate, and his files are still in my safe. I found them after I woke up from a dream."

Speaking of this, the old man looked at me.

"There are too many things in the world that science cannot explain. I also experienced it when I was young, so I asked the Feng family to join the special department of the police."

"Feng Wuqi left Haicheng to deal with these marginalized people, right?"

"You actually know Feng Wuqi?"

"Yeah!" I nodded gently, "We met once!"

"Tell me what you think!"

"Can you speak freely?"

"Of course!"

"I guess someone wants to shuffle the cards!"


"Yeah! It's just to dismantle and piece together some people who originally existed in the world into a brand new individual! I have come into contact with living marginalized people. They look very simple, as innocent as children, and they seem to have no evil thoughts in their minds."

"You mean survival of the fittest, eliminating inferior human beings and creating a better race? Then why not start from babies and provide them with high-quality education from an early age?"

"The results are too slow and the cost is too high! Most of today's young people are no longer bound by the concept of inheriting the family line, so the fertility rate has generally declined. Even if they are born, it takes a long time to raise them, and it takes even longer for the world to train them into talents. ! But if you directly dismantle and piece together people who are not suitable for existence, you will get an equal number of brand-new individuals."

"How can I confirm your suspicion?"

"Investigating those missing people! They must have similarities! And this similarity is the reason why they were dismantled! Also, these marginalized people are very unstable. I don't know if the splicing technology is immature or for some reason, they are very unstable. It's easy to fall apart and die. But they have innocent characters, I think you can find a gentler way to bring them together!"

"I understand what you mean!" The old man nodded, "Since he asked me to find you in his dream, then you should cooperate with the Feng family to solve this strange thing!"


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