Cooperate with the Feng family?
This is more painful than killing me!
But it's an urgent matter, and I can't shirk it.

After some operations by the mysterious old man, all marginalized people will be transferred to the shelter in the south of the city.

There used to be an abandoned gymnasium there, with excellent defense and stability.

There are dedicated personnel to guard and transport daily necessities.

So, these fringes are safe inside.

After reading the information sent to me by the old man, I was even more convinced of my previous guess.

Those who disappeared were more or less guilty.

Either an evil mother-in-law who abuses her daughter-in-law, a bad old man who is disrespectful to his elders, or even a troubled teenager who wanders on the edge of crime because of his young age.

These are all light.

When I learned that prisoners continued to go missing in the prison, I became even more certain of my speculation about a major reshuffle.

Some people want to erase those inferior or sinful humans and then recreate a docile and kind race.

Sounds like a good thing.

But these marginalized people are also unstable and die too easily.


funeral parlor:
Within a few days, Tianci and Zai Zai started playing together.

Tianci regards Zaizai as the boss, and Zaizai will carefully protect Tianci.

After all, they are all children, and they are always ignorant.

"An'an, according to your analysis, every person who has done many evil things has the possibility of being dismantled!"

"Well!" I nodded slightly, "We can only find the initiator behind the scenes through the victims!"

"But this is a big project!" Ning Yi looked solemn, "The rules for selecting victims by the mastermind behind the scenes are illogical. Even if we all go out to keep an eye on it, it's like finding a needle in a haystack."

"There are many Feng family members!"

I thought for a while and spoke in a low voice.

"The Feng family has training halls all over the country, and its disciples are spread all over the world! And judging from the density of missing people, the most missing place is the prison!"

I once clearly saw the tattoos on Tianci’s body, a green dragon on the left and a white tiger on the right, a black skull on the back, and even intricate scars on the thigh. Although it is not a human body, the combination is not good!Obviously, we have a greater chance of catching the mastermind behind the scenes.

"I think An An is right!" Director He nodded, "But, how do I get into jail?"

"I'll find a way, but I have to find someone first!"


"are you crazy?"

After hearing my appeal, Feng Qingluan shouted angrily.

"My grandfather is in charge of the Feng family. I have no ability to order anyone else!"

"You are Miss Feng!" I glanced at Feng Qingluan lightly, "And Mr. Feng is not at home now, so you have to shoulder the heavy responsibility."

"It's impossible to go to jail! I'm a dignified young lady, the proud daughter of heaven who attracts the attention of thousands of people. How can I sneak into jail with you?"

"You have a horse show, and you know magic! If you don't have this ability, why should I lick my face and look for you? Anyway, I brought it to you, do you want to go or not! Everything you do, Feng Qingluan, represents the Feng family It’s not my face that I’m losing anyway!”

"You bitch..."

"It's my aunt!" I interrupted Feng Qingluan coldly, "Be careful, I will complain to your mother-in-law!"

Feng Qingluan stared at me fiercely, but she looked helpless.

After a moment of silence, she took out her phone.

"I'm responsible for shaking people off, and you're responsible for getting them into jail smoothly!"



With the help of the old man, Feng Qingluan and I changed into prison uniforms and entered the prison. We entered a cell specially designed to hold serious criminals.

The pampered Feng Qingluan had never been to a place like this. She looked calm on the surface, but she followed me closely.

The female prisoners seemed a little unkind to our entry.

Their cold and fierce eyes followed me closely.

Feng Qingluan and I were assigned to an eight-person cell. After the prison guards left, the female prisoners surrounded us.

"How did you get in?"

The fat woman who was leading the group with a big mole on the tip of her nose spoke fiercely. It seemed like she should be the boss here.


"Who did you kill?"

"My mother-in-law!" When I said this, my eyes turned red. "I didn't pay a penny as a bride price to marry my husband. I didn't expect that I would be abused by my mother-in-law every day. She even instigated my husband to beat me. From the time I got married to the time I got pregnant, I was always responsible for everything in the family. But when the child was born, my mother-in-law not only She didn’t help me with my confinement period, and even beat me and scolded me because I ate thirteen pumpkins! Then she gave away my daughter who was not yet one month old behind my back! I really couldn’t bear it, so..."

As if I couldn't bear to look back, I sobbed and cried.

"These old people deserve to be damned, just like my damn ghost mother-in-law!"

"Yes! Yes! This old woman deserves to die!"

"If I were to run away on the first day I went to her house, you could actually endure it until the baby was born! What a love brain!"

The female prisoners talked a lot, their faces full of sympathy for me.

"What about you?" The fat woman turned to Feng Qingluan, "You look thin and tender, but you don't want to be a criminal!"

"I...I was arguing with my husband and accidentally stabbed him to death!"

"Then you are quite cruel!"

"One day, a hundred days of kindness, you are really capable of this!"

"Yes, mistakes that are not principled can be forgiven!"

While the female prisoners were whispering, I noticed a woman in the corner.

There are scattered scars on the face, deep and shallow, contracted together, making the face look extremely ugly and ferocious.

One of her eye sockets was empty, and the two places where her ears used to be were an irregular growth.

"Her name is Aying!" Suddenly, the fat woman spoke. "Not only is she blind in one eye, but she is also deaf and mute. She came in after killing her husband. Her husband often abused her domestically, and once even fed her sulfuric acid. Two of her ears were bitten off during a fight. Her eyeballs were poked out with chopsticks! After she was beaten into a human shape, she finally hacked her to death with an ax while her husband was sleeping one night! She was also a poor person. After the accident, the people in their village included her parents-in-law. Inside, tens of thousands of people spontaneously wrote a petition asking the court for leniency!" "How pitiful!" I said sincerely.

"Yeah!" The fat woman nodded, "We can't bear to bully such a person when he comes in!"


"That's right!" the fat woman smiled, "It is our tradition to bully newcomers! When another batch of newcomers come, you can bully them with us!"


The prison bed is really hard.

It was so hard and cold that I barely slept all night.

In the middle of the night, you can still see shadows walking back and forth at the door.

Not a prison guard, but a dead soul with a strong yin energy.

Thinking about it, it must be a prisoner who died in prison before.

Just when I was about to fall asleep due to the strong sleepiness, the wake-up call sounded.

After getting up and taking roll call, it is time to perform exercises.

At about seven o'clock, we were taken to a canteen.

As soon as the non-meaty dishes were prepared, several female prisoners gathered around and snatched away the only half of a hard-boiled egg and a few hair-thin strips of meat from Feng Qingluan and I's bowls.

Anyway, I have no appetite, so it doesn’t matter.

But Feng Qingluan, who was used to being domineering, had never been wronged like this before.

She couldn't help but quarreled with the female prisoners, and was eventually put in solitary confinement, while I followed the large army to use the sewing machine.

When my legs almost cramped from pedaling, it was finally time to call it a day.

Lunch was more soupy and watery, and I had no appetite.

So, he simply handed the lunch box to the fat woman.

The fat woman seemed satisfied with my performance.

During lunch break, we came to the leisure room.

There is a large [-]-inch color TV and several table tennis tables, which are the only entertainment items.

Naturally I didn't want to join in, but sat in the corner and observed carefully.

The female prisoners in front of me were many vicious and vicious people.

Will the next batch of marginalized people appear among them?
Just when I thought of this, half a steamed bun suddenly came into my sight.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be Ah Ying.

Aying pointed to the steamed bun and then pointed to her mouth, as if to indicate to me to eat it.

"I'm not hungry!"

At this point, I suddenly realized she couldn't hear.

So he waved his hand vigorously and pointed at his belly.

Aying gestured again, her only one eye firm and stubborn.

Seeing how anxious she was and sweating profusely, he still took the steamed bun.

This move made Aying smile.

She took out a notebook, took out a thumb-long pencil and started drawing.

While I was nibbling on the steamed buns, I watched Aying draw a simple figure. There was an exaggerated black spot on the tip of the villain's nose, like a mole.

This is somewhat similar to the fat woman last night!

"Nice drawing!"

I blurted out this and gave Aying a thumbs up.

Aying smiled, then tightened her grip on the pen and swiped it hard on the paper.

The villain's head was torn apart instantly along with the paper.

Before I could react, Aying cut open the villain's limbs again.

When a piece of paper was divided into six pieces and scattered on the ground, I felt inexplicably panicked.


I pushed Aying and pointed to the piece of paper on the ground.

"Why do you draw it like this?"

Too bad I don’t know sign language!
No matter how much I pointed out, it was like I was playing the piano to a cow. Aying looked at me with a blank look on her face.

"Okay, time's up, let's start work!"

Just when I was thinking a lot, a prison guard suddenly clapped his hands and said.

When we were all lined up, she called our names one by one.

But as he clicked, his expression changed.

"Where's Ren Jianying?"

As soon as these words came out, the female prisoners looked at each other.

"Report!" A female prisoner in our cell raised her hand timidly, "She was still here just now!"

"Where is that person!"

"No! I don't know!"

I was stunned for a moment, and then quickly searched around with my eyes.

Besides Feng Qingluan, there is also a fat woman missing!

Could it be that she is Ren Jianying?

"Please block all major entrances and exits immediately, there is one less prisoner!"

The prison guard hurriedly took out his walkie-talkie and called with a solemn expression.

... (end of this chapter)

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