The missing one is the eldest sister in the cell where I am... the fat woman.

The prison guards sent out all their manpower to search the entire prison, and even dismantled the toilet. Maybe they thought the fat woman had been dismembered by the enemy, but in short, the fat woman disappeared!

But judging by the prison guard's reaction, it's clear this isn't the first time this has happened.

After returning to their cells, the female prisoners looked panicked.

They looked at the empty bed, the gloom and fear on their faces getting stronger and stronger.

"I didn't expect that my eldest sister would also..."

"Yes, we were discussing who's turn would be next, and the eldest sister said it would be best for her. It would be better to die than to suffer while alive!"

"Do you think we will be next?"

"Shut up and stop nagging!"

I didn't dare to interrupt, but came to Aying.

Then he carefully took out the balled up words and handed them to her.

Aying looked at me, because her face was distorted, and I couldn't tell what her expression was at the moment.

Spreading out the paper on which the drawing was drawn, I cast a doubtful look at Aying.

I was asking her why she painted fat women.

I don’t know if Aying understood what I meant. She took the piece of paper and stuffed it into her mouth, chewing it hastily.

Before I could open her mouth, she had already swallowed it.

Is this a coincidence?
Do not!
It doesn’t look like a coincidence!
When she entered the leisure room before, the fat woman had a quarrel with other female prisoners, even to the point of pushing and shoving.

If the prison guards hadn't scolded them, there would have been a fight.

I saw her occupying the most advantageous position and watching TV, but how could she disappear so easily?

Just as I was thinking of this, the door opened.

Then, Feng Qingluan walked in.

Looking at her haggard face, it seems that this confinement is uncomfortable.

"You're back?" I asked casually, "Didn't they say you have to be detained for 24 hours?"

"Does it feel bad that I didn't satisfy you? Isn't it disappointing to hear your tone?" Feng Qingluan said angrily, "They suddenly asked me to go back to the cell, and I don't know why. But I can leave that hellish place. Thank God! I didn’t expect the conditions in the prison to be so bad. There are cockroaches and spiders everywhere. When I get the chance, I will definitely find someone to renovate and decorate this place. At least there must be a SPA, manicure, beauty room, etc. It is so simple and unsuitable for people to live in. !”

Laugh to death!

Feng Qingluan is so self-aware!
Knowing that his sins are serious, he will eventually move in one day, so he has arranged a way out for himself in advance?

"Why are there so few people?"

Feng Qingluan seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and whispered.

I didn't say anything, just winked.

Suddenly, Feng Qingluan understood.

"What about her?"

Feng Qingluan was very brave and stood up directly to look at the female prisoners.

The eyes of the female prisoners suddenly became wary.

"It's better you don't know!"

"We are all partners in the same cell. We will get along day and night from now on. What can't we say? Besides, we have to help each other after we are released from prison, right?"

"They are all criminals, who can help whom?"

"My family is very rich!" Feng Qingluan said, "If you go out and can't find a job in the future, come directly to me, and I will definitely arrange everything for you!"

"I don't even know if I can get out alive!"

"Aren't all the people in this cell locked up for a fixed term?" I couldn't help but ask, "Why can't I get out alive?"

"Didn't you see it?" the female prisoner closest to me finally couldn't help but say, "My eldest sister is missing! There have been many missing prisoners in the prison these days, and each time six people disappeared at the same time. Although the police officers did not say , but we have been in prison for so many years, and we are very familiar with each other because of our fights and fights, and it is not clear who is there and who is not."

"You mean six are missing at a time?"

"Six people disappeared in the same incident! Unexpectedly, it was the eldest sister who disappeared this time."

"Have any measures been taken in prison?"

"What measures can be taken! Not even a fly can fly out here. Maybe so many people disappear under the eyes of people. Humans simply can't do it, right? So we guess that this is the work of ghosts! It's those who were harmed by them. It’s the ghost who died, otherwise there’s no way to explain it.”

"Hey, don't act like a ghost, I'm scared!"

A thin female prisoner suddenly spoke cautiously.

"You beat your father-in-law until he was paralyzed, and I didn't see you scared!" Another sneered.

"I'm not going to slap someone in the face! The reason why I hit that old guy is because he treated me... If you dare to pick up the pot again, I'll tear your mouth apart!" "Come on, who is afraid of whom?"

"Stop arguing, all of you!"


When the female prisoners were arguing, Aying sat quietly beside them.

She looked at everything in front of her calmly, as if she was used to it, more like she had isolated herself from the outside world.

After hesitating, I pulled open my sleeves to reveal the three incense sticks tattooed on my arms.

With a gentle tap, Ning Yi appeared instantly.

The appearance of Ning Zhen made Aying's pupils tighten instantly.

Obviously, she could also see Ning Yi.

"An An!"

"I want to communicate with her!" I pointed at Aying and whispered to Ning Zhen, "She can't hear or speak!"

Seeing Ning Zhen's silence, I hurriedly approached him.

"Is there any way?"


"To dream?"

"People are healthy in dreams!" Ning Yi raised his lips slightly, "I'll teach you how to dream!"

"it is good!"


In the dead of night, the female prisoners were already fast asleep.

Teeth grinding, farting, and snoring came and went.

I followed the method Ning Zhen taught me, listening to Aying's breathing and adjusting my own rhythm according to her frequency.

As our breathing rates became more and more consistent, my consciousness became increasingly blurry.

Just when I was half asleep, I suddenly heard a creaking sound of the door opening.

Opening my eyes subconsciously, I saw a figure blocking the door.

Because his back is facing the light, his face cannot be seen clearly.

But a strong smell of alcohol hit his face instantly.

"Bitch, how dare you sleep without your boss?"

Suddenly there was a burst of shouting, and the figure quickly rushed towards me.

I kicked him subconsciously, but my whole body passed by that figure.

Taking a closer look, a man with a ferocious face was strangling Aying's neck and banging her head on the bed.

The surrounding area was no longer a prison labor room, but an extremely messy hut.

Have I entered Aying's dream?
"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!" Aying cried bitterly, but did not dare to resist. "The doctor said that miscarriage requires confinement. I was really uncomfortable so..."

"You dare to talk back? Aborting the child won't kill you! Why don't you abort the baby if you're pregnant with it? Do you want me to raise a loser? Get up and cook for me quickly. I'm hungry!"

"I...I'm really uncomfortable!"

When Aying said this, she twitched the corners of her pale mouth.

And I was shocked to find that blood was constantly seeping from her pajamas.

"Are you dead or not? If you are not dead, you have to serve me! Did my labor cost 3000 yuan to marry you to be the eldest mistress? Can't you afford it? Can't you afford it?"

The man held A Ying's hair, raised his heavy palm and fired from left to right.

When Aying's mouth was filled with blood, I finally couldn't help but scream.

"Fight back! Why don't you fight back? Do you really want to be beaten to death?" I yelled at Aying, "Aying, did you hear me? Aying!"

Obviously, Aying heard it.

She looked in my direction, and the hands holding her head suddenly tightened.

Then he grabbed the ashtray on the bedside table and hit the man on the head hard.

The man screamed in surprise, and blood flew out instantly.

... (end of this chapter)

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