Chapter 188 Xie Jiuyu dared to commit the following crime

Xie Jiuyu sheathed his sword.

He stepped closer and walked behind Jin Yunzhi.

Jin Yunzhi: "..."

She turned around stiffly and numbly, and after looking into Xie Jiuyu's dark eyes, she waved her hand, "Ajiu..."

Xie Jiuyu lowered his eyes, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Jin Yun didn't know whether he could understand the emotion in his eyes, but he felt that he was suffering so much that he just kept on saying, "You were drunk last night and was sent back by this princess, do you still remember?"

Xie Jiuyu paused, "Princess, I probably don't remember."

Jin Yunzhi's eyes suddenly lit up, and a pair of clear eyes flashed, "You don't remember? You don't remember everything? You don't remember anything that happened?"

Xie Jiuyu: "..."

He frowned, why would she be so happy if he didn't expose her?
I should have just said that I remembered.

I remember it clearly and thought about it all night long.

"What do you want me to remember, princess?" Xie Jiuyu curled her lips, leaned over and teased with a half-smile.

The sudden approach of Jun Yan made Jin Yunzhi's breathing stagnant.

She froze for a moment, her mind going blank.

Xie Jiuyu lowered his eyes and stared at her, his dark eyes seeming to sweep over Jin Yunzhi's lips.

Jin Yunzhi rolled her throat nervously, her round eyes flickered a few times in confusion, "No, nothing happened last night!"


Xie Jiuyu opened his lips again, his tone was a little casual, and his well-joined fingers gently scratched the corner of his thin lips, "Seriously, nothing happened?"

Jin Yunzhi looked at the movements of Xie Jiuyu's fingers, and his heart suddenly reached his throat.

Why did he have to rub his lips?
Don’t touch the corners of your eyes!Don’t rub the tip of your nose!Just rub the corners of your lips? ? ?

Jin Yunzhi blinked guiltily, and her voice was so weak that it was almost inaudible, "Nothing really happened!" She bit her lower lip lightly. Why did she always feel that Xie Jiuyu seemed to remember, but also didn't seem to remember?
With his head in a mess, Jin Yunzhi avoided Xie Jiuyu's gaze and blinked, "I, I'm going to have breakfast!"

"Princess, won't you practice sword practice?"

Just as Jin Yunzhi turned around and took two steps, Xie Jiuyu's voice came from behind him.

She staggered and walked faster, "No! I'm hungry!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Yunzhi disappeared from Xie Jiuyu's body almost without stopping.

As soon as he sat down and prepared for breakfast, Jin Yunzhi had a troubled expression on his face when he saw Xie Jiuyu following closely behind him, holding a sword in both hands and leaning on the door frame, looking at her lightly.

Jin Yunzhi: "..."

She wanted to cry but had no tears, and her little face almost wrinkled into a ball.

what's up!
Although she was the one who took the initiative to secretly kiss Xie Jiuyu at first, it was clearly Xie Jiuyu who had the upper hand later!

Why on earth is she so guilty?

Xie Jiuyu sat next to Jin Yunzhi, and Qingbi served her dishes.

Xie Jiuyu just let things take its course, picked up the small jade bowl in front of Jin Yunzhi, and used serving chopsticks to pick up some of her favorite pastries.

"There is a celebration banquet in the city tonight. In order to thank Ye Fuguang for researching rock salt that has benefited the people of Nanque, the emperor has ordered that all walks of life across the country be closed for three days. The imperial court will provide money to hold a celebration banquet. There will be fireworks in the evening. Are you going, princess?"

Xie Jiuyu placed the jade bowl in front of Jin Yunzhi, and looked at Jin Yunzhi seriously with his dark eyes.

Fireworks display? !
Jin Yunzhi's originally complicated and tangled mood dissipated instantly. Her eyes lit up and she nodded quickly, "Okay, okay! I'm going to go~"

"Princess, please take it easy, go down and practice your sword." After Xie Jiuyu finished speaking, his broad palm fell on Jin Yunzhi's furry head and touched it gently.

Jin Yunzhi's back stiffened again.

He started touching her head!
Xie Jiuyu dared to commit the following crime!
He would never have been like this before. Wuwuwuwuwu, he definitely remembers what happened last night...

(End of this chapter)

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