Chapter 189 Watching Fireworks

After Jin Yunzhi finished his breakfast, he came to the queen's bedroom.

When the queen learned that she was coming, she quickly ordered the maid beside her to hide the letter in her hand, closed her eyes to hide the emotions in her eyes, and then raised her eyes to look at Jin Yunzhi.

"Zhizhi, you're here."

Jin Yunzhi saw the Queen's movements. After she entered the door, she took her mother's arm and said, "Queen, is this a letter from my sister?"

Jin Yun knew it right away, and the queen knew that there was nothing she could hide from her, so she sighed, "You know the situation of your seventh sister. After she married Wu Bohou's son, she couldn't give birth to a child. As a result, the child was often neglected and ridiculed by Mrs. Wu Bohou."

The queen said, her eyes turning red. She took Jin Yunzhi's hand and squeezed it tightly, "Zhizhi, it's all my fault that my mother didn't protect your seventh sister..."

As a mother, she naturally loves her children.

But as princesses of the royal family, it is absolutely not their turn to make the final decision on their marriage.

Neither of the two sisters got married well. Jin Yunzhi couldn't help but feel sad when he thought about this. If she had been reborn earlier, could she have changed the fate of the two sisters...

"Zhizhi, don't worry, my mother will never let your marriage be used as a bargaining chip. Even if she risks her life, she will definitely let us know that she is the right man to marry her."

Jin Yunzhi's eyes were sore, and she buried herself in the queen's arms, "Thank you, queen."

"Mother, the end-of-summer exams are over. I have nothing else to do now. Zhizhi wants to go see the two sisters, okay?"

Jin Yunzhi had wanted to visit her sisters for a long time, but the sisters were all married far away, and it was not a journey that could be reached in two or three days.

"Do you want to visit your sister?" The queen was slightly shocked, but she quickly raised her eyes with a bright light, "I remember that it will be Wu Bohou's sixtieth birthday in a while, so I asked your eldest brother to accompany you Let's go together, bring gifts to celebrate her birthday, and at the same time go see how your sister is doing."

Jin Yunzhi's eyes also lit up, "Okay, Zhi Zhi feels more at ease with big brother by his side."

"Then the Queen Mother will tell your father about this. Your father was thinking about who would come forward to send gifts to Uncle Wu on his sixtieth birthday. Unexpectedly, this time it turned out to be our baby Zhizhi. Zhizhi is already able to take charge of the job on his own. Already..."

Jin Yunzhi nestled on the queen's arm and rubbed it gently.


at dusk.There is a celebration banquet in Yanyun City tonight, and the palace curfew has been postponed by an hour.

After Jin Yunzhi finished cleaning up, he left the palace with several brothers.

When they arrived in front of the palace, they saw the Ye family's carriage.

Ye Liu was sitting in front. After seeing them, he turned around and opened the curtain of the carriage.

Ye Qingxian quickly leaned out of the carriage, "Zhizhi! Here!"

Jin Yunzhi immediately curled his lips and smiled.

The streets of Yanyun City are bright, prosperous and lively. The lanterns set up almost illuminate the entire Yanyun City.

"Let's go to Zuixianju in the city. You can see the fireworks clearly from the top floor of Zuixianju."

The fourth prince waved to everyone to get on the carriage and rush towards Zuixianju.

Jin Yunzhi was not in a hurry to go to Zuixianju. She got off the carriage and walked side by side with Ye Qingxian on the bustling street.

Xie Jiuyu and Ye Fuguang followed Jin Yunzhi and Ye Qingxian.

Jin Yunzhi saw a crowd of people gathered in one place as they walked forward, and it was very lively.

The two looked at each other and stepped forward holding hands.

As soon as they reached the back of the crowd, the crowd in front began to retreat.

Jin Yunzhi staggered and took two steps back.

Before he could stand still, he felt an arm coming across his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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