The weights used to measure the weight are all made of iron piers, placed one by one from light to heavy.

Lu Xiaowan bent down and hugged the first iron pillar.

The old Taoist priest and Akun both turned their heads and did not want to look.

It's very unpleasant if you push yourself too far.

Only Ah Zhen was angry and anxious and continued to stop him.

Because he knows it very well.

This forced lifting of heavy objects can cause muscle injuries in the mild case, fractures in the serious case, and even life-threatening injuries.

"Girl, you must not use force..." Ah Zhen shouted to stop her.

But, suddenly he fell silent.

I saw Lu Xiaowan bending down and picking up Tie Dunzi.

One bend, together.

It seemed that what he was holding was not a 150-pound iron pillar at all, but just a big cabbage that fell to the ground.

She picked it up immediately.

"Teacher, teacher..." A Zhen was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

The old Taoist priest and Akun both thought something had happened.

The two turned around hurriedly, and then froze.

Under the sun, Lu Xiaowan raised the iron pillar high, and the little man looked cute.

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but look at Bai Su.

Bai Su was also stunned, but then smiled.

Giftedness is rare, hard to come by, and no amount of money can buy it.

very nice.

"Girl doll, can you lift other ones?" The old Taoist priest came to Lu Xiaowan excitedly.

Lu Xiaowan nodded obediently.

She put down the iron pillar in her hand and walked to the side.

Originally, in order to know the strength of each entry-level disciple more accurately, the difference between each iron pillar should be twenty-five kilograms.

But because he was poor, the old Taoist's iron pillars were fifty kilograms apart.

The second one weighed two hundred pounds.

However, Lu Xiaowan still picked her up without any effort at all.

The old Taoist priest's eyes burst out with intense light. Ah Zhen's eyes were widened, and he stared at Lu Xiaowan in disbelief: "How can this little girl lift a two hundred kilograms of weight?" Last place!"

A Zhen was very happy.

Akun looked at him faintly: "When you entered the school, your weight was measured at three hundred kilograms, and mine was three hundred and fifty kilograms. But how could you carry two hundred kilograms of heavy objects so easily?"

Ah Zhen's smile suddenly froze on his face.

Although he was not hoarse when he moved the two hundred kilograms, it was not easy either.

It was done with force.

But he looked at Lu Xiaowan.

A bad premonition arose spontaneously.

Wouldn't he not only be at the bottom, but also not as strong as this female doll?

"Baby, can you just move the fifth piece?" The old Taoist priest pointed at the fifth piece expectantly.

Three hundred and fifty pounds.

The limit for Akun to get started.

Lu Xiaowan only glanced at it and walked to the fifth piece.

Akun and Azhen both watched closely.

If it could be moved, it would not only surpass A Zhen's entrance weight test, but it would also definitely surpass A Kun.

Everyone looked with wide eyes.

Lu Xiaowan easily lifted the fifth piece.

Akun was silent.

Ah Zhen slapped himself in the face: "Mom, you're so stupid, I'm worse than a little girl!"

"Then, can you lift this piece?" The old Taoist priest's voice was trembling with excitement.

He was referring to a five hundred kilogram iron block.

This was the limit of his entrance weight test back then, and it was also the limit of Tiangang Sect for so many years.

No one has surpassed it yet.

Lu Xiaowan looked at it carefully and finally nodded.

Everyone held their breath as she leaned over.

This time, Lu Xiaowan's move was not easy, but it was not difficult either.

The moment she raised it, there was silence in the yard. (End of chapter)

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