Suddenly, Ah Zhen said excitedly: "Master, she, she, she has surpassed you! Hahahaha, I am not ashamed, she has surpassed you too!"

Ah Zhen smiled like an idiot.

The old Taoist priest was hoarse when he lifted this five hundred kilogram iron block.

But Lu Xiaowan didn't.

That means she can lift heavier.

But there is no measuring object heavier than these 500 kilograms in the yard.

Because, poor.


The old Taoist priest knelt on the ground.

He raised his hands with tears in his eyes: "Dad, Grandmaster, have you seen it? Our Tiangang Sect finally has hope..."

Akun and Azhen also got red-eyed.

Lu Xiaowan held up the five hundred kilogram iron pillar and looked at Bai Su with a smile.

Bai Su didn't smile, but she didn't have a cold face either.

But there was deep affection and smile hidden in her eyes.

Although Lu Xiaowan's limit was not tested, it did not hinder the apprenticeship ceremony at all.

"Good disciple, come and drink tea..." The old Taoist priest excitedly poured the tea and handed it to Lu Xiaowan.

This is how an apprentice should respect his master.

Lu Xiaowan: "..."

"Little junior sister, I am your senior brother. If you have anything to do in the future, you can tell me." Akun said.

"Little junior sister, I am your second senior brother. If someone bullies you, you tell me and the second senior brother will beat him up for you!" A Zhen clenched his big fist.

Lu Xiaowan smiled timidly and called out obediently: "First senior brother, second senior brother!"

The soft and cute voice melted the two of them on the spot.

The old Taoist priest was about to come forward when Bai Su called him aside.

"Taoist Priest, with Xiaowan's talent, how long will it take for him to reach the highest level of powerful magic?" Bai Su asked. "There are nine levels of powerful magic. Ordinary people need to practice it for ten or decades. But Xiaowan has extraordinary talent. It can be achieved in as little as one year and as long as three years. By then, Xiaowan and Tiangang Sect will make a sensation in the martial arts world and reappear Tiangang. The door was brilliant in the beginning!" the old Taoist priest said, with a strong light bursting out of his eyes.

Bai Su frowned: "One year is too long, I want Xiaowan to reach the ninth level within a month."

The old Taoist priests laughed: "Within a month? You think it's a business, you can bargain!"

The old Taoist priest looked at Bai Su.

He couldn't help but understand that he didn't feel any inner strength in Bai Su's body.

"You don't practice martial arts, no wonder you don't understand. Although this powerful magic move is simple, it focuses on cultivating internal power, and then continuously turning the internal power into your own strength. The deeper the internal power you cultivate, the greater your strength will be, and your cultivation will be the same. The higher it gets. Until it reaches the level of divine power, which is the ninth level of powerful magic."

"But Xiaowan not only has no inner strength and needs to practice slowly, but her meridians have never been opened. One year is already the shortest time. One month is simply a fantasy and absolutely impossible." The old Taoist priest said resolutely.

Bai Suque said: "Taoist Master, just open up Xiaowan's meridians, I have my own way of internal strength!"

Bai Su left.

The old Taoist priest looked at Bai Su's back and couldn't help but shake his head.

As a sister, he wants his sister to be successful, and he understands this feeling.

But, what can be done about this inner strength?

Everyone practices it step by step.

What else can I think of?

The old Taoist priest shook his head again.


Young people are still too naive!

When Bai Su came back from the suburbs of Beijing, he did not go back to Xiaolu's restaurant, but went to the teahouse yesterday.

The daily interest rate must be collected.

But when Bai Su came to Zhuque Street.

She was stunned.

On Zhuque Street, people were coming and going.

Sikong Yi actually knelt on the street in public. (End of chapter)

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