Old Taoist priest: "..."

Suddenly, the two looked at each other.

But the old Taoist priest seemed to be blind, bypassing Bai Su and running towards Lu Xiaowan.

Now that the Bai family doll is here, he will pretend that nothing happened.

But we can't make her angry and take her precious disciple away.

"My dear disciple?" The old Taoist priest walked toward the door with a smile.

Then he paused.

Not only him, A Kun and A Zhen also froze.

"Master, senior brother, I have rubella." Lu Xiaowan said obediently.

She's been like this since she woke up early in the morning.

My sister said that it is easy to get rubella during this season, and it will get better after a while.

"This, this..." The old Taoist priest was so distressed that he could not speak.

"I'll go find the doctor right away!" Akun said.

A Zhen has already crossed the threshold.

Lu Xiaowan held him back: "Second senior brother, first senior brother, it doesn't matter, don't look at the doctor!"

"It's so serious, how can you not look at the doctor! If there are scars, how can you get married in the future!" A Zhen said anxiously.

"My sister has checked it out. It's okay. It will be fine in a while. My sister's medical skills are the best in the world!" Lu Xiaowan said proudly.

The old Taoist priest looked deeply at Bai Su before letting Ah Zhen and Ah Kun come back.

"I have seen the Bai family's medical skills, and they are indeed good." The old Taoist priest said.

A Kun and A Zhen then gave up.

But Ah Zhen secretly asked: "Little junior sister, do you feel any pain?"

Lu Xiaowan shook his head: "It doesn't hurt at all!"

She looked at A Zhen with bright eyes.

Ever since the Hu Yanhua incident, she had been afraid of her foreign husband.

But she doesn’t seem that afraid of her master, where is her senior brother!

"Baijia doll, do you want some tea?" The old Taoist priest tried hard to find a topic and resolutely avoided the topic of internal strength.

As long as he doesn't mention it.

The Bai family doll will not be embarrassed!

"No need! Taoist Master, let's teach Xiaowan the first level of the powerful magic technique." Bai Su said.

The old Taoist priest's smile froze.

He didn't mention it.

Why did the Bai family baby take the initiative to mention it!


It doesn't look guilty, he understands.

But even if you are entering the first level, you still need at least 10% of your internal strength!

This Xiaowan has no inner strength at all, so what should he teach?

But the old Taoist smiled on his face: "Okay, okay..."

He smiled and pretended to put his hand on Lu Xiaowan's back, but his mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about how to proceed.

But suddenly, the old Taoist priest froze.

He looked at Bai Su in disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Bai Su was confused.

"Xiao, how can Xiaowan have internal power, and actually it is the fifth level of pure internal power?" The old Taoist priest couldn't believe it, and tested it over and over again.     But there is only 50% internal strength.

"I bought it!" Bai Su said naturally.

"Buy it?" The old Taoist priest was confused.

This, can I still buy internal strength?

How come he doesn't know?

Bai Su nodded: "Buy one and get one!"

Old Taoist priest: "..."

Hear the words.

Akun and Azhen also stepped forward to explore Lu Xiaowan's internal strength.

After this investigation, the two of them were also stupid.

It really has 50% internal strength.

"Teach me quickly. If you don't have enough internal strength, tell me and I'll buy it again." Bai Su said.

It's like buying Chinese cabbage.

Old Taoist priest: "..."

A Kun, A Zhen: "..."

Bai Su left the small house and went to Chunmanlou.

But she didn't take the carriage, she went on foot.

There is a broken bridge in front of Chunman Tower.

According to legend in the capital, this broken bridge was the bridge where a general and his wife made love.

On the bridge, the general made an oath to be together for the rest of his life.

Later, the general went on an expedition.

His wife waits here every day.

Wait three years.

The general finally returned in triumph.

And returning with him is the general's beauty.

That day, the whole city was happy.

Only my wife jumped off the bridge and left a last sentence: I don’t know where love begins, and once I fall in love, I don’t know where it will end. Only in this life, we will never see each other again, and our kindness will be broken.

Bai Su stood on the bridge and looked at the lake in trance.

Suddenly, a chill came over me.

Bai Su's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he held the silver needle with his fingertips.

But, it's too late.

Her acupuncture points were pressed.

Sikong Yi was standing behind Bai Su.

His long body pressed against Bai Su's back, and then he pushed gently.

Bai Su fell off the bridge and fell into the lake. (End of chapter)

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