Bai Su's acupoints were tapped and he could only let himself sink.

on the bridge.

Sikong Yi stood with his hands behind his back.

There was a half-cold mask on his face, and what was colder than the mask were his eyes, which were looking down at Bai Su coldly.

Bai Su: “¥*&¥#!¥&……*&*&!@”

Fortunately, Broken Bridge is a picturesque place with beautiful lakes and mountains. Many literati like to go boating and write poems here.

As soon as Bai Su fell into the water, all the surrounding ships rushed over.

Soon, Bai Su was rescued and returned to the shore.

Bai Su gritted his teeth and walked towards Sikong Yi.

Her acupuncture points were automatically relieved the moment she was rescued.

It was obvious that Sikong Yi did not want to kill her, but simply wanted to see her in embarrassment.

Sikong Yi still stood on the bridge with his hands behind his back.

Wearing a purple robe, his expression was cold, as if everything in the world could melt with the ice and snow, and flowers would bloom in the spring, but he was still sealed in the ice, independent from the world.

"You big pervert!"

When Bai Su came up, he scolded: "You will be punished, you are so small-minded... Didn't I just expose your business..."

Bai Su shut up suddenly.

But Sikong Yi had already grabbed her neck: "It's really you!"

Bai Su didn't struggle, and said in a cold voice: "So what if it's me? You helped the Huns destroy the Xirong, killed Yaoyao, and it's all too easy to reveal your whereabouts. Sooner or later, I will kill you with my own hands!"

Sikong Yi raised Bai Su in front of him and narrowed his eyes: "How do you know my identity?"

Bai Su smiled coldly: "Is this difficult? The eldest prince of the Jin Dynasty, Sikong Yi!"

Sikong Yi suddenly tightened his grip on Bai Su's neck, murderous intent filling his eyes.

Eyes facing each other.

Bai Su just smiled coldly.

Sikong Yi stared at her.

At this moment, Bai Su was like a drowned rat.

Her bun was messed up, and several strands of hair were stuck to her face.

But she still had a sneer on her face, like a little chicken that refused to surrender.

Sikong Yi's eyes filled with murderous intent were actually tainted with a hint of evil pleasure.

Not only that.

Bai Su's clothes were dripping wet, and they clung tightly to her body, outlining Bai Su's curves extremely clearly. Moreover, Bai Su's clothes were plain white, and when soaked in the water, they were so wet that all the clothes underneath were exposed.

Especially when Sikong Yi and Bai Su were face to face, the colors and even shapes could be seen clearly.

A plain blue one embroidered with orchids...

Sikong Yi's eyes tightened.

At this time, people were coming and going on the bridge.

Because Sikong Yi and Bai Su were too close, others couldn't see clearly that it was Sikong Yi holding Bai Su's neck. They could only see that Bai Su was soaked all over and her clothes were sticking to her body. Her figure attracted passersby's attention.

Especially for men, when their eyes fell on Bai Su, it was as if they were glued to her and couldn't be pulled off.

Sikong Yi suddenly raised his eyes.

His cold eyes swept over everyone, and they were so frightened that they turned around and left, not daring to take another look.

Bai Su naturally saw it, but because she was pinched, her face turned red and started to turn purple.

"Useless thing!" Sikong Yi shook Bai Su away.

Bai Su rubbed his neck and breathed.

Sikong Yi threw his robe to Bai Su.

Bai Su held the robe. She stroked the robe slowly while looking at Sikong Yi and sneered, "Are you so kind? Is it because there are poisonous needles in this robe, or are you suddenly showing pity to me?"

Sikong Yi just stared at Bai Su and then left.

Bai Su looked at his back with a cold expression.

Bai Su walked through Chunman Building but did not go in.

The man in white robe already knew her intention, so it would be in vain to go to Chunmanlou again.

It's better to use the trick to make them think that she has believed that Xiangxue is the man in white robe, and then devise a plan to lure the snake out of the hole.

But, how to lead it?

Bai Su's eyes narrowed.

At this time, there may be three or two common people who are in embarrassment or sickly appearance coming into the city gate.

When they entered the city, their eyes were gleaming, as if they were not entering the city, but grasping at life-saving straws.

Bai Su remembered.

Before the Xiao family was blamed and everyone in the family was beheaded, a big thing happened.

Bai Su narrowed his eyes.

She not only wants to lure the snake out of its hole, but also wants the snake to come to her! (End of chapter)

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