Bai Su immediately said to Li Langzhong, who was writing a prescription next to him: "Go and make a bowl of light salt water, quickly!"

Li Langzhong got up and went.

He knew that the person who could make Doctor Bai do this must be related to life and death, and he could not delay for a moment.

But, he couldn't tell where the fatal disease was in the baby?

Su Yang couldn't help but look at Bai Su with deep eyes.

"Bai, Doctor Bai, is my baby suffering from cold?" The woman was frightened.

"He's not Fenghan!" Bai Su said.

At this time, Mr. Li ran over with salt water in his hands.

Bai Su took the bowl, slowly fed the salt water to the baby, and then said to Li Langzhong: "Let's make another bowl of sugar water."

Mr. Li went again.

At this time, the woman was at a loss as she had no idea what was happening to her baby!

The people around who came to see the doctor were also curious.

Now I drink salt water and now I drink sugar water. What disease do I have?

And looking at Doctor Bai’s appearance, it’s very serious...

But at this critical moment, no one bothered.

Bai Su slowly fed the sugar water to the baby to drink.

The baby gradually became more energetic, and even the crying became louder, and the corners of her eyes became wet from crying.

Bai Su coaxed softly, and the baby finally stopped crying.

The woman asked in fear: "Doctor Bai, what happened to my baby?"

"Your baby has diarrhea caused by diarrhea. In layman's terms, it means that the baby has diarrhea all the time, draining all the water from the body. In severe cases, he will die," Bai Su said.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

They have all had diarrhea, but they never knew that diarrhea can lead to death!

In fact, frequent diarrhea can cause dehydration in the human body, which is a common thing.

However, even if adults are dehydrated due to diarrhea, when they feel thirsty, they will instinctively drink water to replenish their body, so few adults will be seriously dehydrated.

What's more, only severe dehydration can cause shock in the human body, leading to eventual death.

"I, I thought it was the cold wind, that's why my stomach kept leaking. I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I was wrong from the beginning." The woman was frightened after saying this, and she kowtowed to Bai Su gratefully.

"Doctor Bai, thank you for saving my baby, thank you..."

Bai Su helped the woman up.

The woman hurriedly asked: "Doctor Bai, my baby has had diarrhea since midnight last night. How should I cure it now?"

Bai Su put the baby on the bed beside him and said, "I'm going to press his acupuncture points now. You can watch and just press them when you get home!"

The woman nodded hurriedly. Hearing this, the women with children around them also rushed forward to take a look.

Bai Su explained everything while holding the baby down.

In the corner, Su Yang's proud eyes were full of understanding.

Bai Su's medical skills were almost as expected.

But, it's more stupid.

Mingming only needs one prescription to cure diarrhea, just drink the medicine.

But it took her half an hour.

Waste of time.

The baby's diarrhea stopped, and when the woman hugged her and left, she thanked Bai Su profusely.

Bai Su continued to see the doctor.

When she lowered her head to feel her pulse, her peripheral vision passed over Su Yang in the corner without leaving any trace, looking cold.

She knew it as soon as Su Yang came.

She wasn't afraid that Su Yang would come, but she was afraid that she wouldn't come.

In her previous life, her medical skills were considered superb, but she could not be called a miracle doctor at all.

The 'plague' conspiracy in Pingliang Mansion also poses no danger.

Therefore, in the last life, Su Yang didn't come to find out her background at all.

But, just come!

Bai Su seemed unaware and continued to see the doctor.

Not only did Su Yang not leave, but she also lined up.

More than an hour later.

Su Yang sat down on the wooden bench opposite Bai Su.

Her face was half covered with a veil. She lifted up her right sleeve and stretched out her hand to Bai Su. She saw four or five red rashes on her fair arms: "Doctor Bai, starting from the past few days, I have been suffering from a lot of red rashes on my body, especially on my hands. This is what happened..."

Bai Su took her hand and looked at it, then started taking her pulse.

Su Yang stared at Bai Su and said, "Doctor Bai, what's wrong with me?"

Bai Su raised his eyes.

The two looked at each other. (End of chapter)

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