Bai Su frowned: "I have never seen this girl's symptoms before. I can't tell what the disease is at the moment, but it looks like..."

Su Yang stared at Bai Su: "What does it look like?"

Bai Su frowned even more tightly, and finally uttered two words: "Smallpox."

"Smallpox!" Su Yang stood up suddenly.

Her voice was high-pitched and heavy, resounding throughout the hospital.

Suddenly, the medical hall was silent, and everyone looked at Su Yang.

"I, I know! I heard that many people died in Pingliang Prefecture because of the smallpox outbreak, so now the people in Pingliang Prefecture are fleeing to our Kyoto. I met a woman from Pingliang Prefecture a few days ago. She must have been infected!" Su Yang suddenly realized.

"She was infected with smallpox. It was actually smallpox!"

"Once you catch smallpox, you will die..."

"Run! Run away!"

In an instant, the entire medical center fell into panic.

The people who were waiting in line for medical treatment all ran out in fear, fearing that if they were delayed for a moment, Su Yang would catch the smallpox.

Su Yang looked at the people rushing to flee with pride in his eyes.


Bai Su, like all the quack doctors in the Nine Kingdoms, misdiagnosed the miasma she had carefully cultivated as smallpox.

With such medical skills, even a hundred Bai Su could not affect their plan.

Not to mention posing a threat to the grand plan.

Su Yang sneered.

Not only was there no threat, this idiot even helped her!

Originally as planned.

She first caused a smallpox outbreak in Pingliang Mansion.

When the people of Pingliang Prefecture fled to Kyoto, she secretly fabricated the illusion that 'smallpox' was spreading, causing the people of Kyoto to fall into panic.

After that, thousands of people in Kyoto were killed, causing panic to reach its peak.

In the end, she saved them from death as a miracle doctor. In this way, the people of Kyoto will regard her as a god and believe everything she says.

In the future, it would be more beneficial for her to stop Sheng Jia in the street and falsely accuse the Xiao family.

Now, the idiot Bai Su directly helped her fabricate the illusion that 'smallpox' had entered Kyoto and would spread wildly. As long as today passed, the entire Kyoto would be in a 'smallpox' panic, and everyone would be in danger.

When the time comes, she will infect thousands of Kyoto people with 'smallpox'.

"Girl, you don't have to be afraid, I will definitely find a way to cure you." At this time, Bai Su stepped forward and said.

Su Yang's face was filled with gratitude: "Thank you so much, Doctor Bai."

Bai Su went to comfort the people who were fleeing in fear: "Don't run away, don't push each other and trample on each other. Even if it is really smallpox, I will definitely find a way to cure it."

"Furthermore, from today on, anyone who thinks they have a disease similar to smallpox can come to my clinic and I won't charge you any money until they are cured." Bai Su said loudly.

But the people inside the medical center still ran frantically outside.

Compared with free treatment, everyone does not want to get smallpox.

Su Yang looked at Bai Su's back, who was still comforting the people, with disgust in his eyes.

Neither she nor her master could cure smallpox. Bai Su couldn't even tell the difference between miasma and smallpox, and even uttered wild words about trying to cure smallpox!


However, after this time.

Not only Kyoto, but the entire Nanyue will know that she, Su Yang, is a once-in-a-century genius and a true miracle doctor.

And Bai Su was just a quack who couldn't distinguish the symptoms, delayed the opportunity to treat patients, and killed thousands of patients.

Thousands of lives are enough to mark a serious mark on the Duke's Mansion.

The prince will be very happy!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Su Yang left the hospital.

As soon as she left the hospital, she took a pill to relieve the miasma.

In order to find out Bai Su's true identity, she gave herself a miasma.

As soon as Su Yang ate it, he immediately leaned over and vomited. (End of chapter)

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