Here's the thing.

Before dawn, the two brothers Lu Guotai and Lu Min'an followed Xiao Chu to the military camp to practice martial arts.

Three old ladies sent several children to school.

So only Miao Zhaodi and Liu Cuihong came to the restaurant to clean up and prepare for the restaurant to open.

Xiao Chunhua took Li and lazily pestered the two of them to the restaurant.

Xiao Chunhua is obsessed with making money in restaurants and wants to seize the restaurant.

She wanted to put Mrs. Li into working in the restaurant first, and then slowly secretly take over the restaurant as her own.

But similar things had already happened in Tea Tree Town.

At that time, Bai Su's grandmother, Lin Yueying, took advantage of others and wanted to put Zhang Shuanzi into a restaurant to steal Xiao Lu's secret recipe. Bai Su refused to let Zhang Shuanzi enter the restaurant, so Lin Yueying made Zhang Shuanzi kneel in the street and kowtow, forcing Bai Su...

This time, Xiao Chunhua also wanted to stuff Li into the restaurant, but of course Liu Cuihong and Miao Zhaodi flatly refused.

Don’t even think about it, no way.

Xiao Chunhua became so angry that she beat Mr. Li violently in the restaurant, venting all her dissatisfaction on her.

She even grabbed Ms. Li's hair and knocked her against the table. The impact caused Ms. Li's head to be bloody and she was threatening to beat her to death.

Although Miao Zhaodi is a village woman, she is upright and straightforward by nature, and she hates anyone being bullied.

So she ordered her servant to report to the official.

Unexpectedly, the official came.

Not only was Li not grateful, but under the threat of Xiao Chunhua, she bit Miao Zhaodi back.

"Guan, Master Guan, it was she who beat me like this!" Li pointed cowardly at Miao Zhaodi and whispered.

"You are slanderous and talking nonsense!" Miao Zhaodi's eyes were red with anger. If Liu Cuihong hadn't held her back, she would have pounced and tore Li's mouth open.

But the people outside don’t know.

They only saw Mrs. Li covered in wounds and dying, but Miao Zhaodi was still arrogant in front of official officials, and they couldn't help but click their tongues and shake their heads.

"This man has been beaten like this and he still doesn't admit it."

"That's right, the injured person said it himself, so he can still be lying!"

When Xiao Chunhua saw that the people were all turning towards them, she immediately pointed at Miao Zhaodi and shouted confidently: "Pay up! You must pay up for beating my daughter-in-law like this. If you don't pay up, I will put you in jail!"

"Yes, you have to pay for it!"

"It's all like this, so we have to pay more..."

The people outside also agreed. Xiao Chunhua looked at Miao Zhaodi proudly.

Miao Zhaodi couldn't explain clearly even though she had no words to speak, she cried in anger.

"Then how much does Grandma Xiao think is appropriate for my sister-in-law to pay?" At this time, Bai Su walked out of the crowd and walked into the restaurant.

Xiao Chunhua's eyelids jumped when she saw Bai Su.

It seems like every time this little bitch shows up, something bad happens.

Xiao Chunhua stared at Bai Su warily.

"Mrs. General, this is indeed your sister-in-law's fault!"

"Yes, no matter what happens, you can't beat people like this!"

"This will kill someone!"

When the common people saw Bai Su, they all talked about it.

Seeing this, Xiao Chunhua instantly felt confident again.


No matter what if this little bitch comes, as long as Li Shi was bitten to death by a shrew like Miao Zhaodi, it will be useless even if the King of Heaven comes.

Xiao Chunhua looked at Li with a threatening look.

Mrs. Li lowered her head in fear and did not dare to say a word.

Xiao Chunhua became even more arrogant.

Besides, it was the little bitch who begged her this time!

Nanyue has laws.

Those who beat someone for no reason and seriously injure them will be sentenced to sixty years of cane punishment and three years in prison.

As long as the little bitch wants to save her sister-in-law, she must pay the money obediently.

Xiao Chunhua frantically stretched out five fingers to Bai Su: "Fifty thousand taels, not even a penny less!"

When fifty thousand taels came out, even the people who sympathized with Li were stunned.

It was already a huge blessing to be compensated five hundred taels for being injured, but he asked for fifty thousand taels?


Is it the current Holy One who was injured?

The common people clicked their tongues and shook their heads, but they did not scold Xiao Chunhua. After all, it was understandable that their daughter-in-law would say mindless things out of anger after being beaten like this.

But if you want fifty thousand taels, it’s a dream!

"Fifty thousand taels!" Bai Su chewed softly. Suddenly, she smiled at Xiao Chunhua: "Grandma Xiao is really as innocent as ever!" (End of Chapter)

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