"What did you say!" Xiao Chunhua's face darkened.

Bai Su smiled and walked towards Xiao Chunhua step by step: "I said Grandma Xiao is ugly, but what you think is so beautiful! You yourself beat your daughter-in-law like this, but my sister-in-law reported it to the police with good intentions, but you beat her up and blackmailed her. Money, this is what a toad wants to eat swan meat, isn’t the thought beautiful enough?”


Xiao Chunhua spat at Bai Su and said arrogantly: "Everything depends on evidence. Where is the evidence?"

Xiao Chunhua was not frightened at all and stared at Bai Su provocatively.

When she hit Mrs. Li, the restaurant was not open.

Except for the servants and maids in the restaurant who saw it, no one else saw it.

Those servants and maids had already testified for Miao Zhaodi, but the people didn't believe it at all.

After all, of course my family is helping my own family!

Who believes it!

Bai Su shrugged and walked towards Li.

Xiao Chunhua looked at Li with warning in her eyes.

Mr. Li lowered his head and huddled at the corner of the table.

Xiao Chunhua snorted coldly.

She had beaten Mr. Li for so many years, and Mr. Li was already afraid of her to the core, and would not dare to resist as long as she looked at her.

Even if this little bitch tried her best to ask questions, Mrs. Li would not dare to confess her.

Li lowered her head and clenched her teeth subconsciously.

Bai Su didn't ask a word.

She just lifted up Mrs. Li's sleeve and pulled up her right hand, exposing it to the public.

I saw that Li's dry and thin right arm was covered with wounds.

All kinds of injuries, some new and some old.

Especially those old wounds, each one was scarred, crossed and overlapped, making the whole arm look hideous and terrifying.

No need to say anything at all.

Anyone who is not blind can tell at a glance that these injuries are caused by being beaten over many years.

Xiao Chunhua looked blank and stepped forward to stop her sternly: "Why are you lifting my daughter-in-law's sleeves? Are you trying to ruin her reputation and let her die?"

But as soon as Xiao Chunhua pounced on him, Bai Su had already lifted up Li's left sleeve.

The left arm was actually more scarred than the right arm, twice as terrible.

There is actually a piece of flesh missing in the middle of the left arm...

Instantly, the people outside the restaurant were in an uproar.

Everyone knew that in addition to his arms, Mr. Li probably had more horrific injuries on his body, and these injuries were caused by years of beatings.

And the person who beat her must be someone who is by her side day and night.

Either her husband-in-law or her mother-in-law.

Everyone looked at Li Shi and saw that Li Shi was afraid of Xiao Chunhua, and they all understood in their hearts.

Seeing this, Xiao Chunhua became indifferent and said: "These old injuries are our family affairs and have nothing to do with today's events. You don't need to talk about useless things. If you want to prove that your sister-in-law didn't hit anyone, you have to provide evidence. If you don’t have any evidence, you either have to pay the money or you’re going to be jailed!”

Xiao Chunhua looked fierce.

Fifty thousand taels, she decided. Bai Su shook his head helplessly: "Grandma Xiao, what is that hanging on your body?"

Xiao Chunhua instinctively looked at herself.

Bai Su picked up a bunch of hair from her body and put it on Li's head.

I saw that a small piece of Li's head had been scratched off, and blood was oozing from it.

Xiao Chunhua said stiffly: "I accidentally got it, what happened?"

Bai Su nodded clearly: "I understand!"

Xiao Chunhua snorted coldly.

Bai Su took her hand and said, "Then what's between Grandma Xiao's fingers?"

I saw that there was flesh and blood embedded in the gaps between Xiao Chunhua's ten fingers, especially the fingers on her right hand were still stained with blood.

It was obviously left behind during the crazy arrest of Mr. Li just now.

"This..." Even Xiao Chunhua was at a loss for words.

Bai Su shook his head: "It can't be because you are not careful! Your daughter-in-law's flesh and blood is embedded in the gaps between your fingers, and there are ten fingers. How careless is this! It's not like your daughter-in-law is hitting you with her own body. Bar!"


Miao Zhaodi, who was originally crying, laughed.

What else do the common people who are watching the excitement not understand? This is that when a thief shouts to catch a thief, he will beat him up.

Co-author: Just now they were helping the evildoer, helping to wrongly accuse good people.

Everyone was so angry that they cursed.

"You are an old woman and you are still so vicious even at your age. You will be punished sooner or later!"

"Her daughter-in-law is not a good person either! She was kind enough to help her file a police report, but she actually helped to bite her back and almost sent her to jail. She has to pay for it."

"Isn't that a good thing? He deserves to be beaten to death!"

Everyone scolded him to relieve his anger.

At this time, the official stepped forward, grabbed Xiao Chunhua, and said sternly: "You beat someone, come with us!"

Xiao Chunhua trembled with fright, but Ran Ran said firmly: "You know who I am, but you dare to catch me, and you will risk your life, right?"

The officials were all stunned.

Based on their experience, people who are caught being so arrogant usually have someone behind them.

It's not simple yet.

"I know, I know, you are the Grand Duke's sister!" At this time, someone in the crowd outside the restaurant shouted in a high voice.

In an instant, everyone fell silent and couldn't help but look at Bai Su.

"That's right, I am the Grand Duke's sister!" Xiao Chunhua slapped her neck. A look of pride.

Hearing this, the officials couldn't help but look at Bai Su in embarrassment.

Bai Su just smiled lightly, as if waiting for a good show. (End of chapter)

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