"Tsk tsk, you have such a big face! Are you and the Duke of Guo from the same father and mother? Or are you somewhat related by blood? You actually have the nerve to go around saying that you are the Duke of Guo's sister. If the Duke of Guo calls you "Ajie", then It’s the Duke who is kind and righteous. What are you doing? You are trying to slap your nose in the face!"

"No, otherwise I could go to Jinyun Tower and cheat in the name of the Duke!"

There were strange taunts from the crowd. These were the people who had seen Xiao Chunhua acting as a demon in Jinyun Tower that day.

Just now, people in twos and threes gathered outside the restaurant.

At this glance, Xiao Chunhua was recognized.

"I saw with my own eyes that day that this old woman wanted to take away the 1.6 million taels of Jinyun Tower's belongings in the name of the Duke!"

As soon as these words came out, the unaware people were in an uproar again.

Xiao Chunhua's face turned dark.

The voices in the crowd haven't stopped yet: "Why, the drama has changed today. It has been changed to a thief shouting to catch a thief, and a rake is made to extort a huge sum of money! This extortion is not going to mean that the grand master is moving out again..."


Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, as if Xiao Chunhua was a big joke.

Xiao Chunhua's face turned dark.

The officials no longer had any scruples and were about to leave with Xiao Chunhua in their arms.

Xiao Chunhua yelled at Ms. Li: "You useless thing, why don't you tell them that I didn't hit you!"

Mrs. Li trembled and whispered: "Mother, mother-in-law didn't hit me!"

The officer wanted to take Xiao Chunhua away, but the person involved, Ms. Li, not only said she was not beaten, but also insisted not to report the crime.

Everyone involved said so, and in the end, the official had no choice but to leave.

As soon as the official left, Xiao Chunhua looked at Bai Su proudly and provocatively.

So what if she got beaten? It’s not like she’s fine!

Bai Su smiled coldly.

Xiao Chunhua grabbed Ms. Li and walked outside, pinching and beating her as she walked.

Anyway, everyone knew about it, so Xiao Chunhua beat her even more unscrupulously in front of everyone.

Li was beaten until she screamed repeatedly. But this time, no one said anything to stop it.

The common people shook their heads and watched the show.

"You deserve it!" Miao Zhaodi said coldly.

"This means that poor people must be hateful!" Liu Cuihong said.

The quarrel between Xiao Chunhua and Mr. Li delayed the opening of the restaurant.

The waiters and maids in the restaurant quickly continued preparations.

"Susu, it's all my fault for being nosy!" Miao Zhaodi blamed herself.

Liu Cuihong stepped forward: "It's not just Zhaodi, I'll take care of it too!"

"Oops!" Suddenly, Bai Su said.

"What's wrong?" Miao Zhaodi and Liu Cuihong asked hurriedly.

"I forgot to beat Mrs. Li! Didn't she say that her sister-in-law beat her? If I didn't beat her, wouldn't I be sorry for her!" Bai Su's face was filled with regret.

Miao Zhaodi: "..."

Liu Cuihong: "..."

After watching the excitement, the people simply didn't move around. They went straight into the restaurant to find a seat, sat down, ordered their dishes, and waited to eat.

With such a fuss, the restaurant's business is better than usual.

"Shopkeeper Bai, I'll order more today, can I still ride the Wolf King?" a customer asked.

Others also looked at Bai Su.

They all still want to ride. The wolf king looks so majestic when he rides!

"The Wolf King is not here today, but you can make a note of it and come back next time!" Bai Su said.

Hearing this, everyone quickly put the dishes together again, all waiting for the next time they come to ride the Wolf King.

The Black Wolf King is not in the restaurant, but in the Imperial College. (End of chapter)

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