The Black Wolf King is not in the restaurant, but in the Imperial College.

Yesterday, little Azai went to the Imperial College to report.

Lu Xiaobao said that he wanted to accompany the little boy, so he came back after giving the sermon report.

Today is the day when little Ah Zai officially goes to the Imperial Academy to attend school, and it is also the day when Lu Xiaobao comes back and returns to school.

As a result, early in the morning, the two little guys put on their Qingjin, hung the two small book bags neatly around the Black Wolf King's neck, and insisted that the Black Wolf King accompany them to the Imperial Academy.

Miao Zhaodi disagreed.

But I can't stand being spoiled by three old ladies.

So, the three old ladies personally sent the Black Wolf King and several children to the Imperial College.

"Go slowly, Xiaobao, Azai!" The three old ladies waved goodbye reluctantly.

Xiao Yijian got off the carriage, walked up to Mrs. Zhou and said dissatisfiedly: "Mother, the Imperial College is a place for studying, how could you let them bring a wolf, or a wolf king! How unbecoming!"

Mrs. Zhou waved him away impatiently: "What do you know! It's the first time for Azai to come to the Imperial College. It may be a long time before Xiaobao comes. They are so scared at such a young age. Of course, they have to bring their pets to build up their courage!"

Xiao Yijian looked at Old Mrs. Zhou in disbelief.

When he was two and a half years old, he wanted to bring a wooden sword to the Imperial Academy and have his ass beaten until the flowers bloom!

"Come on, hurry up!" Mrs. Zhou shooed him away like a fly.

Xiao Yijian: "..."

Several children came into the school, and Mrs. Qian couldn't help but said sadly: "Azai is so good, and Xiaobao has always been cheerful. This time the two children have to take the Black Wolf King with them. They must be really scared!"

Mrs. Wang directly shed tears in distress: "My poor little treasure, poor cub..."

The three old ladies looked at each other, distressed and wished they could take all the children back immediately.

Imperial College.

Garden, declination.

The Black Wolf King was standing majestically in front of the tree, raising one leg, ready to... "Everyone line up, don't crowd, don't stay too long, everyone can see up close how the Desert Wolf King goes to the toilet... ..." Lu Xiaobao stood in front of the arch and said loudly.

Behind the arch, the children lined up in a long line, following Lu Xiaobao's instructions, and lined up one by one to walk towards the Black Wolf King.

In front of the Black Wolf King stood the little Zai.

The little boy is pulling a big cloth bag.

The first child took out a crystal clear jade bracelet and said, "This is a jade bracelet passed down from my family's ancestors. It is very valuable."

The little boy took it.

The first child asked, "Can I see it?"

The little boy put the jade bracelet into the bag and nodded.

The first child happily ran to the Black Wolf King, staring straight at the Black Wolf King with a pair of big eyes, and said sincerely: "Little Wolf, you have to work hard, come on!"

Black Wolf King: "..."

The first child finished reading, followed by the second, third...

The Nth child couldn't help but ask: "Xiaobao, why doesn't the little wolf pee?"

"It must have kidney deficiency!" Xiaobao said.

"Oh!" The children suddenly realized.

Black Wolf King: "¥*&¥#!¥&......*&*"

Xiaobao whispered softly: "What kind of disease is kidney deficiency?"


After Bai Su brought a plate of dishes to the guests, she couldn't help but look at the bright sky outside.

That message should have come and worked. (End of chapter)

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