Daming Palace.

Sikong Yan looked at Emperor Xuanqing with a smile: "Your Majesty, why are you standing? Why are you sitting down?"

"Thank you, Prince!" Emperor Xuan Qing turned and walked towards the chair.

He was about to sit down.

Sikong Yan said slowly: "It's different after being an emperor for a few years. I really think of myself as an emperor!"

In an instant, Emperor Xuanqing turned pale, knelt on the ground and said hurriedly: "Prince, forgive me, Prince, forgive me!"

Sikong Yan tilted his head and stared at Emperor Xuan Qing, saying word by word: "Remember your identity, I can make you an emperor, but I can also make you worse than a pig or a dog."

"Yes, yes!" Emperor Xuanqing kowtowed repeatedly.

"Hahaha!" Sikong Yan looked at it and laughed wildly.

At this time, the old man behind the curtain waved his hand to Emperor Xuanqing.

Emperor Xuanqing kowtowed again, stood up and left quickly.

He stumbled out of the Daming Palace, but he ran too fast and fell hard to the ground.

Two passing maids hurriedly stepped forward to help him, but were thrown away by Emperor Xuanqing.

"Your Majesty?" The two maids looked at Emperor Xuan Qing worriedly.

"Get out of here, get out of here!" Emperor Xuan Qing clenched his fists and roared.

Inside the Daming Palace.

The old man also bowed to Sikong Hu and excused himself.

But when he walked to the palace gate, a man with a half mask came in. It was Sikong Yi.

The two looked at each other.

The inner hall.

Sikong Yan watched this scene amusingly.

However, Sikong Yi seemed to have not seen him and went straight to the palace.

The old man said: "Since you have come to Nanyue, you must not only assist the prince, but also protect the prince. If the prince makes any mistake, even if you die, it will not be enough."

Only then did Sikong Yi look at the old man with his cold eyes, which revealed depth.

The old man left.

Only Sikong Yi was left in the palace.

Sikong Yi knelt down and saluted Sikong Yan with an expressionless expression. Sikong Yan was leaning on the couch, glancing at him from the corner of his eye, but never let him get up.

Sikong Yi remained motionless, kneeling straight.

"I heard that there is a smelly fruit growing on an island in Beiliang. It is called Lairma. It is shaped like a water chicken head, eight or nine inches long, and has sharp thorns on the skin. When ripe, five or six petals will split. If rotten, The stench of beef contains fourteen to five pieces of large chestnut crispy white meat, which is very sweet. You can set off immediately to find it and bring it to me." Sikong Yan said slowly.

"Yes, Prince." Sikong Yi said.

Just as he was about to stand up, Sikong Yan said again: "Leave all your people to me and let Ayu accompany you."

"Yes!" Sikong Yi was wearing a mask, and his expression could not be seen at all.

Xiao Lujia Restaurant.

The busiest time at noon is over.

Bai Su had time to sit down and drink some tea.

She drank tea and tapped her fingertips on the table.

There are more than a dozen princes in the Jin Dynasty.

Although Sikong Yan was harsh to them all, he especially disliked Sikong Yi.

Because Sikong Yi is smarter and more powerful than him in every aspect.

Emperor Wu of Jin originally wanted to train these princes into tools to assist Sikong Yan in the future, especially the smartest Sikong Yi.

Therefore, Emperor Wu of Jin always assigned the most difficult tasks to Sikong Yi.

But the more this happens, the more Sikong Yan wants to mess with Sikong Yi.

Whatever is the dirtiest, the most tiring, and the most useless, let Sikong Yi do it.

For example, fruits that anyone can find.

Recently, many vendors from Beiliang have come.

Those traders brought a strange smelly fruit, and those who were lucky enough to buy it were full of praise and word of mouth.

This news spread throughout Kyoto.

She just let the news reach the palace early.

Bai Su's eyes narrowed.

If the plan is to go smoothly, Sikong Yi's pervert must not stay in Kyoto. (End of chapter)

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